Hello, I created comboBox but it shows default value only, I'm adding rows without any warnings/errors but it just won't show when I click on it, it's empty, where's the problem?
local mujNick = string.gsub(getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")
seznam = guiCreateComboBox(103,38,132,25,mujNick,false,statsGui)--It's created.. with my nick.
function testPurposes(cmd, value)
outputChatBox("nuze")--It outputs
guiComboBoxAddItem( seznam, value )--Do nothing
outputChatBox("done")--Also outputs
addCommandHandler("testik", testPurposes)
It's not whole code.. I have whole GUI created in event onClientResourceStart