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Everything posted by GanJaRuleZ

  1. GanJaRuleZ


    Ehm , as far i know you must set that resource admin permissions Good luck
  2. GanJaRuleZ


    Ehm ? As far i know , you can't , because when no gamemode is loaded , than no map is loaded , so in the consquence your screen will be black .. Hope i helped
  3. Charlie_Jefferson , in caz ca nu ai observat , valhalla si-a lasat gamemode-u la vanzare. Deci nu e furat , asa ca mai taci "nici editat" , Pfai de capu tau sa stii cat o stat astia sa il faca sa mearga ca lumea , deci daca nu ai depus tu efortul , te rog frumos sa taci din gura , ca asa se cuvine Peace , sper sa nu te plangi dupa la mine , ca o sa ma doara hapt in spit.
  4. function getpos() local x,y,z = getElementPosition( source ) outputChatBox("Your position is : X ( " ..x..") , Y ( "..y.." ) , Z ( "..z.." )",source,255,0,0) end Hope this works -- Server side
  5. Why would i read something again ? Its like doing like this : functionlua1 functionlua2 functionlua3 functionlua4 ... functionlua20 Instead of for i=1,20 do lua[i] end Got it ?
  6. Actually Kenix , I readed that things pretty many times I just asked for a way of doing it , because i have no ideas in my head
  7. Kenix , i don't asked for sites where i can learn lua , i just want to know a way of doing it. If you don't understand it , please don't post
  8. GanJaRuleZ


    Hai allz , i tried to make smth , but it seems i cannot get something Here are the functions i used : function exit(thePlayer,matchingDimension) setElementData(thePlayer,"LocationTurf",none) -- I added a outputDebugString to see what it does return , it always returns another table addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave",turfC1,exit) ... function enter(thePlayer,matchingDimension,owner) setElementData(thePlayer,"LocationTurf",turf1) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", turfC1,enter) ... function lol(playerSource) local turfToAttack = getElementData(playerSource,"LocationTurf") -- Here its a debugstring . It outputs here if ( turfToAttack == turf1 ) then -- Here is the problem , it seems i can't pass it -- Here its another debugstring , it doesn't outputs here .. addCommandHandler("lol",lol) So , it's any way to see if a element data saved on a string , its equal with a string ? Thank you So , it doesn't pass there
  9. local time = 3000 -- Here put the time in miliseconds , in wich the admin will be removed : P local timesToExecute = 1 local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local accountName = getAccountName(account) aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("Admin"), "user."..accountname) outputChatBox ( "#ffff00[" ..name .. "]:#C0C0C0 Has Bought #00ff00{ Add }", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) setTimer( function () aclGroupRemoveObject(group,"user."..accountName) end , time , timesToExecute ) Just do like this
  10. But , how to make like these : I do command /switch ( switches the server ) ( Actually made it ) I want to output like this : ..Player.. went to the another server , do /switch to follow him. Now it outputs like this : ..Player.. left from server [ Quit ] So , i need to output a new message for each reason , i think i forgot to say it
  11. Hai there , i just wanna ask you if it can be done , to add/remove/modify any "quitType" from onPlayerQuit
  12. triggerEvent(arguments) or functionName(arguments)
  13. GanJaRuleZ

    some help

    Lol ? Why don't make your own ? Why ask us?
  14. Like this ? function teamGet() local team = getPlayerTeam(source) outputChatBox(team,source,255,0,0,true) end function skinGet() local skin = getElementModel(source) outputChatBox(skin,source,255,0,0,true) end addCommandHandler("team",teamGet) addCommandHandler("skin",skinGet)
  15. -.- Leave it , you don't see he is just to ... to make it ? I know it won't help , but i will help him JUST with the code he asked for addEvent ( "ListInfo", true ); addEventHandler ( "ListInfo", root, function () local name = getPlayerName(source) local plsayer = getPlayerFromName (name) local playerip = getPlayerIP ( source ) local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( source ) local accountname = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) end ) I know it's the source it's the player from this : triggerServerEvent ( 'ListInfo', localPlayer )-- i removed "player,ip,serial,account"
  16. local team = getTeamFromName("Police") checkGateMarker = createMarker ( 1588.455078125, -1638.328125, 13.391061782837, "corona", 10, 0, 0, 255, 0 ) function createGate () gatePolice = createObject ( 10558, 1588.9000244141, -1638.4000244141, 14.5, 0.000000, 0.000000, 89.000000 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource () ), createGate ) function gateCheckingTeam ( thePlayer, matchingDimension ) local pteam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if ( pteam == team ) then moveObject ( gatePolice, 3000, 1588.9000244141, -1638.4000244141, 18.5, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 ) else -- code end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", checkGateMarker, gateCheckingTeam ) function onLeave ( thePlayer, matchingDimension ) local pteam = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if ( pteam == team ) then setTimer ( movingBackPolice, 3000, 1, thePlayer ) else --code end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerLeave", checkGateMarker, onLeave ) function movingBackPolice () moveObject ( gatePolice, 3000, 1588.9000244141, -1638.4000244141, 14.5, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 ) end createBlip ( 1588.455078125, -1638.328125, 13.391061782837, 37 ) Hope i helped.
  17. Than , another way of doing it is.. ?
  18. ah , i got it , thank you
  19. addCommandHandler("r", fbir) function fbir( thePlayer,_,text ) local text = table.concat( text, " " ) local name = getPlayerName( thePlayer ) local team = getPlayerTeam if ( team == "FBI" ) then local players = getPlayersInTeam ( team ) outputChatBox ("(FBI RADIO) "..name .." says: "..text , players, 0, 0, 205, true) end end end Dear Skatchof , 1. That will output so many times , as the players in that team 2. outputChatBox doesn't needs "tostring" , it will convert it automaticly
  20. Hai allz .. Since , i got some problems with rendering of " dxDrawImage" And here are some questions .. 1. How to make a image showing just for one player. 2. How to make a certain image to be visible to a player , an another image to a another player ( The images are in the same place ) 3. How to make a certain image , showing for all players I'm asking these questions , because i develop a gamemode , and i got stuck
  21. Post your script here ?
  22. It's something from your windows configuration , try reinstalling you're windows or get what keys did you bound on that key..
  23. Meh , i don't really saw what he wanted to do , i saw that there is a syntax error , and i fixed it Anyway , i will let him from now
  24. g_base_col = createColCuboid ( 97.3376, 1800.0384, -32.0937, 250, 280, 120 ) g_root = getRootElement () --rocketOne = createMarker ( -2931.5136, 454.4492, 17.3671, "corona", 9.5, 255, 0, 0, 150 ) --test marker --rocketTwo = createMarker ( -2931.5932, 487.1994, 17.3671, "corona", 9.5, 255, 0, 0, 150 ) --test marker function hit ( pla, dim ) if getElementType ( pla ) == "player" then local vehicle = getPlayerOccupiedVehicle ( pla ) if vehicle or not vehicle then local skin = getPlayerSkin ( pla ) if ( skin == 287 or skin == 286 ) then setElementData ( pla, "inRestrictedArea", "true" ) triggerClientEvent ( pla, "destroyTrepassor", g_root, pla ) outputChatBox ( "***Restricted Area***", pla, 255, 0, 0 ) outputChatBox ( "* "..getClientName(pla).." has entered Restricted Area!", g_root, 255, 0, 0 ) setPlayerWantedLevel(pla,1) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", g_base_col, hit )
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