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Everything posted by MIKI785

  1. MIKI785

    Ped function

    Such function doesn't exists. You think it's that easy? You gotta be really naive. What you're asking for are hundreds of lines of lua. You're just beginning, you're asking for every little thing here on forum and you're jumping right into this task? Think about it, it's impossible for you. Start with something much easier.
  2. Oh... My bad... function muteSounds () for i, sound in ipairs(getElementsByType("sound")) do if not sound == song then setSoundVolume(sound, 0) end end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", root, function () setTimer(muteSounds, 1000, 1) --To make sure that the sound is already playing end) OR You could simply use timer.. function muteSounds () for i, sound in ipairs(getElementsByType("sound")) do if not sound == song then setSoundVolume(sound, 0) end end end setTimer(muteSounds, 1000, 0)
  3. What? What do you exactly want?
  4. Question is if they are server or client elements. If server side, try this: for i, ped in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do if isPedDead(ped) then destroyElement(ped) end end
  5. I don't understand, what's the problem, what are you trying to achieve?
  6. You asked for the functions, he told you what you need. That's: And GUI or dx Functions for whatever action.
  7. Yep, this will mute any other sounds when the resource (map) is started.
  8. In ACL? I think that's right for resource to modify other resources. Like fileOpen, fileRead, fileWrite into other resources.
  9. Put it before any music you want to be the only one heard, that's playSound.
  10. Something like this will do the magic: for i, sound in ipairs(getElementsByType("sound")) do setSoundVolume(sound, 0) end Start your music after applying this loop.
  11. MTA's blocking CLEO... you can allow modified GTA:SA files and trainers etc... but I don't think you will be able to allow CLEO. Read this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide
  12. setElementPosition will do it, you can put it in onClientRender to make it smooth. I don't think there's any other way to speed it up.
  13. If it's client side there's argument in createExplosion to toggle damage.
  14. LOL. Nobody is going to do that for you. lua.org is Lua web site, he posted it so that you learn lua and stop posting these posts.
  15. I think that this should be in the Resources section
  16. I found a way using that function. So there's no need for shader. Thanks anyway for reply. Mods, lock please
  17. Is there any way how to attach text to vehicle (like text on doors)? And i don't mean GUI text or dxDrawText, these are not 3D. I'm talking about possibly dxDrawMaterialLine3D. I was trying it yesterday but I got nothing. It has to be possible with this function.
  18. I'm on the screenshot, yay! Anyway, good job. Looking forward to the new community
  19. If he has '#' in nick, it doesn't necesseraly mean that he has color in his nick. This should be better: addEventHandler ( "onPlayerConnect", getRootElement(),function(nick) if(string.find(nick,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x"))then cancelEvent(true,"Your name contains a ColorCode!") end end)
  20. If the player is banned, it won't trigger onPlayerJoin, he will be disconnected automatically. Btw. you're using your own ban system? Because you can't open bans.xml. use getBans.
  21. MIKI785


    Just use triggerClientEvent on the server side.
  22. Search on community for 'autoteams'
  23. Everything is not for free... just stop copying ffs and make something by yourself.
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