I know, You can see i quote that, I was just explaining ..
Exactly what were you explaining, i use this in my server and it works perfectly fine.
This makes every car of the model 411 get the handling
function infernus()
local veh = 411
setModelHandling(veh, "mass", 1500)
setModelHandling(veh, "turnMass", 4000)
setModelHandling(veh, "dragCoeff", 2.2)
setModelHandling(veh, "centerOfMass", { 0, 0.3, -0.15 } )
setModelHandling(veh, "percentSubmerged", 85)
setModelHandling(veh, "tractionMultiplier", 0.7)
setModelHandling(veh, "tractionLoss", 0.9)
setModelHandling(veh, "tractionBias", 0.52)
setModelHandling(veh, "numberOfGears", 5)
setModelHandling(veh, "maxVelocity", 200)
setModelHandling(veh, "engineAcceleration", 22)
setModelHandling(veh, "engineInertia", 5)
setModelHandling(veh, "driveType", "awd")
setModelHandling(veh, "engineType", "petrol")
setModelHandling(veh, "brakeDeceleration", 6)
setModelHandling(veh, "brakeBias", 0.55)
addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), infernus)
If you want it to only change for a few cars u use setVehicleHandling and the first argument is the vehicle element, you can create the vehicle in the script like veh = createVehicle(...)