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Everything posted by GanJaRuleZ

  1. Again , as you saw there , i made one , i am just asking for ways. And please don't say me what to learn and what don't to learn , because i know them good. And again , as i said hundred times , please don't make these posts just for post counts , if you cannot help , just shut up . Another one ? Ty in advance..
  2. Again , sorry for double post , but this topic is getting old. So , in the end , can anybody help me ?
  3. GanJaRuleZ


    Can you specify the version in wich was working ? 1. vehicleValue isn't specified. 2. You can make like this : local team = getPlayerTeam() if isElementWithinMarker( thePlayer, fixmarker) or isElementWithinMarker( thePlayer, fixmarker2) then if ( team == "Sierra Towing Inc.") then --code else -- Here is when we get the team --code else -- Here is when we get if the player is in marker --code Hope i helped
  4. Maybe there is a way , to calculate the way of the rocket , and when it explodes , it gets if a player was in that place.. I don't know.
  5. Yes , i do. But if i could make it alone , I won't post here..
  6. I'm not going to argue .. If you cannot help , then don't post .. So , can anybody help ?..
  7. 1. Make sure "idb1" is definied.. And 2. if currentWeaponID == minigun then And get if the currentWeaponID is definied ( I wrote there minigun , but you need to add the ID.. )
  8. It seems that you didn't understood the problem. I know that , but i need to see , how to get the strings number , and remove it.. Anyway , ty
  9. Actually , i reanalyze every fixed code , to see how to fix smth , and to know how to don't make the mistake again in the future. But if you don't know , it's better to recongize , not to put pretexts like this one Whatever , I'm waiting for a fair guy Btw, if i could fix it , i woudn't posted here ..
  10. Ah , k , but can you fix it ?
  11. Ty , but now i have the following problems : 1. It outputChatBox all the words , in different sentences , maybe it is a way to make like : LOL,XDD,STF,XDA Now it's showing like this : 1LOL 2XDD 3STF 4XDA 2. I tried to make remove the words too .. But i have this problem ERROR: censore/server.lua:27: bad Argument #2 to 'remove' (number expected, got string) Code : function removeAWord(player,_,...) local text = table.concat({...}," ") if text then local removeWord = fTableFind( theCensored, text ) if removeWord then table.remove(theCensored,text) outputChatBox("Removed the word ' "..tostring(text).." from the censored words .",player,0,0,100,true) for i, v in pairs( theCensored ) do outputChatBox( tostring( i ) .. tostring( v ) ) end else outputChatBox("#990000That word doesn't exists , please do /shcl or /showcensoredlist to see the current censored words.",player,255,0,0,true) end else outputChatBox("#990000Please write at least one word.",player,255,0,0,true) end end addCommandHandler("rcw",removeAWord) addCommandHandler("removecensoreword",removeAWord) Ty for help :">
  12. Why should he use onPlayerWasted instead of onClientPlayerWasted which would be a lot easier for him. Ah , right , i forgot about that @Alex , try this script function bastardWasted() drawImage() destroyImage() end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),bastardWasted) function destroyImage() setTimer( function () removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawImage) end,1000,1) -- Change here the time .. "1000" is what you want to change. end function drawImage() dxDrawImage(Arguments here) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawImage) This code will put the image for 1 second , also you must put the arguments in dxDrawImage Don't forget to put the image in meta.xml
  13. Meh , right , sorry i cannot focus.
  14. use : setAccountPassword
  15. function loldd() if source == ButtonCancel then guiSetInputEnabled(true) guiSetVisible(windowChangepw, false) showCursor(false) end addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), loldd ) function changePw() guiSetInputEnabled(false) guiSetVisible(windowChangepw, true) showCursor(true) end addCommandHandler("changepw", changePw) screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() mainWidth = 320 mainHeight = 300 windowChangepw = guiCreateWindow(screenWidth/2-mainWidth/2,screenHeight/2-mainHeight/2,mainWidth,mainHeight,"Change Password",true) TextLabeOld = guiCreateLabel(9,40,84,18,"Old Password :",false,windowChangepw) TextLabelNewPW = guiCreateLabel(9,71,90,19,"New Password :",false,windowChangepw) editOldpw = guiCreateEdit(95,37,196,24,"",false,windowChangepw) editNewpw = guiCreateEdit(99,68,196,24,"",false,windowChangepw) ButtonChange = guiCreateButton(27,130,113,25,"Change it!",false,windowChangepw) ButtonCancel = guiCreateButton(252,130,113,25,"Cancel",false,windowChangepw) guiSetVisible(windowChangepw, false) guiWindowSetMovable(windowChangepw,false) guiWindowSetSizable(windowChangepw,false) guiLabelSetColor(TextLabeOld,150,100,0) And you have to make for yourself the changepsw function..
  16. Sure , if i know right , you have to make a server side like this : -- Server Side function lol() triggerClientEvent(source,"theBastardDied",source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),lol) And in the clientside , just use dxDrawImage , addEventHandler , and a setTimer to removeEventHandler.. Btw , don't forget to add the image in meta.xml too Good Luck.
  17. screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() mainWidth = 320 mainHeight = 300 windowChangepw = guiCreateWindow(screenWidth/2-mainWidth/2,screenHeight/2-mainHeight/2,mainWidth,mainHeight,"Change Password",true) TextLabeOld = guiCreateLabel(9,40,84,18,"Old Password :",false,windowChangepw) TextLabelNewPW = guiCreateLabel(9,71,90,19,"New Password :",false,windowChangepw) editOldpw = guiCreateEdit(95,37,196,24,"",false,windowChangepw) editNewpw = guiCreateEdit(99,68,196,24,"",false,windowChangepw) ButtonChange = guiCreateButton(27,130,113,25,"Change it!",false,windowChangepw) ButtonCancel = guiCreateButton(252,130,113,25,"Cancel",false,windowChangepw) guiSetVisible(windowChangepw, false) guiWindowSetMovable(windowChangepw,false) guiWindowSetSizable(windowChangepw,false) guiLabelSetColor(TextLabeOld,150,100,0) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", ButtonCancel, hidewindow ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", ButtonChange, Changepsw) function changePw() guiSetInputEnabled(true) guiSetVisible(windowChangepw, true) showCursor(true) end addCommandHandler("changepw", changePw) Next time use /debugscript 3
  18. Can you be more explicit ? Please.
  19. GanJaRuleZ

    homes xml

    That's called lazyness.
  20. The current "gatemaker" , saves who can move that gate via team , he asks for skin. As you see in the following example : a51gate1 = createObject ( 2929, 215.99548339844, 1875.40234375, 13.938992500305, 0, 0, 0 ) a51gate2 = createObject ( 2929, 211.94564819336, 1875.40234375, 13.938992500305, 0, 0, 0 ) a51col = createColCircle ( 213.94564819336, 1875.40234375, 13.938992500305, 7 ) function opena51gates(thePlayer) if getElementModel( thePlayer ) == 287 then moveObject (a51gate1, 5000, 218.99548339844, 1875.40234375, 13.938992500305 ) moveObject (a51gate2, 5000, 208.94564819336, 1875.40234375, 13.938992500305 ) end end addEventHandler( "onColShapeHit", a51col, opena51gates ) function closea51gates(thePlayer) if getElementModel( thePlayer ) == 287 then moveObject (a51gate1, 5000, 215.99548339844, 1875.40234375, 13.938992500305 ) moveObject (a51gate2, 5000, 211.94564819336, 1875.40234375, 13.938992500305 ) end end addEventHandler( "onColShapeLeave", a51col, closea51gates ) (Source : https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=812 ) You can make a "circle" , that when he enters there , you can check his skin , and if he has the right skin , make moveObject , if he doesn't do "return end"
  21. What do you want to say ?
  22. *facepalm* Dude , you make ur own nextmap , just trigger an event when a button is double clicked , and then simply do executeCommandHandler("nextmap",source,map) or smth like that.
  23. Sorry for double post , but , nobody knows ?
  24. GanJaRuleZ

    homes xml

    Here are some steps : 1. Get free time 2. Make the houses. 3. Don't worry , be happy
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