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Everything posted by bandi94
function check() local alive = getAlivePlayers() outputChatBox("there are: "..#alive.. " alive players") end
https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=1484 This resource will cancel the output of the message if in the masage is any obscene word , you can add more word's in the script. if you wanna a mute command to it's prity easy to add it to that resource.
I used xml , on client side , working like a charm.
getElementMatrix - will have every time the same x,y,z offset position no mather of the rotation , and after use attachElements
finaly got it to work. I optimized a bit the mapLoader , and rescripted the countDown sync logic , and now seem's to be no problem loading the map's , now i need to do same thing with the script/mp3 data send , and start sending the mp3/script's only after the player get spawn'd.
There is no such a function but you can make it with : onClientClick like Blaawee say'd onClientClick will return the screen x,y then if x>dx_x and xand y>dx_y and ythen
function follow (thePlayer) local x,y,z = getElementPosition (thePlayer) local guard = createPed (240, x, y, z) setElementData(thePlayer,"guard",guard) triggerClientEvent (thePlayer, "moveGuard", guard) end addCommandHandler ("guard", follow) function Look () if not getElementData(localPlayer,"guard") then return end setPedLookAt (getElementData(localPlayer,"guard"), getElementPosition(localPlayer)) end addEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), Look) function SetC(guard) setPedControlState (guard, "forwards", true) end addEvent("moveGuard",true) addEventHandler ("moveGuard", getRootElement(), SetC)
"setPedLookAt" - is client side and not server side.
yes i know that function , and yes i am using it to show the download , and yes i limited the bandwidth to 100kb/s (100000) , well the Loader - Client Ready sync - function's must have some bug's / not the best optimized scripting methode .. (With freeze , i don't totaly mean that the whole game freeze , i had only 1 player saying that all MTA freez'd , the other freeze is that the NextMap image won't disappear , the funny thing is that this happen when more player's download the map at the same time, 5-6 player's if there are 2 -3 player's no such problem) On the end i almost finished the ServerSide loader , i will test it today if it's working better then i will keep the ClientLoader only for Training area , if the serverSide loader will not be working how i wanna to work , then i will try to optimize the ClientLoader and let's see .
Well i already did it . For Training Area ,where every player can select on what map to play , it's working without any problem's. But in Area's like DM , when need to load the map for more player's at the same time , no more happy time's , it's acting creazy , normaly should load map+script's for every client , spawn them , etc .. Then feedback to the server that the client is ready , on server side i am checking on every 1 s all clinet's if they are done then starting CountDown. But there are time's where the nextMap image freez for some client's or some player has slow download, ... and the CountDown start's acting creazy , etc... I am trying to fix this from coupel of day's but fixing one bug , another is borning. So i say'd that's it Load the map on server side and done , CountDown sync better / faster bk don't need to check every client , etc. I have 4 race Area i will add one dim for each one and done, on training area i keep the ClientSide load bk there is not problem with it .
I am done with ClientSide objectGenerating , it's to much work and a lot of idiot bug's with sync loading, for client's some of them have just suck connection , slow download , i need to wait until all player's from a group finished the download , etc . For some of them the loading freez then it f**** up the whole waiting list/system , etc. So no more thing's like that , i will rescript the whole generating system to server side so all sync would make no more problem , but the generated object would need to be Visible/Collision enabled only for some of the player's. With the Visible part no problem there is "setElementVisibleTo" , but this function on Collision is only on client side "setElementCollidableWith" , again i will not send the object tabel to clientSide and make it there bk i will end up like with the Client side Generating. So how to make some object's created on server side non collidable for some player's ?? (dim setting is an option but in my case is not , i just can't use it bk i need all the objects in dim 0)
I get the point i am saying that is easyer / less work with direct table. That copy the whole xml line's ower and ower. local multi={} multi[en]={"hello"} multi[..]={"HELLO"} guiCreateBlabla(multi[..][1])
then lol i need to put every word in that xml file ? . Faster i put them into a table and only . table[en][2] then that long exporting function
Nice ,but still googel translate is not so good when it come's time to more that 1 word.
If both are the same side : client / server. And you don't put in front of them "local" then you can use it like it was in the same file. Functions are shared in resource files so only call it from test.lua "test( argument)" if they are both the same side. If they are not then use. triggerClientEvent
Yes something like that.
Well , in the first place a good scripted server , shouldn't crash. IF it dose in regular time , then there are script's problem. In every case , how "glowdemon1" sayd a 30 - 60 min , backup. But in a normal server 1-2 backup / day is fine bk the server shouldn't crash 5-6 time's / day. My server crash'd 1 time in one month ....
the meta.xml must be in the master folder. Then you make the subfolder's. then in meta you add
in "mtaserver.conf" on the last line is. : and change the "race" to your gamemode name
In the "meta.xml" add :
@gokalpfirat thx for the fedback i will add more camera views
This is a new gamemode under development. As far as i know , i am the first who is introducing this well known character, giving him a chance (if i am not the first then , yes i am stealing again ) in MTA after the stand alone version of it , it was very popular , and will never die , everybody remembers when this great game was on the top of the games , good year's ago. After is finished it will be a max 6 player room inside a MultiGameMode system. Hoping that the player's will love it.
That .dff 's what are you saing are "2dfx data DFF" , and ingame they are only simpel objects , so to see that efect you need to create an Object . So that will not work with "fxAddSparks" , only if you create your custom "fxAddSparks" effects using createObject. fxAddSparks is using FXP files inbuild in the game , only way to change them are shaders.