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GTX last won the day on December 13 2020

GTX had the most liked content!


About GTX

  • Birthday 04/12/1998

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  • Patch Contributor


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  • Interests
    Programming, cats

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Lil' G

Lil' G (37/54)



  1. Great milestone for MTA (fun fact: if I'm not wrong, implementing custom animations required more than 3,000 lines of code! Huge props to you, Saml1er, for making this a reality). Good job to all the contributors! ??
  2. Great job! I hope the new community will be open source so we can contribute and keep the updates and feature additions frequent.
  3. Which number are you trying to change? And use debugscript to see if you get an error.
  4. You must use HTTP port (so according to default MTA configuration, it's 22005. Use the one that you put in mtaserver.conf under httpport attribute)
  5. You can bind it like so: bindKey("G", "down", "chatbox", "Global") addCommandHandler("Global", function() -- stuff end )
  6. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CallRemote There's an example (Example #2).
  7. local result, num_rows_affected = dbPoll(dbQuery(userdata_db,"SELECT * FROM masterdata WHERE username = ?",username),-1) if num_rows_affected ~= 0 then outputChatBox("#afafaf[#f9a52fSA:MP#afafaf] #f9a52fVeritabanina bir veri eklenmedi.",root,255,255,255,true) else dbExec(userdata_db,"INSERT INTO masterdata VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)",username,serial,ip,'',oyuncu) end
  8. Because dbQuery returns a handle, with which you can get data from a table using dbPoll. It waits until you use it, so if you free it, it would work. dbExec only executes query, therefore returns nothing.
  9. Use dbExec( userdata_db, "INSERT INTO masterdata VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)",username,serial,ip, '',oyuncu)
  10. Try https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementCollidableWith
  11. Edrian

    Hello dear GTX,

    I heard that you are a professional scripter, so i decide to call u so you can work on my server, you will get paid but how much do u want?

    1. GTX


      I'm sorry, I'm too busy.

    2. Edrian


      Oh no problem

  12. The animations are much faster in-game and there'll be an auto-login. I don't know, the video may had been slowed down a little.
  13. I would like to show you a glimpse of a future server I am developing - Project Beast. This is made purely with drawing functions, there is no CEF involved. More information here: https://forum.projectbea.st/topic/135-project-beast-revelation-2-login-panel-final-server-upgrade/
  14. It's useless and not worth it. If he wants to create objects client side, he can just send data from server and create them - and it's most safest way too.
  15. I didn't try with 50 players yet. I tried with 10 and it worked really good. I got bandwidth set to 2 MB. I don't think downloading 1 MB file will cause lag.
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