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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. Agree with mossy vortex servers they have a good support - no lag - no high ping's - Fair Price ! Great host .
  2. local screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() expLabel = guiCreateLabel( screenWidth*912/screenWidth,screenHeight*653/screenHeight,screenWidth*410/screenWidth,screenHeight*768/screenHeight,"EXP gained: ??\nTotal EXP: ??\nLevel: Unknown",false ) Try this ><.
  3. Just noticed because it's relative use absolute resolution .And post it here .
  4. You can use : executeSQLQuery SQL Lite .
  5. local screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() xR = { } xR[1],xR[2],xR[3],xR[4] = screenWidth*0.668/screenWidth,screenHeight*0.85/screenHeight,screenWidth*0.30/screenWidth,screenHeight*5/screenHeight expLabel = guiCreateLabel( xR[1],xR[2],xR[3],xR[4],"EXP gained: ??\nTotal EXP: ??\nLevel: Unknown",true ) Try this.
  6. It works fine with me . No idea what's the problem with you.
  7. My code should work fine as far as i know.
  8. 1- Save System : Download 2- Interior : createMarker getElementType setElementInterior Event : onMarkerHit
  9. Client side will not work before the download finish .
  10. No it's for the client player only you must use : triggerServerEvent triggerClientEvent getRootElement
  11. local screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() guiCreateLabel( screenWidth*0.668/screenWidth,screenHeight*0.85/screenHeight,screenWidth*0.30/screenWidth,screenHeight*5/screenHeight,"Level: Unknown",true ) Not sure but it should work.
  12. iPrestege

    A question.

    addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart',resourceRoot, function ( ) setTimer ( function ( ) local anim = {getPedAnimation( localPlayer )} if getElementHealth ( localPlayer ) <= 20 then if not ( anim[1] == "beach" and anim[2] =="bather" ) then setPedAnimation ( localPlayer, "beach", "bather", -1, true, true, false ) end else if ( anim[1] == "beach" and anim[2] == "bather" ) then setPedAnimation( localPlayer, false) end end end,500,0 ) end ) Try this.
  13. iPrestege

    A question.

    Use a timer there's no problem if it's a client side.
  14. iPrestege

    A question.

    What's the problem if using the timer in the client side?
  15. You're welcome. P.S : Using SolidSnake's Code would be more better .
  16. Make sure it's a server side and if there's any problem use debug . local aTable = { -- ['Word'] = { 'Out put of it' }, ['bitch'] = { 'I Love You' }, } addEventHandler('onPlayerChat',root, function ( Massege ) local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor ( source ) or 255,255,255 for v in pairs ( aTable ) do if string.find ( Massege,v ) then cancelEvent ( ) outputChatBox ( ' '..getPlayerName ( source )..' : '..aTable [ v ] [ 1 ]..' ',root,r,g,b ) end end end )
  17. iPrestege

    [HELP] ACL

    Are you sure? It should work fine .
  18. What you mean by i could not? And you want it in the chat box?
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