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Everything posted by IIYAMA

  1. or maybe I can try this... https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientHUDRender


    lol I did not saw that when I posted my reply I will try thx
  3. Well onclient render does lagg a little. I can feel it, when my hud is running. I have still the max frames, but the smooth movements are gone -_-'


    so how do I fix it? use a timer or something like that(timer arround the triggers)? or splits the script?


    I don't know what the problem is with stealth: ERROR Server triggered client side event swaptoggle, but not added clientside. MAN are there to many triggers inside stealth server side. wtf is this for shit. I get always the same errors....

    adding XML Files

    I also wanna know this. But I think it is: Table > Makes it possible to use function on things inside this table. (take all the vehicle and use at one of these the script.) row and col> first check if they exist. "row and col and" Check count of them. "~= -1 and col ~= -1" Maybe we can find it here: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html PLS I seriously need to know if what I am saying is right!! Need some profesional information!!

    spawn timer

    Because I am still learning
  8. You can better try that one of Hunterix.. Because I am not sure about my script
  9. setTimer ( black, 2000, 1) --check timer > function black. function black (player) local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) --get account if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then --check if it is admin local theVehicle = getPlayerOccupiedVehicle ( player ) -- get the vehicle if theVehicle then -- check if it does exist setVehicleColor ( theVehicle, 0, 0, 0, [0, 0, 0,] [0, 0, 0,] [0, 0, 0] ) --setcolor end end end I used the timer because in a race map, you wont enter your vehicle.. but you spawn with it. -- Maybe this... I can't test it right now (school)..... I hope it works.
  10. timer don't lagg, but I think what I did is also good. But maybe you know the game age of empire 3? Well I made a map with arround 1200 scripts and it is crashing in mutiplayer I love the game but I hate the out of sync
  11. IIYAMA

    spawn timer

    --if you use this script above mind> fucntion whatever = function whatever (I post this at the sametime as his one I am a noob scipter... pls say If I do something wrong. I write it down like this: (it can be smaller) function Wasted () -- function Wasted <<< setTimer ( Wastedtimer, 2000, 0 ) -- this is the timer and will activate the second function. end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, Wasted) -- this checks when you die. "The Wasted" activate the function Wasted. function Wastedtimer () spawnPlayer ( source, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0 ) end --[[ just fill it in. (mind all players will be spawned at one location.) Required Arguments thePlayer: The player you want to spawn. x: The x co-ordinate to spawn the player at. y: The y co-ordinate to spawn the player at. z: The z co-ordinate to spawn the player at. Optional Arguments rotation: rotation of the player on spawn. skinID: player's skin on spawn. interior: interior the player will spawn into. dimension: The ID of the dimension that the player should be in. theTeam: the team the player will join. More info about spawning: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SpawnPlayer ]]
  12. yes that is right, but this is about deactivate the gta san hud. It is not about showing up the GCC hud GCC = clan
  13. yes I saw the resource.. But I want the lagg so low as possible. So my choose is: OnClientPlayerSpawn, "gamemode" and "map"
  14. yes I know... But I don't understand the meaning of this: This event is triggered every time GTA renders a new frame. It is required for the DirectX drawing functions, and also useful for other clientside operations that have to be applied repeatedly with very short time differences between them. So If I play my mta at 70 frames, will this script activated every 70 times in a frame? It sounds terible laggy...
  15. but what is: onClientRender ??
  16. Maybe onPlayerSpawn and timer.. because there is the problem.
  17. I am using a script that dissable the normal gta hud... but when you get killed, the normal gta san hud come back somehow..
  18. Hey, I got a question: What is onClientRender ? = when you spawn you load objects? or = on join server and downloading scripts? Because I have a hud and it have sometimes a bug. You see two hud's when you die. I use onGameModeStart, ongameModeMapStart and onPlayerJoin to dissable the gta san hud. Do I need on ClientRender to?? Gamemode: Stealth. pls tell me what I need.
  19. IIYAMA


    ehm I have the error on stealth. Only this script has not been called onServerCallsClientFunction. But still it is the same error. Try your own stealth on server and you will see: Server triggered clientside event ========, but is not added clientside Like 8 of them. I need to know how I can fix spectate on stealth. (stealth script is to big to post it here.) So that is why I writed a sample.
  20. IIYAMA


    Hello I am IIYAMA I am scripting for the GCC stealth server. --server local spectators = {} local getPlayerSpectatee = {} resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) function teamstealthgamestart() killmessageRes = getResourceFromName"killmessages" call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "Score") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "kills") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "deaths") playingaround = 0 redwinsdisplay = textCreateDisplay() local redtext = textCreateTextItem ( "RED Team Wins the Match!", 0.5, 0.5, "low", 255, 0, 0, 255, 3, "center", "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( redwinsdisplay, redtext ) bluewinsdisplay = textCreateDisplay() local bluetext = textCreateTextItem ( "BLUE Team Wins the Match!", 0.5, 0.5, "low", 0, 0, 255, 255, 3, "center", "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( bluewinsdisplay, bluetext ) tiegamedisplay = textCreateDisplay() local tietext = textCreateTextItem ( "The Match was a Tie!", 0.5, 0.5, "low", 255, 255, 255, 255, 3, "center", "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( tiegamedisplay, tietext ) waitDisplay = textCreateDisplay() local waittext = textCreateTextItem ( "Wait for next round to spawn.", 0.5, 0.9, "low", 255, 255, 255, 255, 1.6, "center", "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( waitDisplay, waittext ) team1 = createTeam("RED",255,0,0) team2 = createTeam("BLUE",0,0,255) teamprotect = get("stealth.teamdamage") if teamprotect == 1 then setTeamFriendlyFire( team1, false ) setTeamFriendlyFire( team2, false ) elseif teamprotect == 0 then setTeamFriendlyFire( team1, true ) setTeamFriendlyFire( team2, true ) end setElementData ( team1, "Score", 0 ) setElementData ( team2, "Score", 0 ) teamswap = 0 local players = getElementsByType("player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do killPed(v) fadeCamera(v,true) thisplayer = v triggerClientEvent(v,"swaptoggle",getRootElement(), thisplayer, teamswap) setElementData ( v, "kills", 0 ) setElementData ( v, "deaths", 0 ) setPlayerNametagShowing ( v, false ) spectators[v] = true bindKey ( v, "F3", "down", selectTeamKey ) end --Enable laser sight setElementData(getRootElement(),"lasersight",get("stealth.lasersight")) end addEventHandler( "onGamemodeStart", resourceRoot, teamstealthgamestart ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --client addEvent("swaptoggle", true ) function swaptheteams(thisplayer, teamswap) aretheyswapped = teamswap end addEventHandler("swaptoggle", getRootElement(), swaptheteams) --or how I like top set it addEvent("swaptoggle", true ) function swaptheteams(thisplayer, teamswap) aretheyswapped = teamswap end addEventHandler("swaptoggle", getRootElement(), swaptheteams) ERROR> ERROR: Server triggered clientside event onServerCallsClientFunction, but is not added clientside I got like 8 of these errors in my server.. I still don't get it why these handlers don't work. What the hell is going on from the start, this gamemode has been made?
  21. At the moment it is the spaces as everybody can see. sample: iPipa Ft Nacheto > iPipa_Ft_Nacheto SO rename the folders!
  22. IIYAMA

    Help pls!

    Weapon stats in combination of weaponproperties does not.
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