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Everything posted by MIKI785

  1. I think it's in the race_client.lua.
  2. This applies for the stats commands and !admins only. Other commands are normal cmds (/cmd in chat). The players won't be able to see these commands.. (such as pm, login, admin cmds, etc.) I don't see any problem in this.
  3. It's written there.. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GivePedJetPack
  4. Try reinstalling MTA.
  5. You can use it on the server also.. you don't have to be in console.
  6. MIKI785

    Next map

    LoL, he,s talking about the race... he didn't write it but I know it.. Go to your race folder, then go to the modes folder and you will see destructionderby.lua, edit it, replace it with the following code: DestructionDerby = setmetatable({}, RaceMode) DestructionDerby.__index = DestructionDerby mode = 1 DestructionDerby:register('Destruction derby') function DestructionDerby:isApplicable() return not RaceMode.checkpointsExist() and RaceMode.getMapOption('respawn') == 'none' or RaceMode.getMapOption('respawn') == 'timelimit' end function DestructionDerby:getPlayerRank(player) return #getActivePlayers() end -- Copy of old updateRank function DestructionDerby:updateRanks() for i,player in ipairs(g_Players) do if not isPlayerFinished(player) then local rank = self:getPlayerRank(player) if not rank or rank > 0 then setElementData(player, 'race rank', rank) end end end -- Make text look good at the start if not self.running then for i,player in ipairs(g_Players) do setElementData(player, 'race rank', '' ) setElementData(player, 'checkpoint', '' ) end end end function DestructionDerby:onPlayerWasted(player) if isActivePlayer(player) then self:handleFinishActivePlayer(player) if getActivePlayerCount() <= mode then RaceMode.endMap() else TimerManager.createTimerFor("map",player):setTimer(clientCall, 2000, 1, player, 'Spectate.start', 'auto') end end RaceMode.setPlayerIsFinished(player) showBlipsAttachedTo(player, false) end function DestructionDerby:onPlayerQuit(player) if isActivePlayer(player) then self:handleFinishActivePlayer(player) if getActivePlayerCount() <= mode then RaceMode.endMap() end end end function DestructionDerby:handleFinishActivePlayer(player) -- Update ranking board for player being removed if not self.rankingBoard then self.rankingBoard = RankingBoard:create() self.rankingBoard:setDirection( 'up', getActivePlayerCount() ) end local timePassed = self:getTimePassed() self.rankingBoard:add(player, timePassed) -- Do remove finishActivePlayer(player) -- Update ranking board if one player left local activePlayers = getActivePlayers() if #activePlayers == 1 then self.rankingBoard:add(activePlayers[1], timePassed) showMessage(getPlayerName(activePlayers[1]) .. ' je KING!', 255, 255, 0) exports.mikiserver:checkWinAndIfWinGiveWinCash(activePlayers[1]) end end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- activePlayerList stuff -- function isActivePlayer( player ) return table.find( g_CurrentRaceMode.activePlayerList, player ) end function addActivePlayer( player ) table.insertUnique( g_CurrentRaceMode.activePlayerList, player ) end function removeActivePlayer( player ) table.removevalue( g_CurrentRaceMode.activePlayerList, player ) end function finishActivePlayer( player ) table.removevalue( g_CurrentRaceMode.activePlayerList, player ) table.insertUnique( g_CurrentRaceMode.finishedPlayerList, _getPlayerName(player) ) end function getFinishedPlayerCount() return #g_CurrentRaceMode.finishedPlayerList end function getActivePlayerCount() return #g_CurrentRaceMode.activePlayerList end function getActivePlayers() return g_CurrentRaceMode.activePlayerList end function changeMode (player, command) if hasObjectPermissionTo ( player , "function.kickPlayer", false ) then if (mode == 1) then mode = 0 outputChatBox("#8ED2FFAdministrator #BDE4FF" .. getPlayerName(player) .. " #8ED2FFpovolil funkci -Vitez mapu dojizdi!- .", getRootElement(), 250,0,0, true ) else mode = 1 outputChatBox("#8ED2FFAdministrator #BDE4FF" .. getPlayerName(player) .. " #8ED2FFvypnul funkci -Vitez mapu dojizdi!- .", getRootElement(), 250,0,0, true ) end else outputChatBox("** Nemas dostatecny admin Level!!", player,250,0,0) end msg = "MODE: " outputServerLog( msg .. mode ) end addCommandHandler("mode", changeMode) addEvent("toggleMode", true) addEventHandler("toggleMode", getRootElement(), changeMode) You will have a command /mode to chagne this, if the player can finish or not.. just change the strings at the end of the code to your own language, if you know basics of the scripting you should know what is going on there
  7. If the minimal payout is 200Euros, then there is no point of supporting that method.
  8. Does that resource have acces to the kickPlayer function?
  9. MIKI785

    Entire value?

  10. Can you post more lines before that? because that else elseif column.name == "avatar" then Doesn't look so good..
  11. What's that? Paying by mobile? I searched on google and i found many pages that said that it's a scam..
  12. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=4476 It's not his work and look at the image..
  13. I think it can be done via callRemote(), or you can use MySQL database and every minute update some row which will be displaying on the web. If you don't use mysql, then I don't know I didn't think about any other way.
  14. You shoudl install debian and follow the tutorial which is here in the forum.
  15. MIKI785

    login resource

    You actually can edit the ACL while the server isonline just start runcode and type /run aclReload() Works for me I didn't know about that function My bad
  16. Because all players will see what you typed and your stats. And spam the chat. I don't think so... players don't spam this on my servers. Even when there is over 20 players, there is no spam of stats.
  17. MIKI785


    I don't fully understand you but if it's client-side the resource is started when the client join. This applies for client side scripts only.
  18. And the bank system, it will be stored using what? SQL, accountData, XML, MySQL ??? Some methods are easier, some are more difficult.
  19. So noobs won't change it and presenting it as their work.
  20. Because all players will see what you typed and your stats.
  21. MIKI785

    login resource

    You edited acl.xml when the server was online? You can't do that, this could be the problem. Edit the ACL in-game using the admin panel.
  22. + must be a "uncompiled" for edit the text position ps: good job Yep, that's problem too It doesn't have to be uncompiled, it can be done via settings. That would be useful.
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