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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. How long the time i mean the sound play time.
  2. caa = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.14, "Choose an Arena", true) guiSetFont ( caa,guiCreateFont("fonts/font.ttf", 20 ) ) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(caa, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(caa, "center")
  3. element guiCreateFont ( string filepath[, int size=9 ] )
  4. guiCreateFont("fonts/font.ttf", 20 ) cca = ?
  5. Not tested : exports [ "scoreboard" ]:scoreboardAddColumn ( 'aWeapon' ) for _,v in next, getElementsByType ( 'player' ) do setElementData ( v,'aWeapon','N/A' ) end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin',root, function ( ) setElementData ( source,'aWeapon','N/A' ) end ) addEventHandler('onPlayerWeaponSwitch',root, function ( previousWeaponID,currentWeaponID ) local Weapon = getWeaponNameFromID ( previousWeaponID or currentWeaponID ) if Weapon then setElementData ( source,'aWeapon',Weapon or 'N/A' ) end end ) I want this too because that i give it you server side!.
  6. يعني تسوي ستوب ؟ stopResource
  7. قلت لك ضيف لـ قروب فية صلاحية تشغيل المودات ذذ كونسول ادمن اي شيء فية صلاحية ! resource.MyResourceName
  8. هذا كود عطيتة واحد قبل كم يوم ..
  9. Event : onClientGUIClick Function's : triggerServerEvent getResourceState startResource
  10. Is it hard to understand it? This isn't useful function anyone can make it . I'm done here .
  11. This isn't a useful function anyone can make it you just make a label and function with a timer? Kill me.
  12. You want to add or you're already add?
  13. Why a script ? Edit the server config file ? Mtaserver.conf line : 80-85 search for : <minclientversion></minclientversion> And set it as you want.
  14. You mean how you can create a page?
  15. iPrestege

    help again

    local Group = { { 100000 }, } addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, function ( ) if ( source == GUIEditor.staticimage[2] ) then local money = 0 if ( source == GUIEditor.staticimage[2] ) then money = Group[1][1] end if getElementData ( source or GUIEditor.staticimage[2],'AntiSpam' ) == true then outputChatBox('Wait 60 Sec!') return end if ( getPlayerMoney ( ) <= tonumber ( money ) ) then outputChatBox ( 'You Not Have Money', 255, 0, 0 ) return end triggerServerEvent('SyncSound',localPlayer) end end ) addEvent('s1',true) addEventHandler('s1',root, function ( ) if isElement ( sound ) then destroyElement ( sound ) sound = nil end sound = playSound ( "1.mp3",false ) setElementData ( GUIEditor.staticimage[2],'AntiSpam',true ) setTimer ( setElementData,60000,1,GUIEditor.staticimage[2],'AntiSpam',false ) end ) Try this.
  16. iPrestege

    help again

    addEvent('ClientSyncSound',true) addEventHandler('ClientSyncSund',root, function ( ) guiSetEnabled ( GUIEditor.staticimage[2],false ) setTimer ( guiSetEnabled,60000,1,GUIEditor.staticimage[2],true ) if isElement ( sound ) then destroyElement ( sound ) sound = nil end sound = playSound ( "1.mp3", false ) end )
  17. iPrestege

    help again

    You're welcome .
  18. تمام رفعتة بس ادخل على الصفحة يجيني تحميل ؟ جرب بـنفسك :
  19. اي بس الموقع اللي رفعتة علية مآدري وش مشكلتة اسوي حفظ ماينزل بـ الجهاز * اضغط الملف # بيشتغل ان شاء الله
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