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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. well, we can't make out anything for the code, we don't even know what to do with this, if you can, please post the rest of the script or you can pm and I'll edit it.
  2. Jaysds1


    lol, but you have to understand some of it, in order to do what you want to do.
  3. Jaysds1


    Cuz, he probably didn't want us to know his whole code.
  4. The description of this says: i want a pic of a famous girl
  5. If you created your own font, then it wont work on MTA. BTW, is this a script?
  6. Jaysds1


    np @DrakeN: Just give the person what they want, don't make a big fuss about it...
  7. I want a pic of Justin Beiber kissing either a guy or a dog
  8. Jaysds1


    here: function( skin, playername ) local player = getPlayerFromName(playername) if ( player ) then setElementModel(player, skin) --set the player skin to the skin they wanted outputChatBox ( "'"..getPlayerName(player).."' changed your skin to '"..tostring(skin).."'!", player, 255, 100, 70 ) --output that they have changed their skin else outputChatBox ( "Invalid Nick", player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end
  9. Closest I can Find, I want a pic of MTA House
  10. Jaysds1

    Need Help

    grid list empty but when i buy a car it show in grid list car name Can you PM me your full script please... Including your Gridlist
  11. Jaysds1

    Need Help

    The names of the cars in the guiGridList is in a different language, right?
  12. try this: hi_window = guiCreateWindow(354,252,362,272,"Haushaltsinventar",false) guiWindowSetSizable(hi_window,false) --Label hi_lbl = guiCreateLabel(34,25,305,35,"Hallo. Das ist dein Haushaltsinventar.\nVon hier aus kannst du Möbel in dein Haus platzieren.",false,hi_window) guiSetFont(hi_lbl,"default-bold-small") --Grid hi_grid = guiCreateGridList(38,69,290,157,false,hi_window) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(hi_grid,2) hinvName = guiGridListAddColumn(hi_grid,"Name",2) --Button hi_btn = guiCreateButton(90,231,186,22,"Platzieren",false,hi_window) centerWindow(hi_window) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,function(button) if(button=="left")then if(source==hi_btn)then guiSetVisible(hi_window,false) textITT() end end end,false) I know what was wrong
  13. Try this: HInv_Window = guiCreateWindow(354,252,362,272,"Haushaltsinventar",false) guiWindowSetSizable(HInv_Window,false) --Label HInv_LBL_Welcome = guiCreateLabel(34,25,305,35,"Hallo. Das ist dein Haushaltsinventar.\nVon hier aus kannst du Möbel in dein Haus platzieren.",false,HInv_Window) guiSetFont(HInv_LBL_Welcome,"default-bold-small") --Grid HInv_Grid = guiCreateGridList(38,69,290,157,false,HInv_Window) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(HInv_Grid,2) hinvName = guiGridListAddColumn(HInv_Grid,"Name",2) --Button HInv_BTN_Platzieren = guiCreateButton(90,231,186,22,"Platzieren",false,HInv_Window) centerWindow(HInv_Window) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",HInv_BTN_Platzieren,function() if(source == HInv_BTN_Platzieren)then guiSetVisible(HInv_Window,false) textITT() end end,false)
  14. Use this AMD Driver Detection: http://www2.ati.com/drivers/auto/amddri ... loader.exe It detects the drivers you need to update and I think it updates them or gives you a url to download.
  15. try these: setPlayerWantedLevel() getPlayerWantedLevel() outputChatBox() createBlipAttachedTo()
  16. like criminals? It depends on what you want?
  17. Well, MTA Script Editor shows has everything you need to make a resource/script, but needs to be updated.
  18. Well, it needs to be updated right now.
  19. Jaysds1

    Need Help

    ok, Can you post the code you currently have please.
  20. Then that would make the server crash again... and again... and again...
  21. Notepad++, You can organize your script and you can get help for some of the functions.
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