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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. + guiGetPosition killTimer or removeEventHandler يا برستيج قصدك get مو set لا get ((=
  2. iPrestege

    I need Help

    Then i gave you the functions above make it.
  3. iPrestege

    I need Help

    Are you sure this script is yours ? Also : addEventHandler 'onClientGUIClick' triggerServerEvent math.random setTimer setVehicleHeadLightColor getPedOccupiedVehicle
  4. is this your server : mtasa:// ? I can see it then.
  5. triggerServerEvent('MyEvent',localPlayer,guiGetText ( Edit ) ) is it hard?
  6. It's server side because visible argument .
  7. function avisos ( ) outputChatBox( "[DayZ Extreme]Para ver o preço das bases e ter o nosso contato, digite /bases", getRootElement(), 0, 255, 0, true ) end setTimer( avisos, 1000, 0 )
  8. الكود كآمل؟ .. عزيزي العضو آنت في القسم الغير الصحيح / الخدمة غير متوفرة حآليآَ ..
  9. + guiGetPosition killTimer or removeEventHandler
  10. Yes it's necessary because if you click in a gui element window or anything the function will handling .
  11. + addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", myButton, closeGUI,false)
  12. Use this and try : local result, row, errmsg = dbPoll( character, -1 ) P.S : What is your language?
  13. You tried to login using community account right?
  14. local result, row, errmsg = dbPoll( character, -1 ) dbPoll = results > query or free -_-"
  15. You can't use the same variable.
  16. function Change_ ( scheck ) if not isPedInVehicle ( source ) then return outputChatBox( "#ffffff[#ff9900Userpanel#ffffff] You Must Be in a Vehicle!", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) end if getPlayerMoney ( source ) < 20000 then return outputChatBox( "#ffffff[#ff9900Userpanel#ffffff] You Don't Have Money!", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) end takePlayerMoney ( source,20000 ) local success = addVehicleUpgrade ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ), scheck ) if not ( success ) then return outputChatBox( "#ffffff[#ff9900Userpanel#ffffff] Failed to Add The Wheel.", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) end return outputChatBox( "#ffffff[#ff9900Userpanel#ffffff] #ffffffI've been Successfully buying rim", source, 255, 153, 3, true ) end addEvent("addWheel",true) addEventHandler("addWheel",root,Change_) لم يتم التجربة ..
  17. table dbPoll ( handle queryHandle, int timeout ) Required Arguments queryHandle: A query handle previously returned from dbQuery I hope you know what's the problem now .
  18. iPrestege


    Use : onResourceStop Event with : getElementsByType 'vehicle' getElementModel getVehicleHandling setVehicleHandling
  19. تستخدم للتخزين بـ اندكس معين آو آلخ لها استخدامات كثيرة منها هآللآمثلة : addCommandHandler('toJSON', function ( ) aJSON = toJSON ( { [ 'aWeapon' ] = 24 , [ 'aAmmo' ] = 999 ,[ 'aState' ] = true } ) outputChatBox( aJSON ) end ) addCommandHandler('fromJSON', function ( source ) aFromJSON = fromJSON ( aJSON ) giveWeapon ( source,aFromJSON [ 'aWeapon' ],aFromJSON [ 'aAmmo' ],aFromJSON [ 'aState' ] ) end ) -- Or This : addCommandHandler('toJSONTimer', function ( ) aJSONTimer = toJSON ( { [ 'aTimeInterval' ] = 50 , [ 'aTimesToExecute' ] = 0 } ) end ) addCommandHandler('fromJSONTimer', function ( ) aFromJSONTimer = fromJSON ( aJSONTimer ) if aFromJSONTimer then setTimer( outputChatBox,aFromJSONTimer['aTimeInterval'],aFromJSONTimer['aTimesToExecute'],'Hello' ) end end )
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