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Everything posted by Tails

  1. Press E, your mouse will turn red. It will help you select hard-to-select-objects such as the ones in the images.
  2. Tails


    Cool. Try just post a new reply saying you've fixed it and how in the future. Not trying to be an asshole or anything but I just find that it would help others if you didn't edit your posts. If everyone does that then what is the point of having an archive and search on these forums. Again, not trying to be an arse, I just hope you understand. Thanks for explaining the issue you had.
  3. Tails


    John, please don't remove your posts. It's really selfish. Tell us how you fixed the issue. It may be helpful to others.
  4. Thank you both. CEGUI has a option to disable word wrap so that's done. It also creates a horizontal scrollbar for me. Now I have another problem. Since I will be using the memo to print new lines every time, I need the memo to scroll down for me automatically. Is there any way I could set the position of the vertical scrollbar that was created automatically by the memo with guiScrollBarSetScrollPosition? I managed to make it scroll down with guiMemoSetCaretIndex but it didn't seem efficient to me to get the text every time.
  5. Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to scale a memo box automatically when resizing a window. Also is it possible to add a scrollbar at the bottom so that if the text gets too long? Like disabling wrap or something Thanks in advance
  6. Better than relative is guiGetScreenSize as it keeps the scale same. Ah, I didn't know that wasn't accounted for with the relative options in the regular GUI.
  7. Your best option is to load the code with GUIeditor again like Anubhav suggested. Then tick on all relative options for each bit, in the right-click menus. It's the easiest way unless you want to go into maths, which is not really needed for these types of GUI's. You would have to write down some mathematical formulas to change the x,y,w,h of your GUI's relative to the resolution that you made the GUI on. Read the wiki page. It says that you need numbers under 1 and have the relative argument set to 'true'.
  8. Put this client side (client.lua): addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() txd = engineLoadTXD('vehicle.txd') engineImportTXD(txd,411) dff = engineLoadDFF('vehicle.dff',411) engineReplaceModel(dff,411) end) Change 411 to the ID of the vehicle that you want to replace. Add the txd and dff file of a custom vehicle model Create meta.xml: <meta> <script src="client.lua" type="client"/> <file src="vehicle.txd"/> <file src="vehicle.dff"/> </meta>
  9. Try and take a look at the freeroam resource in your [gameplay] folder. It has a map just like you want.
  10. Cody just explained you how you can avoid that, even with 5 KB images. Cody took the effort to write down some information that could possibly fix the issue you're having and then you're telling him to shut up? That's not really how things work around here. How about an apology and some appreciation for his help?
  11. You should re-create the GUI with guieditor and tick on the relative option for each GUI made. Or perhaps you could change all false to true but I'm not sure if you need smaller numbers in the x and y and w and h for that. Read the wiki pages https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Gu ... taticImage
  12. Thank you guys. I decided that this would work better (saves time when adding new text) function dxDrawBorderedText(text, x, y, w, h, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI) local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local sw,sh = 1280,960 dxDrawText(text, x/sw*sWidth - 2, y/sh*sHeight - 2, w/sw*sWidth - 2, h/sh*sHeight - 2, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), scale/sw*sWidth, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false) dxDrawText(text, x/sw*sWidth + 2, y/sh*sHeight - 2, w/sw*sWidth + 2, h/sh*sHeight - 2, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), scale/sw*sWidth, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false) dxDrawText(text, x/sw*sWidth - 2, y/sh*sHeight + 2, w/sw*sWidth - 2, h/sh*sHeight + 2, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), scale/sw*sWidth, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false) dxDrawText(text, x/sw*sWidth + 2, y/sh*sHeight + 2, w/sw*sWidth + 2, h/sh*sHeight + 2, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), scale/sw*sWidth, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false) dxDrawText(text, x/sw*sWidth - 1, y/sh*sHeight, w/sw*sWidth - 1, h/sh*sHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), scale/sw*sWidth, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false) dxDrawText(text, x/sw*sWidth + 1, y/sh*sHeight, w/sw*sWidth + 1, h/sh*sHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), scale/sw*sWidth, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false) dxDrawText(text, x/sw*sWidth, y/sh*sHeight - 1, w/sw*sWidth, h/sh*sHeight - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), scale/sw*sWidth, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false) dxDrawText(text, x/sw*sWidth, y/sh*sHeight + 1, w/sw*sWidth, h/sh*sHeight + 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), scale/sw*sWidth, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, false) dxDrawText(text, x/sw*sWidth, y/sh*sHeight, w/sw*sWidth, h/sh*sHeight, color, scale/sw*sWidth, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI) end dxDrawBorderedText("km/h", 1089, 844, 1215, 905, tocolor(195, 195, 195, 255), 2.30, "pricedown", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) Now all I need is thicker borders, that's just a matter of changing the 1's and 2's, right? Hypex, I didn't quite get your method. I mean how to use it.
  13. It still got issues apparently! It works fine on 1280x960 and lower resolutions but when I go higher this is what happens. The size stays the same though. What's going on?
  14. Works like a charm! Thank you!
  15. I just figured it out, thanks to you guys. The text stays exactly in the same position. However there is the problem now that the text appears too big or too small depending on the resolution. How do I maintain the size on all resolutions? Is there an easy solution for that? I got 19 more lines just like the one below all with different sizes. local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local sw,sh = 1280,960 dxDrawText("km/h", 1089/sw*sWidth, 844/sh*sHeight, 1215/sw*sWidth, 905/sh*sHeight, tocolor(195, 195, 195, 255), 2.30, "pricedown", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false)
  16. In what quality are the youtube links streamed? I'd prefer 720p (it affects audio quality). Can I change a setting for that somewhere? Also is the music hearable by everyone in the server? Other than that, thanks for sharing!
  17. It's possible with Awesomium, more info here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?t=73773 and here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=74361
  18. The GUI needs to sit on a specific spot on the screen. Not in the center unfortunately. This is what I did: local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize() dxDrawText("km/h", sWidth*0.85078125, sHeight*0.8791666666666667, sWidth*0.94921875, sHeight*0.9427083333333333, tocolor(195, 195, 195, 255), 2.30, "pricedown", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) I got the numbers after I divided each 1st and 2nd parameter with 1280 and 960. Just like the instructions told me.
  19. It's a render issue. Has got to do with LODS. Move really far away from that object then go back to it, it should be gone.
  20. Oh, I forgot to mention I'm using dxDrawText. Can I use relatives for them as well?
  21. I created some GUI on a resolution of 1280x960 and then followed the instructions at: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GuiGetScreenSize I did exactly what they instructed except that I divided everything with 1280 and 960, because that's the resolution I made the GUI for. When I was done I found my text overlapping each other and slowly go off-screen with each smaller resolution. Before and after following the instructions the GUI on my default resolution(1280x960) stayed exactly the same, so I'm guessing I did it right. Any ideas? Is there any other and perhaps easier way to make my GUI fit every resolution properly? Any help is appreciated!
  22. Tails

    Server Time

    Open them with notepad
  23. Tails

    Server Time

    Like this: setTimer(function()setTime(12,0)end,50,0)
  24. They have to respawn. I guess that will work, saml1er. Thank you both
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