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Everything posted by Leviathan

  1. Don't forget the more heavy weaponry will be in MTA:SA...and hanging out of the window will be automatically, like in the last mission. if you aim @ your side you'll sit in the car, and if you aim to the other side you'll hang out of it to reach that half. But what kind of weapons should be allowed to drive by with. only pistol classes and submachine classes? You'll never see someone drive by with a shotgun or sniper or minigun in sp (yeah ok minigun in heli, but that's no car and it is positioned on the heli)
  2. Leviathan

    Pure Pwnage

    MAD is right, only team america is fun, I can't get the subtitles working, and I have to watch without sound becouse everyone sleeps...
  3. Leviathan

    Pure Pwnage

    Then I'll first have to see the others... (doing ATM)
  4. Yeah I hope the car won't get Bam Margera as owner
  5. nope, haven't played it since I got GTASA, the 10th of June my sister has played MTAVC yesterday, becouse she doesn't have GTASA
  6. and then the car crashes and goes to the car graveyard... like all others...
  7. I don't know if pong is ever hacked... but is it cheatfree? http://staffweb.cms.gre.ac.uk/~cs39/playpong.html
  8. never done this b4, but I've did some heavy bombardments on the freeway below the building... hehehe edit: with myself ofcourse...
  9. it isn't a splinter cell conversion It's just a gamemode wich looks a lot like splinter cell MP
  10. The characters don't need to be reskinned, there will be some good npc's skins to use. and yes, darken the area some more. otherwise everything is too visible.
  11. yeah me too, I can post my clanmate's CJ's but I dunno if they want them posted. I'll ask... hehe, then the 1st fat CJ will be posted...
  12. so I CAN make an auto plugin? ok gr8
  13. A. I'm starving and losing health quickly... Q.how many parents do you have?
  14. wonder if there starts a MCDONALDS killing company soon... cock a doodle doo. OR Kentucky Fried Chickens changes name...
  15. yeah everyone has to have the searchlight smg. will it be possible to have tiny plugins that get installed clientside if the client connects? with as example jedi academy, will give you the clientside of the mod if you connect. guns aren't that big files...
  16. becouse now we were able to see his head
  17. Leviathan


    only 100 bucks for 1GB RAM
  18. Would MTA allow to use slightly modded weapons in your own gamemode mod. Becouse I was thinking about a kinda splinter cell stolen gamemode. Yes the multiplayer mode merc vs spy. When the mercs with slightly modified SMG's (only a search light added on top, when in aiming mode) versus the spies with night vision, a silenced pistol with a few bullets, not much and a knife. And various playgrounds, like madd dogs place or some other shadow place. So the only thing I wanted to know is if MTA would allow the SMG with searchlight.
  19. Leviathan


    note that windows itself allso takes a amount of your RAM, so more RAM is allways better, SA plays veary good on my 1024
  20. The police maverick has some kind of rocket distraction method The searchlight. Shine the light in the face of the rocket guy and aiming @ you would be a lot harder, unless he has the homed RL...
  21. Efteling fan? Lostprophets: Ride (from NFSU1)
  22. Leviathan

    Couple Screens

    You'd ever manage such an "impossible" stunt.
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