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Tete omar

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Everything posted by Tete omar

  1. onClientGUIClick event is on all GUI elements even the image, not only the button, and here's how to make an image with guieditor 1- your image must be PNG 2- put your image into guieditor.zip / images 3- go to meta.xml into the zip file 4- and do like this "images/imageName.PNG"/> put this code down here if you're a new guieditor user "images/shruk.png"/> for sure example : local myImage = guiCreateStaticImage(240,20,229,261,"Msypon.PNG",false) -- create the image function Msypon() outputChatBox(" Msypon Msypon Msypon") -- out put to chat box this message end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", myImage, Msypon) -- when you click on the picture then the function will work. check it out for your self good luck
  2. Tete omar

    The sun

    obviously the sun like dxDrawImage
  3. for short you better read this shift https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction
  4. Are you asking for help or suggesting or what exactly do you want ? : \
  5. debugscript 3 الأخ عناد اشوفك كل مره تكتب وهو مبتدىء ماراح يفهم من اول مره يعني للي عنده خبره بيفهم debugscript 3 تقبل مروري البسيط عايدي هالكلمة تكتبها باف8 او بالشات زي كذا /debugscript 3 مو لازم الي يكتبها خبير يعني ...
  6. الكود شغال 100% ...
  7. التحميل www.gtagarage.com/mods/download.php?f=6426 الشرح افهمه انت , ولو فيه شي منت عارفه اعرضه هنا
  8. يعني كود الويكي خطأ ؟ الويكي عاطياك مثال يعني لو انت منت فاهم وش هالوظيفة / فنكشن تسوي , يعطيك مثال تفهم وش تسوي
  9. يقولك مبتدئ ... يعني احتمال ما يعرف وش الي تكتبه من الأفضل انك تقرا هالصفحة https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction
  10. لا شكر على واجب الله يتقبل صيامنا جميعاً
  11. أفضل حل function attachMarkerToVehicle ( theVehicle ) -- create the marker to attach local arrowMarker = createMarker ( 0, 0, 0, "arrow", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 255 ) -- attach the marker above the vehicle attachElements ( arrowMarker, theVehicle, 0, 0, 2 ) -- add an event handler for when the vehicle blows up addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExplode", theVehicle, onMarkedCarExplode ) end function onMarkedCarExplode () -- get the elements attached to the vehicle local attachedElements = getAttachedElements ( source ) -- loop through the table of elements for i,v in ipairs ( attachedElements ) do -- detach the element from the vehicle detachElements ( v, source ) end -- remove the event handler removeEventHandler ( "onVehicleExplode", source, onMarkedCarExplode ) end للمعلومية جايبها من detachElements
  12. طيب ليش يا تيوتا تسأل هنا وانا عندك في البيت !؟
  13. but the only good feature is , my laptop is too small that i can carry it wherever i want. Thanks for that, I'm gonna wait till a year if you want.
  14. من فين ؟ معليش على أسألتي الكثيرة بس أنا حاب اتعلم عايدي اسآل بس اسئلة منتقية اعرض ملف meta.xml حق السكربت هنا
  15. I would like to see it's picture, if you have a mood to take a pic or you already got it , please share it and after you buy it , tell here how you feel with this laptop because i'm going to buy a new laptop too, because the old one is so small and the performance doesn't support me to run many of applications in 1 moment, here's the devices i got Operating System: Windows 7 Starter 32-bit (6.1, Bulid 7601) System Manufacturer: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD Processor: Intel® Atom CPU N450 @ 1.66GHz (2 CPUs), ~1.7GHz Video Card: Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 3150 RAM: 250 MB Current Display Mode: 1024 x 600 ( 32 bit ) (60Hz) i got a desktop computer too , but it's already high performance than the laptop here's it's devices Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bits Intel® Processor: Intel® Core2 dou CPU E7300 @ 2.66GHz (2CPUs) Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 2 GB RAM: 3.73 GB Current Display Mode: 1366 x 768 ( 32 bit ) (60Hz) All i want, that you tell how you feel with the PC you have bought or take pic REGARDS
  16. اكيد حاط السكربت client side لازم تحطها server side
  17. طيب كيف احفظ الاشياء الي سويتها؟ ووين القاها؟ اضضغط على الششاشة الرئيسية كلك يمين ( خيارات Output Code بعدين أضضغط guiEditor بعدهآ روحح المود GUIEditor_output.txt و افتحح ملف تلقى الأكواد + وقت العمل لا , الأسهل يكتب guiprint في اف 8 او في الشات ويلاقي الكود كله وينسخه
  18. لا شكر على واجب
  19. o recommend you to get a desktop PC but this is your decision, good luck with high graphics , i mean GTA4
  20. You're welcome, i wish you happy with that but, i got a lil question , is this laptop or desktop computer ?
  21. لا أزال مني فاهم وش تقصد .؟
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