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Black Dragon

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Everything posted by Black Dragon

  1. What the hell are you talking about Jani? Trust?! Hell, you fucked up MySpace with hax (or not. You still fucked it up), if I were a programmer I'd try to shoot you dead, not even speaking about giving you a precious piece of software.
  2. Topic locked as requested from thread starter.
  3. A: Because he like pie. Q: Or should the appropriate answer happen to be associated with ham?
  4. A: No, not really >__> Q: Woot! Avatars! Question?
  5. A: Sex is overated; Q: Although, how would I know?
  6. A: Well I dunno.. Havn't heard news of it for liek, ten years, so the younger moro- Err- People that havn't listened to news at the time, wouldn't know. Q: Isn't the whole ozone layer hole buisness WEST of australia anyway?
  7. A: I actually had two other sigs, so I was just asking. Q: So should I?
  8. Welcome to the internet. Anyways, the shotgun in GTA3 is anything but overpowered. Against the other choice weapons (Not the pistol) it's quite damned balanced. People use it more often probably because they're used to from playing the VC MTA. Here's a tip- with that added jump you can even dodge a shutgun while being on the ground, so quit whining about instakill. Instead of saying how lame it is, learn how to use it, as well as other weapons.
  9. A: Now that I think about it, yeah I think I did.. Q: Should I make a new sig after christmas?
  10. A: Repent haretic. Q: I have a christmasy sig, the same one I used in 2004. Weren't I leet?
  11. A: A lot of things! Ex. 'V= ~340' or 'V= ~680/2' Or even *ghasp* 'the distance that a "sound"(Will not describe soundwaves now >_>) makes in one second'. Q: Amazing, isn't it?
  12. If I would have said that it was a meteor you'd go all "OMAGAD BUT THEY SAID COMET LOLOLO YOU'RE NOT FOLLOWING THE SUBJECT"; Well, at least that what my English teacher would say. So there.
  13. There was this neat comet taken on film which was said about the size of a car. Was seen 'round australia. Plus the comet couldn't get 'im, as it vaporized into the atmosphere whole anyways.. Actually it could have, if he were getting to australia via tactical aircraft and very unlukcy
  14. A: Emo, yes; Rock, no. Q: YOUR TASTE OF MUSICSUX0RXZ TEH DONK3Y BAVVLS! Question?
  15. HOLY SHIT VASS HAS STOLEN MY TURN!1!111 So I just do two now. A: Just reach around and grab at it, babe Q: Should I go to the toilet now? A: YO MOM! Q: AMIRITE LOLOLOLO?
  16. A: In my pants. Q: I don't really have a question, so should I skip this part?
  17. A: Droopy Q: A train starts driving from location A to location B at the increasing velocity of 10m/s^2, the track's friksion is 0.4 and the air frikshion is 0.02 (Hehe). It is known that the train makes no turns and never stops till it hits the location B marker. What's the distance between location A and location B if the train reaches location B 10 minutes after it's departion from location A?
  18. First place goes to GTA3, second goes to SA, third to VC.
  19. So now they're too dumb to do both at the same time. Good job. Oh and by the way, such obvious flaming is clearly against the rules that you have agreed apon when entering the forum, so you can't really higher your voice over this one. G'day.
  20. Oh shi- Got me on that one, good job
  21. A: Jes, because people are whores liek that, and don't understand the true spirit of spam. Q: Amirite?
  22. It indicates if your balls are infected with something. Green = AIDS; Yellow = Herpes; Grey means that they're just dirty.
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