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Black Dragon

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Everything posted by Black Dragon

  1. Let me put this in terms everybody can understand to avoid further confusion such as this. You CAN import textures, models, and collision files to MTA. This is done on the fly, which means that you download all the files a resource might need from the server once it is started, and everybody in the server would see the custom models, textures, collisions. Is this clear enough?
  2. I got uh... the round one. It's silver, yeah. I think you can play snake on it.
  3. Wow, great idea, no one else could have thought of that! P.S. Click me
  4. Wow five whole bucks? That could feed a family in Malasuillia for a month!
  5. I think they're gonna keep his origins vague, just so there wouldn't be people asking like "why is he of this nationality, and not of that one?"
  6. Dude, Rob, since when is your waiting time reversely proportionate to the release time of DM? Seriously, that fact that you've been waiting says nothing about it's release time and shizzle. If we say there's going to be a beta soon, there's going to be a beta soon.
  7. You can't bump a stickied topic, you know. That's the whole deal with stickies. They stick on top.
  8. I just checked it. It seems that the DM client sends up to two kb/s (depending on what you're doing). I can't tell exactly how much the client receives, because it depends on how many players there are in, but with four people in a server, it receives about 3 kb/s. Also, can't tell server stats for the simple fact that I don't have it. This is, of course, based on my personal observations. You'll have to wait for a dev to tell you the exact numbers.
  9. What's wrong with dual booting? I see it much more plausible for the common user. I, for example, only have 1 gig of RAM on this machine.
  10. If R* wouldn't have been okay with people modding their game I doubt they would've let major sites like gtamodding, gtaforums or even planetgta, which is ran by people who get paid for, (exploitation to the max!!11) to keep running for so long.
  11. Why thank you Rob; shall your kin be as numerous as the stars in the nights' skies.
  12. Then Rockstar would be in need of a new HQ.
  13. Pretty soon? Is it mid 2008 already? Better change the clocks, then!
  14. Dude. How about waiting until IVs released?
  15. A: BEST SITE EVER. Although, people who cannot stop fapping to animal penis on their own deserve "Prevents you from making your life's dream come true". Lulz. Q: I has no question rite nao. Plox leave a message after the poop.
  16. A: Brophy needs to WOMAN DOWN. Q: Anyone wants to see scans of my boobies?
  17. A: Knights Online sucked since two years ago omagad Q: Rob has the sniffles in that pic. True/false?
  18. A: Garfield go back to bed. Q: What happens when an unstoppable force hits an unmovable object?
  19. A: No! I shall not be joyous until your presence has been completely eliminated from the face of the earth! Q: Amirite, lol?
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