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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. -- load JSON from file function loadJSONData( filename ) local file = fileOpen( filename, true ) or fileCreate( filename ) local str = fileRead( file, fileGetSize( file ) or 0 ) local t = fromJSON( str ) or {resolution = {}} fileClose( file ) return t end
  2. lol mysequel. It's said like this "MYE-ESS-KYU-ELL" MySQL goodtut
  3. For Loop Optimization Access to external locals (that is, variables that are local to an enclosing function) is not as fast as access to local variables, but it is still faster than access to globals. The following code: for i = 1, 1000000 do x = x + math.sqrt(i) end Can be optimized to: local math.sqrt = math.sqrt for i = 1, 1000000 do x = x + math.sqrt(i) end Object Behavior from OOP You can use object behavior from Object Oriented Programming inside LUA too using tables. Consider using this: AnObject = {}; AnObject.AFunction = function () print"I am an object yeppie!" end AnObject.AFunction(); --Which call the AFunction inside AnObject class. WTF? This isn't class, this is just a function inside a table! You cant do AnObject:AFunction(...) can you? That is what OOP is! Sorry but this tutorial is innacurate
  4. you are doing something wrong. the code looks fine to me
  5. qaisjp

    car mod?

    english. http://mta.dzek.eu/vehicle/
  6. God, yet another login system. This community has enough login panels. Whatever the code, use indentation (its called indentation, not tabulation -.-) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/indent http://www.thefreedictionary.com/indentation http://www.thefreedictionary.com/tabulation
  7. Good job! What is the draw lights checkbox for (in the preview only the top right portion is changed, perhaps show only that section, and not the entire thing?)
  8. Can you create a tutorial, that explains and tells you how to set it all up and with an example to do something small (kill all the players in the server and tell them that they died)
  9. Is this using the vehicle light natives?
  10. Someone needs to set the new point of roleplay, develop it with a strong team and only go public a few days before its release. Only then will the server be proved to be original.
  11. TAPL it was an example. (Yes it's awesome, GhostXoP )
  12. You should also add something related to the following in your ToC 1. if gs4u servers have been shutdown, files deleted or business closed gs4u will not provide a refund. also you should have regular content reviewing (during this time, no changes can be made to the server files except modifications made by the server itself) - Do you mean, if we send you the build from your support system, you test it out to make sure it doesn't override your RAM and player slots etc?
  13. qaisjp

    Race wins

    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:Race Use events to do givePlayerMoney
  14. Brilliant! Cmon upload it already!
  15. You don't have to upload to the resource centre, will give my opinon after watching video.
  16. Do you allow the user to install their own builds of MTA:Server?
  17. qaisjp


    MTA SA DIRECTORY / server / mods /deathmatch /resources/ Put it in that directory. Then in the console type "start resource_name"
  18. The reason it is saved client side is to decrease download the next-time you join that server. (You won't have to download the login panel again, or whatever. A one time download)
  19. *facepalm* my code just loops all the functions to make this: function dxCreateWindow(...) return exports.dxGUI:dxCreateWindow(...) end Just simplified and appplied to all code. Just try it!
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