741 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Tails
First of, it's not 'your' thread you don't decide on it to be closed or not. You're a topic starter. It's better to leave it open if people have similar questions in the future they can find their answers in this topic and reply on it if necessary. Second, I have a mapping server of my own. What exactly is the error you are getting? Try to delete the editor_dump and editor_test folders in this directory: MTASA\server\mods\deathmatch\resources. Then restart the server or write in the console without the quotation marks: "refresh" and press enter, then write "restart editor" press enter, if it's still bugging try "restart server" again.
Currrently, 300 is the max anything higher does not make a difference.
Hmm the objects brightness seem to be glitching, going from dark to bright when I use certain tools in the editor. Sometimes they are dark just like the default object and sometimes they are brighter. Weird. I had MMC unchecked, 50p.
Both objects have the same textures applied to them. Why I would need is not really the qeustion here, but I think it just looks a lot better having them dark instead. Also the texture itself is as dark as it can be. Here's the png (feel free to use it): So as you can see now the object is in the middle is much darker than the ones around. Something must be wrong I think eventhough mine did turn darker after I did what you said but just not as dark. Thanks anyway! I'll try to figure it out
How do you mean exactly? You want me to change my objectsto a black color? They have a texture on them. I've tried to change the vertex color to 0 and illumination to 0 and still they won't turn as dark as that object in the middle.
No, the dark object in the middle is a default GTA object, the ones around it are mine. I need them to be as dark as the middle one.
Thank you, 50p. Got my objects to look darker, set the color at 10 and the illumination at 5, that's pretty dark but not dark enough. Look at the difference between the brightness of this GTA object and my own with the same texture applied: (Sorry I had take a pic of my screen otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the difference clearly.
Thank you very much! I have another question, what about the lighting? My objects all appear in fullbright even at midnight.
512x512, I've used the texture on many great objects such as the airstrips in LV, LS and SF and they'll just repeat. This object is stretching the material all over the object instead of repeating it. I just need it to repeat.
Greetings, Hope this is the right section to post this in, if not please forgive me. I just figured out how create objects in 3ds Max and export them with the help of Kam's GTA Scripts. As you can see in the screenshot below, I've got a working texture, however, the texture is too big and the sides are all stretched out and also two sides aren't visible at all. So I tried to align and resize the material in 3ds Max and it looks a lot smaller there than it looks in-game. I hope someone could help me fix this cause I have no idea. Thanks.
These aren't just maps that you see everywhere else, these are unique, original, one of a kind. These packs are designed for server owners that want something unique as opposed to the majority of DD / DM servers. No server is going to stand out if they use the maps that every other server already has. Also not every server owner has a mapper working for them and deliver this amount of maps. We have spent most of our free time making these maps, I think it's fair to say that we've spent 1000+ hours making them. They aren't just your typical maps that you see everywhere, none of these maps were rushed in any way, we've always tried to deliver high quality maps.
That's it! Thank you very much
Hello, A few months ago I had this tool that allowed me to read and copy texture names for objects in the map editor. I have been looking for this tool since yesterday but I have not found it yet. So I was wondering if any of you know where you can download this tool. Thanks in advance
https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetPickupType Hi, I wanted to know how which number I type to get the repear / nos / vehicle change pickups in race if (pickupType == 0) then Thanks in advance
Anyone know what's up ?
Hello, I was wondering if any of you could help me with this, I just added 3 new admin ranks to the acl.xml but there is a problem with setting the next map. They can change the map if they double click it but when they press on the ''Set Next Map'' button nothing happens. I'd appreciate it if you could help me fix this. Thank you "AdminLvl1"> "AdminLvl1"> "user.User1"> "AdminLvl2"> "AdminLvl2"> "user.User2"> "AdminLvl3"> "AdminLvl3"> "user.User3"> "AdminLvl1"> "general.adminpanel" access="true"> "general.tab_players" access="true"> "general.tab_resources" access="false"> "general.tab_maps" access="true"> "general.tab_server" access="false"> "general.tab_bans" access="false"> "general.tab_adminchat" access="false"> "command.unmute" access="true"> "command.mute" access="true"> "command.changemap" access="true"> "general.ModifyOtherObjects" access="false"> "general.http" access="false"> "command.start" access="false"> "command.stop" access="false"> "command.stopall" access="false"> "command.gamemode" access="true"> "command.changemode" access="true"> "command.restart" access="false"> "command.refresh" access="false"> "command.refreshall" access="false"> "command.addaccount" access="false"> "command.delaccount" access="false"> "command.debugscript" access="false"> "command.chgpass" access="false"> "command.loadmodule" access="false"> "command.upgrade" access="false"> "command.crun" access="false"> "command.srun" access="false"> "command.run" access="false"> "command.kick" access="true"> "command.ban" access="false"> "command.banip" access="false"> "command.unbanip" access="false"> "command.reloadbans" access="false"> "command.shutdown" access="false"> "command.install" access="false"> "command.aexec" access="false"> "command.whois" access="false"> "command.whowas" access="false"> "function.executeCommandHandler" access="false"> "function.setPlayerMuted" access="true"> "function.addAccount" access="false"> "function.addBan" access="false"> "function.removeBan" access="false"> "function.removeAccount" access="false"> "function.setAccountPassword" access="false"> "function.kickPlayer" access="true"> "function.banIP" access="false"> "function.banPlayer" access="false"> "function.banSerial" access="false"> "function.getBansXML" access="false"> "function.unbanIP" access="false"> "function.unbanSerial" access="false"> "function.reloadBans" access="false"> "function.getClientIP" access="false"> "function.setServerPassword" access="false"> "function.getServerPassword" access="false"> "function.callRemote" access="false"> "function.startResource" access="false"> "function.stopResource" access="false"> "function.restartResource" access="false"> "function.createResource" access="false"> "function.copyResource" access="false"> "function.addResourceMap" access="false"> "function.addResourceConfig" access="false"> "function.removeResourceFile" access="false"> "function.setResourceDefaultSetting" access="false"> "function.removeResourceDefaultSetting" access="false"> "function.redirectPlayer" access="false"> "function.aclReload" access="false"> "function.aclSave" access="false"> "function.aclCreate" access="false"> "function.aclDestroy" access="false"> "function.aclSetRight" access="false"> "function.aclRemoveRight" access="false"> "function.aclCreateGroup" access="false"> "function.aclDestroyGroup" access="false"> "function.aclGroupAddACL" access="false"> "function.aclGroupRemoveACL" access="false"> "function.aclGroupAddObject" access="false"> "function.aclGroupRemoveObject" access="false"> "function.refreshResources" access="false"> "function.setServerConfigSetting" access="false"> "function.updateResourceACLRequest" access="false"> "command.aclrequest" access="false"> "command.freeze" access="false"> "command.setnick" access="false"> "command.shout" access="false"> "command.spectate" access="false"> "command.slap" access="false"> "command.setgroup" access="false"> "command.sethealth" access="false"> "command.setarmour" access="false"> "command.setmoney" access="false"> "command.setskin" access="false"> "command.setteam" access="false"> "command.giveweapon" access="false"> "command.setstat" access="false"> "command.jetpack" access="false"> "command.warp" access="false"> "command.setdimension" access="false"> "command.setinterior" access="false"> "command.givevehicle" access="false"> "command.repair" access="false"> "command.blow" access="false"> "command.destroy" access="false"> "command.customize" access="false"> "command.setcolor" access="false"> "command.setpaintjob" access="false"> "command.listmessages" access="false"> "command.readmessage" access="false"> "command.listresources" access="false"> "command.execute" access="false"> "command.delete" access="false"> "command.setpassword" access="false"> "command.setwelcome" access="false"> "command.setgame" access="true"> "command.setweather" access="false"> "command.blendweather" access="false"> "command.setblurlevel" access="false"> "command.setwaveheight" access="false"> "command.setskygradient" access="false"> "command.setgamespeed" access="false"> "command.setgravity" access="false"> "command.settime" access="false"> "function.shutdown" access="false"> "command.setfpslimit" access="false"> "command.unban" access="false"> "command.banserial" access="false"> "command.unbanserial" access="false"> "command.listbans" access="false"> "command.stopmode" access="true"> "command.stopmap" access="true"> "command.skipmap" access="true"> "command.redo" access="true"> "command.setmap" access="false"> "AdminLvl2"> "general.adminpanel" access="true"> "general.tab_players" access="true"> "general.tab_resources" access="false"> "general.tab_maps" access="true"> "general.tab_server" access="false"> "general.tab_bans" access="true"> "general.tab_adminchat" access="false"> "command.unmute" access="true"> "command.mute" access="true"> "command.changemap" access="true"> "general.ModifyOtherObjects" access="false"> "general.http" access="false"> "command.start" access="false"> "command.stop" access="false"> "command.stopall" access="false"> "command.gamemode" access="false"> "command.changemode" access="false"> "command.stopmode" access="false"> "command.redo" access="true"> "command.stopmap" access="true"> "command.skipmap" access="true"> "command.restart" access="false"> "command.refresh" access="false"> "command.refreshall" access="false"> "command.addaccount" access="false"> "command.delaccount" access="false"> "command.debugscript" access="false"> "command.chgpass" access="false"> "command.loadmodule" access="false"> "command.upgrade" access="false"> "command.crun" access="false"> "command.srun" access="false"> "command.run" access="false"> "command.kick" access="true"> "command.ban" access="true"> "command.banip" access="true"> "command.unbanip" access="true"> "command.reloadbans" access="true"> "command.shutdown" access="false"> "command.install" access="false"> "command.aexec" access="false"> "command.whois" access="false"> "command.whowas" access="false"> "function.executeCommandHandler" access="false"> "function.setPlayerMuted" access="true"> "function.addAccount" access="false"> "function.addBan" access="true"> "function.removeBan" access="true"> "function.removeAccount" access="false"> "function.setAccountPassword" access="false"> "function.kickPlayer" access="true"> "function.banIP" access="true"> "function.banPlayer" access="true"> "function.banSerial" access="true"> "function.getBansXML" access="true"> "function.unbanIP" access="true"> "function.unbanSerial" access="true"> "function.reloadBans" access="true"> "function.getClientIP" access="false"> "function.setServerPassword" access="false"> "function.getServerPassword" access="false"> "function.callRemote" access="false"> "function.startResource" access="false"> "function.stopResource" access="false"> "function.restartResource" access="false"> "function.createResource" access="false"> "function.copyResource" access="false"> "function.addResourceMap" access="false"> "function.addResourceConfig" access="false"> "function.removeResourceFile" access="false"> "function.setResourceDefaultSetting" access="false"> "function.removeResourceDefaultSetting" access="false"> "function.redirectPlayer" access="false"> "function.aclReload" access="false"> "function.aclSave" access="false"> "function.aclCreate" access="false"> "function.aclDestroy" access="false"> "function.aclSetRight" access="false"> "function.aclRemoveRight" access="false"> "function.aclCreateGroup" access="false"> "function.aclDestroyGroup" access="false"> "function.aclGroupAddACL" access="false"> "function.aclGroupRemoveACL" access="false"> "function.aclGroupAddObject" access="false"> "function.aclGroupRemoveObject" access="false"> "function.refreshResources" access="false"> "function.setServerConfigSetting" access="false"> "function.updateResourceACLRequest" access="false"> "command.aclrequest" access="false"> "command.freeze" access="false"> "command.setnick" access="false"> "command.shout" access="true"> "command.spectate" access="false"> "command.slap" access="true"> "command.setgroup" access="false"> "command.sethealth" access="false"> "command.setarmour" access="false"> "command.setmoney" access="false"> "command.setskin" access="false"> "command.setteam" access="false"> "command.giveweapon" access="false"> "command.setstat" access="false"> "command.jetpack" access="false"> "command.warp" access="false"> "command.setdimension" access="false"> "command.setinterior" access="false"> "command.givevehicle" access="false"> "command.repair" access="false"> "command.blow" access="false"> "command.destroy" access="false"> "command.customize" access="false"> "command.setcolor" access="false"> "command.setpaintjob" access="false"> "command.listmessages" access="false"> "command.readmessage" access="false"> "command.listresources" access="false"> "command.execute" access="false"> "command.delete" access="false"> "command.setpassword" access="false"> "command.setwelcome" access="false"> "command.setgame" access="false"> "command.setmap" access="false"> "command.setweather" access="true"> "command.blendweather" access="true"> "command.setblurlevel" access="false"> "command.setwaveheight" access="false"> "command.setskygradient" access="true"> "command.setgamespeed" access="true"> "command.setgravity" access="false"> "command.settime" access="true"> "function.shutdown" access="false"> "command.setfpslimit" access="false"> "command.unban" access="true"> "command.banserial" access="true"> "command.unbanserial" access="true"> "command.listbans" access="true"> "AdminLvl3"> "general.adminpanel" access="true"> "general.tab_players" access="true"> "general.tab_resources" access="true"> "general.tab_maps" access="true"> "general.tab_server" access="true"> "general.tab_bans" access="true"> "general.tab_adminchat" access="true"> "command.unmute" access="true"> "command.mute" access="true"> "command.changemap" access="true"> "general.ModifyOtherObjects" access="false"> "general.http" access="false"> "command.start" access="true"> "command.stop" access="true"> "command.stopall" access="false"> "command.gamemode" access="true"> "command.changemode" access="true"> "command.stopmode" access="true"> "command.stopmap" access="true"> "command.skipmap" access="true"> "command.restart" access="true"> "command.refresh" access="true"> "command.refreshall" access="false"> "command.addaccount" access="false"> "command.delaccount" access="false"> "command.debugscript" access="true"> "command.chgpass" access="false"> "command.loadmodule" access="false"> "command.upgrade" access="false"> "command.crun" access="false"> "command.srun" access="false"> "command.run" access="false"> "command.kick" access="true"> "command.ban" access="true"> "command.banip" access="true"> "command.unbanip" access="true"> "command.reloadbans" access="true"> "command.shutdown" access="false"> "command.install" access="false"> "command.aexec" access="false"> "command.whois" access="false"> "command.whowas" access="false"> "function.executeCommandHandler" access="false"> "function.setPlayerMuted" access="true"> "function.addAccount" access="false"> "function.addBan" access="true"> "function.removeBan" access="true"> "function.removeAccount" access="false"> "function.setAccountPassword" access="false"> "function.kickPlayer" access="true"> "function.banIP" access="true"> "function.banPlayer" access="true"> "function.banSerial" access="true"> "function.getBansXML" access="true"> "function.unbanIP" access="true"> "function.unbanSerial" access="true"> "function.reloadBans" access="true"> "function.getClientIP" access="false"> "function.setServerPassword" access="false"> "function.getServerPassword" access="false"> "function.callRemote" access="false"> "function.startResource" access="true"> "function.stopResource" access="true"> "function.restartResource" access="true"> "function.createResource" access="false"> "function.copyResource" access="false"> "function.addResourceMap" access="false"> "function.addResourceConfig" access="false"> "function.removeResourceFile" access="false"> "function.setResourceDefaultSetting" access="true"> "function.removeResourceDefaultSetting" access="false"> "function.redirectPlayer" access="false"> "function.aclReload" access="false"> "function.aclSave" access="false"> "function.aclCreate" access="false"> "function.aclDestroy" access="false"> "function.aclSetRight" access="false"> "function.aclRemoveRight" access="false"> "function.aclCreateGroup" access="false"> "function.aclDestroyGroup" access="false"> "function.aclGroupAddACL" access="false"> "function.aclGroupRemoveACL" access="false"> "function.aclGroupAddObject" access="false"> "function.aclGroupRemoveObject" access="false"> "function.refreshResources" access="false"> "function.setServerConfigSetting" access="false"> "function.updateResourceACLRequest" access="false"> "command.aclrequest" access="false"> "command.freeze" access="true"> "command.setnick" access="true"> "command.shout" access="true"> "command.spectate" access="true"> "command.slap" access="true"> "command.setgroup" access="true"> "command.sethealth" access="true"> "command.setarmour" access="true"> "command.setmoney" access="true"> "command.setskin" access="true"> "command.setteam" access="true"> "command.giveweapon" access="true"> "command.setstat" access="false"> "command.jetpack" access="false"> "command.warp" access="true"> "command.setdimension" access="false"> "command.setinterior" access="false"> "command.givevehicle" access="true"> "command.repair" access="true"> "command.blow" access="true"> "command.destroy" access="false"> "command.customize" access="true"> "command.setcolor" access="true"> "command.setpaintjob" access="true"> "command.listmessages" access="true"> "command.readmessage" access="true"> "command.listresources" access="true"> "command.execute" access="true"> "command.delete" access="false"> "command.setpassword" access="false"> "command.setwelcome" access="false"> "command.setgame" access="true"> "command.setmap" access="true"> "command.setweather" access="true"> "command.blendweather" access="true"> "command.setblurlevel" access="false"> "command.setwaveheight" access="true"> "command.setskygradient" access="true"> "command.setgamespeed" access="true"> "command.setgravity" access="true"> "command.settime" access="true"> "function.shutdown" access="false"> "command.setfpslimit" access="false"> "command.unban" access="true"> "command.banserial" access="true"> "command.unbanserial" access="true"> "command.listbans" access="true">
I downloaded the latest copy of the resources and still got the warning. This is not my code it's the official editor code. Might it have something to do with the editor_dump or editor_test not being there? Line 9 in server is line 702 in the warning: Server: function beginTest(client,gamemodeName) if ( isEditorSaving() or isEditorOpeningResource() ) then triggerClientEvent ( client, "saveloadtest_return", client, "test", false, false, "Cannot begin test while a save or load is in progress" ) return false end local testMap = getResourceFromName(TEST_RESOURCE) if ( not mapmanager.isMap(testMap) ) then triggerClientEvent ( client, "saveloadtest_return", client, "test", false, false, "Dummy 'editor_test' resource may be corrupted!" ) return false end g_default_spawnmaponstart = get"freeroam.spawnmaponstart" g_default_spawnmapondeath = get"freeroam.spawnmapondeath" g_default_welcometextonstart = get"freeroam.welcometextonstart" resetMapInfo() setupMapSettings() disablePickups(false) gamemodeName = gamemodeName or lastTestGamemodeName if ( gamemodeName ) then lastTestGamemodeName = gamemodeName set ( "*freeroam.spawnmapondeath", "false" ) if getResourceState(freeroamRes) ~= "running" and not startResource ( freeroamRes, true ) then restoreSettings() triggerClientEvent ( root, "saveloadtest_return", client, "test", false, false, "'editor_main' may lack sufficient ACL previlages to start/stop resources! (1)" ) return false end local gamemode = getResourceFromName(gamemodeName) if getResourceState ( gamemode ) == "running" and loadedEDF[gamemode] then g_restoreEDF = gamemode addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", getResourceRootElement(gamemode), startGamemodeOnStop ) if not stopResource ( gamemode ) then restoreSettings() g_restoreEDF = nil removeEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", getResourceRootElement(gamemode), startGamemodeOnStop ) triggerClientEvent ( root, "saveloadtest_return", client, "test", false, false, "'editor_main' may lack sufficient ACL previlages to start/stop resources! (2)" ) return false end else if not mapmanager.changeGamemode(gamemode,testMap) then restoreSettings() triggerClientEvent ( root, "saveloadtest_return", client, "test", false, false, "'editor_main' may lack sufficient ACL previlages to start/stop resources! (3)" ) return false end end g_in_test = "gamemode" else if getResourceState(freeroamRes) ~= "running" and not startResource ( freeroamRes, true ) then restoreSettings() triggerClientEvent ( root, "saveloadtest_return", client, "test", false, false, "'editor_main' may lack sufficient ACL previlages to start/stop resources! (4)" ) return false end if getResourceState(testMap) ~= "running" and not startResource ( testMap, true ) then triggerClientEvent ( root, "saveloadtest_return", client, "test", false, false, "'editor_main' may lack sufficient ACL previlages to start/stop resources! (5)" ) return false end g_in_test = "map" end dumpSave() for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType"player") do setElementDimension ( player, 0 ) end setElementData ( resourceRoot, "g_in_test", true ) set ( "*freeroam.welcometextonstart", "false" ) set ( "*freeroam.spawnmaponstart", "false" ) addEvent("onPollStart") addEventHandler("onPollStart", root, function() stopTest() cancelEvent() end) end Client: addEvent ( "saveloadtest_return",true ) function openResource ( resourceName ) triggerServerEvent ( "openResource", getLocalPlayer(), resourceName ) end addEventHandler ( "saveloadtest_return", getRootElement(), function ( command, returnValue, returnValue2, reason ) reason = reason or "" if ( command ) == "open" then if ( returnValue ) then for k,vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType"vehicle") do makeVehicleStatic(vehicle) end loadedMap = returnValue editor_gui.closeLoadDialog() else editor_gui.guiShowMessageBox ( "Map resource could not be started!", "error", "Error", true ) end elseif ( command ) == "save" then if ( returnValue ) then loadedMap = returnValue2 editor_gui.closeSaveDialog() else editor_gui.guiShowMessageBox ( "Map resource could not be saved! "..reason, "error", "Error", true ) editor_gui.restoreSaveDialog() end elseif ( command ) == "quickSave" then reason = reason or "The target resource may be in .zip format or corrupted." editor_gui.guiShowMessageBox ( "Map resource could not be saved! "..reason, "error", "Error", true ) editor_gui.restoreSaveDialog() elseif ( command ) == "test" then reason = reason or "" editor_gui.guiShowMessageBox ( "Test could not be started! "..reason, "error", "Error", true ) editor_gui.stopTest() elseif ( command == "close" ) then editor_gui.closeSaveDialog() editor_gui.closeLoadDialog() end end )
[2013-01-17 18:11:44] WARNING: [managers]\mapmanager\mapmanager_main.lua:6: Bad argument @ 'setGameType' [Expected string at argument 1, got boolean] [2013-02-20 01:26:47] WARNING: [editor]\editor_main\server\saveloadtest_server.lua:702: Bad argument @ 'triggerClientEvent' [Expected string at argument 1, got nil] Any idea on how to fix those warnings? Especially the 2nd one which I suspect to be the cause of my maps to go to shit and irretrievable. It pops up everytime I start the editor.
It was working for me, I don't know you are missing a piece at the bottom function onClickBtnLogin(button,state) --При нажатии на кнопку Login if(button == "left" and state == "up") then if (source == btn_Login) then username = guiGetText(edit_Login) password = guiGetText(edit_password) if guiCheckBoxGetSelected ( checkbox_save ) == true then checksave = true else checksave should be function onClickBtnLogin(button,state) --При нажатии на кнопку Login if(button == "left" and state == "up") then if (source == btn_Login) then username = guiGetText(edit_Login) password = guiGetText(edit_password) if guiCheckBoxGetSelected ( checkbox_save ) == true then checksave = true else checksave = false end end end end
addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() txd = engineLoadTXD ( "infernus.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 411) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "infernus.dff", 411) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 411) end )
How do I change the default folder for saving maps in the Map Editor? Thanks in advance, Tails
Editor / race And thanks, I wil ltry this out.
Hi, I was wondering how I disable the spam protection ''dont repeat yourself'' etc on my server. Thanks in advance, Tails
My bad, got it fixed now thanks