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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. No the download file function is not available now on the MTA 1.4 version !
  2. Are you trying to prevent download the file on a player device ?
  3. -- # Server Side addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if not isGuestAccount (account ) then local Skin = getElementModel(source) setAccountData (account,"CMG2.skin",Skin ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) setAccountData ( account, "CMG2.Xpos", x ) setAccountData ( account, "CMG2.Ypos", y ) setAccountData ( account, "CMG2.Zpos", z ) end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",root, function ( account ) if not isGuestAccount (account ) then local Skin = getElementModel(source) setAccountData (account,"CMG2.skin",Skin ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) setAccountData ( account, "CMG2.Xpos", x ) setAccountData ( account, "CMG2.Ypos", y ) setAccountData ( account, "CMG2.Zpos", z ) end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root, function ( _,account ) local skin = getAccountData (account,"CMG2.skin" ) local x,y,z = getAccountData ( account, "CMG2.Xpos" ),getAccountData ( account, "CMG2.Ypos" ),getAccountData ( account, "CMG2.Zpos" ) if x and y and z then spawnPlayer(source,x,y,z + 0.5,0,tonumber(skin),0) setCameraTarget(source) fadeCamera(source,true,2.5) else -- spawnPlayer(source,0,0,999999) --setCameraTarget(source) --fadeCamera(source,true,2.5) end end)
  4. Lol no am not nope you know what's the problem? The entered vehicle id it is not exist ! !
  5. Lol! You are telling me you fix the errors?Lol! ? The player is not defined and you telling me you fix the errors just go away !
  6. Oh,Fuck copy it again forget something !
  7. Will let's start with the first error ! At line '7' where is the 'player' defined at?
  8. onClientPlayerWeaponFire getElementPosition playSound3D
  9. Please use '/debugscript 3' To tell us what's the problem,error ?!
  10. 1- Try this i just output chat box after account data if the chat box work that mean the script work if not that mean the script doesn't work . 2- Maybe the data is wrong? -- # Server Side! function updatePlayersKills ( ) for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ("player") ) do local account = getPlayerAccount (player) --get there account here first if not (isGuestAccount (account)) then setAccountData(account,"Zombie Kills",getElementData(player,"Zombie Kills")) outputChatBox("* Account Data true!") end end end setTimer ( updatePlayersKills, 5000, 0 )
  11. Is this the message appear in this server only or others servers ?
  12. -- # Server Side function vehicle( ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) veh = createVehicle(449, x,y,z) end addEvent( "onClick", true ) addEventHandler("onClick", root , vehicle) -- # Client Side function triggerToServer ( ) triggerServerEvent ( "onClick", getLocalPlayer() ) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[1] , triggerToServer, false)
  13. As far as i know i suggest you to use SQL or MySql because it is the best for me .
  14. Download: Latest Multi Theft Auto resources (revision 930)
  15. انا صلحتة وبس مآلي شغل فية وش يبية / = ؟
  16. صحيح ذذ : setTimer( function ( ) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawText) end,10000,1)
  17. قبل التصحيح بعد التصحيح وتقلي صححته؟ أحيه بس خخخ add > remove
  18. عموما # انتهت مشكلة التوسترنق ي اللي تحشر اعضاء المنتدى انت < > ماشاء الله عليك تجي تساعد بنشاط وحيوية ضد الاعضاء و تسوي والخ على ايش / = ؟ Timer = setTimer ( function ( ) CountDown = CountDown - 1 end,1000,10 ) هذا كودي و يكون بـ معلوميتكـ هو قال يبي تصحيح لـ الكود حقة صلحتة لا آكثر التايمر #
  19. -- # Client Side triggerServerEvent -- # Server Side addEvent addEventHandler getElementPosition createVehicle
  20. حياكـ الله حبيبي ( =
  21. bool dxDrawText ( string text string وانت ماسويتها مسوية بدون سترنق؟ وقبل شوي عدلتة؟! وجآي تقتبس ؟! ي الله سلآم عليكمم #
  22. وين الفنشكن الخاص بالتايمر؟ + ما يحتاج تسوي تايمر ثاني بالأصل .. بسطر رقم 6 ؟ tostring تقدر تقلي ليه مستخدم -- Client Side # local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local CountDown = 10 function drawText( ) dxDrawText ( CountDown, 44, screenHeight - 43, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor ( 255, 255, 0, 255 ), 1, "pricedown" ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, drawText ) Timer = setTimer ( function ( ) CountDown = CountDown - 1 if ( CountDown == 0 ) then removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, drawText ) end end, 1000, 10 ) !
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