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Everything posted by =FAS=Shigawire

  1. EEhhm, how do you mean that? I dont use Events in the Gui part bullets = 0 local health = guiCreateLabel ( 0.35, 0.025, 0.5, 0.5, "Bullets shot: " .. bullets .." ", true ) bulletshit = 0 local bhit = guiCreateLabel ( 0.45, 0.025, 0.5, 0.5, "Bullets hit: " .. bulletshit .." ", true ) local hitrtio = guiCreateLabel ( 0.55, 0.025, 0.5, 0.5, "Hit Ratio: " .. bulletshit / bullets .. " ", true ) guiLabelSetColor ( health , 0, 0, 255 ) guiLabelSetColor ( bhit , 0, 144, 255 ) guiLabelSetColor ( hitrtio , 0, 144, 255 ) function bulletscheck (weapon, ammo, ammoInClip, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitElement ) bullets = bullets + 1 guiSetText ( health, "Bullets shot: " .. bullets .. "" ) --outputChatBox ("" ..getElementType(hitElement)) if getElementType(hitElement) == "player" then bulletshit = bulletshit + 1 guiSetText ( bhit, "Bullets hit: " .. bulletshit .. "" ) end guiSetText ( hitrtio, "Hit Ratio: " .. math.floor(0.5 + (bulletshit / bullets)*100) / 100 .. " " ) end addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), bulletscheck, guiLabelSetColor ( health , 0, 0, 255 )) function resetCounter () bullets = 0 bulletshit = 0 guiSetText ( health, "Bullets shot: " .. bullets .. "" ) guiSetText ( bhit, "Bullets hit: " .. bulletshit .. "" ) guiSetText ( hitrtio, "Hit Ratio: " .. math.floor(0.5 + (bulletshit / bullets)*100) / 100 .. " " ) end addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), resetCounter)
  2. I guess he doesnt know what ide files are. These files are in your GTA (not MTA) folder. they should be like *.ide Open them with a text editor and look up the right ID. But maybe Doomed is right, Map Editor would be easier
  3. omg Hankey, You are my Hero Thanks a lot. Btw, nice Zombie gamemode ;=) Uhm, black screen but first i must find out why my spawn window doesnt work Edit: its working now... I go on holidays now, back on monday. Ah, and eXo: Keep up that good work (Zombie). Maybe you should set the health of the zombies lower ^^ and the red screen, maybe its a lil bit too red
  4. But you made the welcome window, so it IS working.... but i can't figure out what i am doing wrong
  5. Im Stuck at the button part showCursor( true ) --function spawnmenu () GUIEditor_Window = {} GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Memo = {} GUIEditor_Image = {} GUIEditor_Window1 = guiCreateWindow(283,119,701,564,"SPAWN MENU",false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor_Window1,0.80000001192093) GUIEditor_Button1 = guiCreateButton(0.1084,0.1454,0.3295,0.0816,"Terrorist",true,GUIEditor_Window1) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor_Button1,1) GUIEditor_Button2 = guiCreateButton(0.1084,0.4043,0.3295,0.0816,"Counter Terrorist",true,GUIEditor_Window1) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor_Button2,1) GUIEditor_Button3 = guiCreateButton(0.1084,0.6773,0.3295,0.0816,"Hostage",true,GUIEditor_Window1) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor_Button3,1) GUIEditor_Memo1 = guiCreateMemo(0.5007,0.0727,0.4693,0.8918,"\n\n\nTerrorist:\nPlace a bomb or prevent hostage extraction\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCounter Terrorist:\nDefuse the bomb, rescure all hostages or kill all Terrorists\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHostage:\nTry to escape, but notice:\nYou are injured and you only have 10% Health.",true,GUIEditor_Window1) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor_Memo1,1) GUIEditor_Image2 = guiCreateStaticImage(0.5036,0.5071,0.465,0.1968,"images/ant.jpg",true,GUIEditor_Window1) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor_Image2,1) GUIEditor_Image3 = guiCreateStaticImage(0.5021,0.7908,0.4665,0.1755,"images/host.jpg",true,GUIEditor_Window1) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor_Image3,1) GUIEditor_Image4 = guiCreateStaticImage(0.5021,0.2234,0.4665,0.2199,"images/ter.jpg",true,GUIEditor_Window1) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor_Image4,1) --end function wnd_close() guiSetVisible( GUIEditor_Window1, false ) showCursor( false ) end addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button1, wnd_close ) --addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerJoin", getLocalPlayer(), spawnmenu ) --function spawnter () --triggerServerEvent ( "onClickTerSpawn", getLocalPlayer(), "" ) --end When pressing the button, nothing happens Debugscript: bad element pointer .. ffs
  6. I don't know Call of Duty 4. I only have got CoD2 ^^ However, i started making CS, each day 2 hours. We will add CS to our gamemodes, then the users can choose between CS and Stealth Atm, i made the Spawn screen.
  7. Hm, yes. You could be right But Stealth as the onliest FPS gamemode becomes boring TBH. Then, tell me another good idea for a gamemode
  8. Hi Comm, You can call me stupid or everything else, I want to mae a new gamemode for MTA: Counter Strike. Now i learned basic scripting with lua, many things i can copy from Stealth, but i still need help. We need: => a bomb => Buy Menu => new scoreboard ( i like that from FMJ, how did they do that?) => maps => idea of skin id for the terrorists. => Add something here => hostage rescue system. Bomb Model isnt hard to make, using 3dsMax Buy Menu: Yes, could be difficult, rebuilding a one looking like CSs' one Maps: Not difficult, needs much time hostages: creating Peds, only possible from DP3 onwards So 1. create a new team for the players, called hostage or 2. hope dp3 release isn't very far I go on holidays for a few days and make some plans Pls post also, if you think, a CS gamemode wouldnt make much sense. Then i won't spend weeks for a new gamemode
  9. Lol, i dont check that. on our server , all ppl say, the text is white. here is the code: http://mta.pastebin.com/d1a0bd6e1
  10. Hey guys, i have a problem the guiLabelSetColor doesn't work. Even the wiki example gves me an error: WARNING: XXX.lua: Bad 'gui-element' pointer@ guiLabelSetColor (1) http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=GuiLabelSetColor Is this function working on your server? IRC couldnt answer my question, too.
  11. Uhm, damn-- Sry, wrong forum, just ignore, close or delete ^^
  12. Hey Guys, FAS is looking for a good, maybe best server provider. We need a gameserver with possibility for IRCEcho, and a good working configuration for preventing DL errors and crashes. Our current server laggs to hell, and the one from OG-servers cant even have IRC. Uhm.. what more? We have TS, so its not necessary. And we can afford 100-200 Euro per year for a server, so finding a good one shouldt be a problem, but i need the experiences of other ppl who are hosting. We played CW against eM yesterday, they host at gtam.eu / gtam.info. We had server timeout 2 times....
  13. Thanks, will try that, when i finished the anti-cheat script ^^
  14. Hey Guys, FAS is looking for a good, maybe best server provider. We need a gameserver with possibility for IRCEcho, and a good working configuration for preventing DL errors and crashes. Our current server laggs to hell, and the one from OG-servers cant even have IRC. Uhm.. what more? We have TS, so its not necessary. And we can afford 100-200 Euro per year for a server, so finding a good one shouldt be a problem, but i need the experiences of other ppl who are hosting. We played CW against eM yesterday, they host at gtam.eu / gtam.info. We had server timeout 2 times....
  15. So just change the rotation of the object in the txd and dff if possible. I tried that, but it is still wrong But maybe i did it wrong inside Autodesks 3D Studio Max...
  16. its not flat without rotating . What do you mean by that? and its the original one that also gives that bug.. whatever it is
  17. The object is hanging in the air so this can ot be the problem I made a screenshot: http://www.fileshack.us/get_file.php?id ... en0010.png EDIT: uhm wrong pic, : http://www.fileshack.us/get_file.php?id ... en0011.png
  18. Hey, im working an a new design for the prox mine. nearly finished, but its wrong rotated. So I used setObjectRotation, but now the mine is as flat as a piece of paper... also if i put the rotation directly into the createObject function: function laymine(player) local posx, posy, posz = getElementPosition ( player ) local landmine = createObject ( 1510, posx, posy, posz --[[ .999--]]) setObjectRotation ( landmine, 90, 0, 3.18 ) local landminecol = createColSphere ( posx, posy, posz, 3 ) setElementData ( landminecol, "type", "alandmine" ) setElementData ( landminecol, "owner", player ) setElementData ( landmine, "type", "proximity" ) setElementParent ( landmine, landminecol ) end What could that be?
  19. Yay "InternetExplorer" wasnt someone working an a method to make a brwoser INSIDE tha game? I remember it was Ace_Gambit..? However, a real internetexplorer would make this thing awesome and attract many ppl.
  20. Yo, ATM i am working on several anti-cheat scripts. Now i try to script something against aimbots. Is it posssible to define the time between right klick (start aiming) and the headshot? I guess an aimbot only needs some miliseconds to aim at the players Head. And no player is able to aim so fast and accurat. I saw an article about time-measuring in the wiki, but i forgot how it was called. Or measuring the movementspeed of the mouse until it reaches the Object ( = Head ) Would it be possible to script something like that?
  21. Lolz. RIght. that was stupid ^^ now its the RootElement that kicks the Player ( = Console, i guess). Pls correct me if i am wrong
  22. lol, the design like iphone ^^ but first i try to query my fuck** server.. looking for that damn script since weeks
  23. Yeah.. cool let me script the Phone-Layout a GUI-WIndow?
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