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Black Dragon

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Everything posted by Black Dragon

  1. Black Dragon

    Who is Sirius

    Yeah I know the guy, nice man overall, but can be a total man-bitch sometimes.
  2. Black Dragon


    Do you mean like... Deleted your desktop computer, or deleted what's on your windows' desktop? If the former, make sure you didn't download a virus or something like that (or that your cat didn't insert the format command to command prompt and that kind of crap). If the letter, there's abso-forking-lutely no motherborking way anything in his bokanging mind to do that. I assure you. Check your recycle bin, if it's not deletead eather.
  3. Black Dragon


    Swearing is fucking cool, bitch.
  4. Hah. My three week 'springbreak' is over at sunday, and most of what I did consisted of studying for finals, and I will continue studying for about a month and a half for those damn things. I came out of the house two times all those three weeks - for a short walk, and to get books (of course, taking out the trash and those kind of things don't count). So yeah, pretty darn crappy. I feel for you.
  5. Well that ended quick enough. Locked. <3
  6. Yes I am a big nasty racist cause I think I'm smarter than all the Japanese. Hell, I think I'm smarter than EVERYTHING! I'm omniracist!
  7. My GOD! It's YOU. Still crappy English, I see; Well, I'm not one to comment about that. .. Ssssoooooooooo... How's it hangin'?
  8. So three musicians and a DJ walk into a bar...
  9. Black Dragon


    Well if you look at CJ from a certain angle he DOES resemble princess peach somewhat.
  10. Black Dragon


    Just tell your mother it's like uh.. Bumper cars! Or MarioKart™!
  11. Eh, This is an English only forum. Letting this topic live cause topic poster might change his ways and ask a proper question.
  12. Well this is becoming pretty moronic. Locked.
  13. I have a somewhat similar case. It would help if you killed off processes such as your antivirus(es), and all other background programs. As I'm writing this I have only Azureus and Firefox actively open, but 85% of my RAM is being used up at this almost idle state. I'd recommend buying more RAM. I know that's what I'm going to do next
  14. I know how to jump. I just suck at aiming :0
  15. Ha. Exactly my solution up to that last staircase thing. Problem is, I couldn't reach it, so I just scratched off the idea >__>. Well nobody'll belive me now anyways, so yeah, I suck
  16. If you havn't figured it out yet, Solide there is most obviously lying. This mod has just been somewhat awakened after a long slumber. I'm quite certain that atleast a part of it would be released eventually.
  17. Well I could make a reply of every jump. If not, then I guess frap'sing it all would be the best. Oh well
  18. I think I figured it out, and made it all the way but the last jump, which is pretty high up, so it might be not it P.S. Yes rebel, I am doing this with impact damage not 'disabled'. P.S.S What kind of evidance do you want when(if) I complete it? Cause fraps more or less lags my whole computer something drastic
  19. I don't like saving cheat'd/mod'd games, I dunno, it's just the way I am Actually I did find quite a bunch of possible yet unreachable by me places, but I can't remember none right now. By the way, I completed your second and third challanges
  20. Am I now? Well I guess you're right, there. But it does reduce all of my HP if I fall from a big heights, I do start from the beginning point if I fall down, and I can't seem to be arsed to load a game, gain tons of HP, and then die again on my first try. Edit: Another fun-ish thing to do is grab a parachute, get on a REAL tall building, set the explosions to make you fly real far, and jump the thing. Midway it will make the "flying with a parachute" animation, and with the up button held it just looks way too cool. Ofcourse it WILL make you splat nicely whenever you touch the ground, but man is it worth it.
  21. Just a small note: Kill off your armor before having your health up'd, cause if you let it up with the armor on, it will LOOK like you have tons of HP, but you really have tons of armor, which means that you WILL take falling damage, and that's annoying. Without the armor it really will up your HP, and then you won't have to worry about falling damage eather, as it's all in one meter.
  22. OMAFUKING GOD! They/you TOTTALLY stole my idea!!@!@#@!5 I really thought about doing this shizzle some long months ago, but never got to doing it and forgot about it D: Edit: I like the way that the edited weapon.dat does nothing and the custom savegames crash GTA Edit2: Well I got both things working now(I blame my mindsucking headache on this one ), but wouldn't it be easier to just grab a trainer that REGULATES your health? Like set it to always be 999999999 or something? I don't think that any explosion, no matter how big, would instantly reduce that bunch of health..
  23. Unless you work at a company that provides payment for all that.
  24. At three tries he probably does drive like that
  25. Three whole tries? And you dare to call yourself a man? .. I mean.. CONGRATULATIONS WHOO
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