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Everything posted by IIYAMA

  1. It is not the script! I already told you what the problem is.
  2. It is the map file. If it was the meta the map would not start at all. I saw this > obj health="588" Is this able to read for mta?
  3. + Info: Player/resource can be add with addobject. > user. resource.
  4. models/mods could be damaged. You have to find out which one cause the crash. use --[[ ]] for disable the script and do it untill you know the one/two or more. --> client script. I had same problem with a mod/model that replaced tec9.


    Because the model is not right I guess. Is this model Col + texture? Try to set this mod on another object and see if it works. Els the model does not work correcly.

    Add sound

    You know this is cliend side?

    Car spawn

    I am not a pro scripter, I am more a beginner/normal. But debugscript is a very handy tool. 1. give your self andmin. 2. write "/debug 3" for understanding all the trouble in the server. (wiki) debug * 0: Custom message 1: Error message 2: Warning message 3: Information message (default) It is also handy for testing scripts, you can use outputDebugString inside your scripts. Put it in a line that needs to be checked and call your string like that. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OutputDebugString

    Add sound

    maybe you must put it in an unzipped folder?

    Add sound

    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/PlaySound local sound = playSound("alarm.mp3") Make sure your mta sounds are ON. (settings) It does work. if (highlevel > -0.2) then outputChatBox ( "ALERT: A FLOOD IS EMERGING! WE ESTIMATE A WATER LEVEL OF "..tostring(highlevel).." meters", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0 ) local sound = playSound("alarm.mp3") else
  10. IIYAMA

    Car spawn

    Well it means the one that integrading this code did something wrong, because the code is the same... I have to remind you to use debugscript for checking the folder you put it in. I haven't seen in your reaction what whent wrong with it.
  11. IIYAMA

    Car spawn

    Man you so..... that I have to upload my script. You guys get it from here... the same script I write down on this topic. This one works other you are failing so badly to manage your scripts... 20 seconds for respawn. http://www.2shared.com/file/O1iauaZe/re ... hicle.html
  12. IIYAMA

    Car spawn

    If your script also does not work, it means that you made a mistake with putting the script inside your folder and start it. You started the script? YES folder or .zip > meta and script. NO .zip > folder > meta and script
  13. IIYAMA

    Car spawn

    well for me my script just works fine afther 20 seconds.
  14. IIYAMA

    Car spawn

    ofcourse it works, when the vehicle has been destroyed. Do you know how to use a script?
  15. It does works te same... You can't see element data as a trigger. It is just saved data. Je bedoeld dit als toevoeging? (NL) function Spawn ( thePlayer ) if getElementData(thePlayer,"invincible") then setElementAlpha(source, 0) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), Spawn )
  16. IIYAMA

    Car spawn

    ---meta-- call this "meta.xml" <meta> <info author="NONE" description="respawn" version="1" type="script" /> <script src="respawn.lua" /> </meta> --server--call this "respawn.lua" function respawn() for i,vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do toggleVehicleRespawn(vehicle, true) setVehicleRespawnDelay(vehicle, 20000) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), respawn) Put the meta and the server script inside a folder. > setVehicleRespawnDelay(vehicle, 20000) 20000 = 20 seconds for respawn.
  17. IIYAMA

    Car spawn

    I can help you. I am right now at school.... Afther school I will send you a script that can respawn these cars greets IIYAMA
  18. See this topic it may help you. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtop ... 0&p=398037
  19. Yes client side would be better. Server side will only calculate this as a hit when it is visible at server side.
  20. 1 > did you start the resource? 2 > Serverside event < it is server side just like headshot (looks like 90% at it) 3 > debugscript. Any thing? 4 > meta ???? Check it all pls, bevore you are going to say the code is wrong.
  21. That is just normal if no gamemode starts. Watch your server window for knowing what went wrong. I can't help you if you don't tell me what the problem is. Did you changed someting in your folders?
  22. The rotation will changed afther copie this object. I am not sure why, it may cause by gta it self. It will set the value to 90 degree's only when you re-rotate the object. I don't use precision rotation, I press f3* to set the rotation my self. But I use precision tool for place objects sometimes for perfect result. * I am not sure if f3 is the right button.
  23. yes In steps: 1. Make your self admin. 2. write "/stop play" in chat or "stop play" in console 3. write "/start freeroam" in chat or "start freeroam" in console -- so you can use f1 again. Need help with this? - If you want to remove vehicles in your play resource. - Change spawnpoints. - Add you maps to play resource. Feel free to pm me.
  24. I am a very good mapper, but your not clear what needs to be done.
  25. Where will SQL be saved? At wiki they say it will be saved at a "database". But do you need other software to create a database or will this database be created at the mta server?
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