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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. createMarker "onMarkerHit" getElementType killPed
  2. type="map" version="1.0.0" /> "CAMORRAbase.map" dimension="0" /> "#minplayers" value="[ 0 ]" /> "#maxplayers" value="[ 128 ]" /> "#gravity" value="[ 0.008000 ]" /> "#weather" value="[ 0 ]" /> "#time" value="12:0" /> "#locked_time" value="[ false ]" /> "#waveheight" value="[ 0 ]" /> "#gamespeed" value="[ 1 ]" /> Try #
  3. Yes this is a map code and put it on a map file.
  4. Atheros Wireless LAN Driver Try this one.
  5. ي صديق اقرا المكتوب في الرسالة ( = اول ثم اهرج ذذ
  6. iPrestege

    Pls help

    Ah,Ok Did you try it?When player trying to register add the serial to the sql table?!
  7. iPrestege

    Pls help

    Yes that's right but do you have a 'accounts' sql table?
  8. -- # Server Side addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(), function ( ) account = getPlayerAccount(source) if not isGuestAccount (account ) then local Team = getPlayerTeam ( source ) if Team then local teamName = getTeamName ( Team ) setAccountData (account, "CMGRP.team",teamName) end end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(), function ( account ) if not isGuestAccount (account ) then local Team = getPlayerTeam ( source ) if Team then local teamName = getTeamName ( Team ) setAccountData (account, "CMGRP.team",teamName) end end end ) function loadStats( _,account ) local team = getAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.team" ) setPlayerTeam (source,getTeamFromName(tostring(team))) if x and y and z then spawnPlayer(source,x,y,z + 0.5,tonumber(skin),0) setCameraTarget(source) fadeCamera(source,true,2.5) else --spawnPlayer(source,0,0,999999) --setCameraTarget(source) --fadeCamera(source,true,2.5) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),loadStats)
  9. iPrestege

    Pls help

    executeSQLQuery getPlayerSerial
  10. Unemployed = ?? Where do you create the team ?
  11. -- # Client Side GUIEditor = { checkbox = {}, staticimage = {}, edit = {}, button = {}, window = {}, label = {}, memo = {} } ventanalogin = guiCreateWindow(193, 39, 887, 694, "Panel de Login Juramento", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ventanalogin, false) top = guiCreateMemo(9, 434, 868, 250, "", false, ventanalogin) juralogo = guiCreateStaticImage(14, 26, 267, 208, ":login_panel/logo.png", false, ventanalogin) usuario = guiCreateLabel(286, 76, 147, 41, "Usuario:", false, ventanalogin) guiSetFont(usuario, "sa-header") clave = guiCreateLabel(286, 149, 192, 40, "Contraseña:", false, ventanalogin) guiSetFont(clave, "sa-header") Edit_Login = guiCreateEdit(482, 76, 159, 41, "", false, ventanalogin) Edit_Password = guiCreateEdit(483, 149, 159, 40, "", false, ventanalogin) lgnBtn = guiCreateButton(684, 86, 193, 91, "Entrar", false, ventanalogin) guiSetFont(lgnBtn, "sa-header") guiSetProperty(lgnBtn, "NormalTextColour", "FF0000FF") guardar1 = guiCreateCheckBox(651, 159, 15, 16, "", true, false, ventanalogin) guardar2 = guiCreateCheckBox(651, 86, 15, 15, "", true, false, ventanalogin) recordar = guiCreateLabel(578, 27, 172, 39, "-Recordar-", false, ventanalogin) guiSetFont(recordar, "sa-header") usuario2 = guiCreateLabel(285, 265, 192, 41, "Usuario:", false, ventanalogin) guiSetFont(usuario2, "sa-header") clave2 = guiCreateLabel(285, 340, 192, 41, "Contraseña:", false, ventanalogin) guiSetFont(clave2, "sa-header") Edit_Login2 = guiCreateEdit(482, 265, 159, 41, "", false, ventanalogin) Edin_Password2 = guiCreateEdit(482, 340, 159, 41, "", false, ventanalogin) RgsBtn = guiCreateButton(684, 275, 193, 101, "Registrarse", false, ventanalogin) guiSetFont(RgsBtn, "sa-header") showCursor(true) info = guiCreateMemo(14, 241, 267, 183, "Bienvenid@ a Juramento Freeroam.\n\nAqui Disfrutaran de Skins, Carros Reales, Carreras, Eventos, Trabajos, Zombies, Clanes, Y Mucho Mas.\n\nForo Oficial:\n[url=http://www.mtajuraclan.foroactivo.com]http://www.mtajuraclan.foroactivo.com[/url]\n\nSitio Oficial:\n[url=http://www.mtajuraclan.blogspot.com]http://www.mtajuraclan.blogspot.com[/url]", false, ventanalogin) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",lgnBtn, function ( ) local User = guiGetText ( Edit_Login ) local Password = guiGetText ( Edit_Password ) if User and Password then triggerServerEvent("onPlayerTryingToLogin",localPlayer,User,Password) end end,false ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",RgsBtn, function ( ) local RegisterUser = guiGetText ( Edit_Login2 ) local RegisterPassword = guiGetText ( Edin_Password2 ) if RegisterUser and RegisterPassword then triggerServerEvent("onPlayerTryingToRegister",localPlayer,RegisterUser,RegisterPassword) end end,false ) addEvent("PlayerLogedOnClient",true) addEventHandler("PlayerLogedOnClient",getRootElement(), function ( ) xmlFileHandler(guiCheckBoxGetSelected(guardar1)) xmlFileHandler(guiCheckBoxGetSelected(guardar2)) guiSetVisible(ventanalogin,false) showCursor(false) end ) function xmlFileHandler(gReturn) if gReturn == true then setElementData(localPlayer, "LoginAuto", true) else setElementData(localPlayer, "LoginAuto", false) end sName = "Login" xmlFileName = tostring("login_" .. sName .. ".xml") local xmlFile = xmlLoadFile(xmlFileName) if not xmlFile then xmlFile = xmlCreateFile(xmlFileName, "settings") xmlNodeSetAttribute(xmlFile, "autologin", tostring(getElementData(localPlayer, "LoginAuto"))) end xmlNodeSetAttribute(xmlFile, "autologin", tostring(getElementData(localPlayer, "LoginAuto"))) xmlNodeSetAttribute(xmlFile, "username", tostring(guiGetText(Edit_Login))) xmlNodeSetAttribute(xmlFile, "password", tostring(guiGetText(Edit_Password,password))) xmlSaveFile(xmlFile) xmlUnloadFile(xmlFile) end function XML() sName = "Login" xmlFileName = tostring("login_" .. sName .. ".xml") local xmlFile = xmlLoadFile(xmlFileName) if xmlFile then status = xmlNodeGetAttribute(xmlFile, "autologin") end if status == "true" then local username = tostring(xmlNodeGetAttribute(xmlFile, "username")) local password = tostring(xmlNodeGetAttribute(xmlFile, "password")) if username ~= "" and password ~= "" then guiCheckBoxSetSelected(guardar1,true) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(guardar2,true) guiSetText(Edit_Login,username) guiSetText(Edit_Password,password) end end end setTimer( XML,50, 1) -- # Server Side addEvent("onPlayerTryingToLogin",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerTryingToLogin",getRootElement(), function ( User,Password ) if User ~= " " or User ~= " " then if Password ~= " " or Password ~= " " then local account = getAccount ( User,Password ) if ( account ) then logIn ( source,account,Password ) triggerClientEvent(source,"PlayerLogedOnClient",source) else outputChatBox("* Check The User or Password",source) end end end end ) addEvent("onPlayerTryingToRegister",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerTryingToRegister",getRootElement(), function ( UserRegister,PasswordRegister ) if UserRegister ~= " " or UserRegister ~= " " then if PasswordRegister ~= " " or PasswordRegister ~= " " then local account = getAccount ( UserRegister ) if ( account ) then outputChatBox("* This account is already on exist",source) else addAccount ( UserRegister,PasswordRegister ) outputChatBox("* You have been register with a new account!",source) outputChatBox("* Account : "..UserRegister.." Password : "..PasswordRegister.." ",source) outputChatBox("* You can login now !",source) end end end end )
  12. iPrestege

    Pls help

    Exactly and when player trying to register next time get the 'SQL' Results and check !
  13. iPrestege

    Pls help

    You can use SQL to save the serial !
  14. Did you try to create an anonymous function for the timer ? setTimer ( function ( ) resetallcars() end ,milli, 1)
  15. يقولك جرب ثبت ام تي اي ثانية #
  16. Hmmm.. Is this script for you or not ?
  17. Will i tell you the first error fix it the 'player' Element at line 7 is not defined if the player not exist the script will stop and return end.
  18. There's no need to get the player account when the player login because the account is already defined on the event parameters : -- # Server Side addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", root, function ( _,account ) local playermoney = exports.bone_attach:isElementAttachedToBone(object[source]) local number = getAccountData(account,"number") if playermoney then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(object[source],source,1,0,0,0.1,0,0,0) end end )
  19. -- # Server Side addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(), function ( ) account = getPlayerAccount(source) if not isGuestAccount (account ) then local Skin = getElementModel(source) setAccountData (account,"CMGRP.skin",Skin ) local Health = getElementHealth ( source ) setAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.health",Health ) local Money = getPlayerMoney ( source ) setAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.money", Money ) local Armour = getPedArmor ( source ) setAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.armour", Armour ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) setAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.Xpos", x ) setAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.Ypos", y ) setAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.Zpos", z ) end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(), function ( account ) if not isGuestAccount (account ) then local Skin = getElementModel(source) setAccountData (account,"CMGRP.skin",Skin ) local Health = getElementHealth ( source ) setAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.health", Health ) local Money = getPlayerMoney ( source ) setAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.money", Money ) local Armour = getPedArmor ( source ) setAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.armour", Armour ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) setAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.Xpos", x ) setAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.Ypos", y ) setAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.Zpos", z ) end end ) function loadStats( _,account ) local skin = getAccountData (account,"CMGRP.skin" ) setTimer(setElementModel,500,1,source, skin) local health = getAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.health" ) if health then setTimer (setElementHealth, 500, 1, source, health) end local money = getAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.money" ) setPlayerMoney ( source, money ) local armour = getAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.armour" ) setTimer (setPedArmor, 500, 1, source, armour) x = getAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.Xpos" ) y = getAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.Ypos" ) z = getAccountData ( account, "CMGRP.Zpos" ) if x and y and z then spawnPlayer(source,x,y,z + 0.5,tonumber(skin),0) setCameraTarget(source) fadeCamera(source,true,2.5) else --spawnPlayer(source,0,0,999999) --setCameraTarget(source) --fadeCamera(source,true,2.5) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),loadStats) Use this one because you add more things armor , health , etc.!
  20. Oh yes forget this line edited
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