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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. WOW, that would make MTA one of the most popular MOD ever... Actually, MTA is the most popular mod
  2. I agree with this... MTA:Orange should be finish developing soon, and when people switch to it, there's going to be lots of scripts and maps, and we can't make the community site only for it.
  3. Jaysds1

    Scriot Stealers

    What's the source code for the luac program?
  4. Jaysds1

    Next map

    now, what is the min player amount for your map?
  5. add this to your Client script: function rotate() rot = setTimer(rotate,5000,1) x,y,z = getElementRotation(tCars[id]) setElementRotation(tCars[id],x+1,y,z) resetTimer(rot) end addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', GUIEditor_Grid[1],rotate )
  6. Jaysds1


    Here: Resource:Scoreboard
  7. When you finish running the MTADiag, did you got a generated log?
  8. anyways, I liked it. ^SAME VIDEO^
  9. Jaysds1

    Next map

    What's in your mapcycler.xml?
  10. They have a script that sets the max players, I made one just like it.
  11. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Sta ... Font_Names anyways, Instead of doing that, you could make guiCreateLabel over the dx and use it as a button, you don't have to put anything in it.
  12. Jaysds1

    Next map

    Can you post a screenshot of your mapcycler folder.
  13. Nice Idea, I never thought of that , BOT, ya, that's basically the only way right now...
  14. ok, the baggage vehicle, is very bad for sync and since your the only one playing and driving it, you can't see the difference when others see it... Can you try something else please...
  15. Is the words written using guiCreateLabel if, so, you could make the label clickable.
  16. Nice, the server must be Popular than ever
  17. Well, it depends... what are you binding?
  18. Can a mod lock and trash... there's already one here: viewtopic.php?f=105&t=41879
  19. Jaysds1

    Need Help

    Did you copy the code and put it in the same script file? of course i put it. Parts of the code is server-sided and client-sided, your going to need to add it in different files.
  20. Jaysds1

    Need Help

    Did you copy the code and put it in the same script file?
  21. Jaysds1

    Next map

    Did you add the file in the meta.xml: <script src="script.lua" type="server" />
  22. What's bad? I only removed addEvent("carSpawn",true) the rest of the code is his, I didn't want to mess up anything because it works for him, if I wanted to edit the whole code my self then I would have changed so much things... Back to what I was saying... Did you try the script?
  23. ok, Download the driver again: Here
  24. Do you have any firewalls that might block MTA?
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