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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. qaisjp

    Locked time

    dafuq you complaining about..
  2. both got kicked because they have the same serial and same IP address.
  3. qaisjp

    Locked time

    client code: local __TimeLock function setTimeLocked(bool, hour, minute) if bool then hour = tonumber(hour) if (not hour) or hour<0 or hour>23 then hour = getTime() end if (not tonumber(minute)) or minute<0 or minute>59 then _, minute = getTime() end __TimeLock = setTimer(setTime, 100, 0, hour, minute) else if isTimer(__TimeLock) then killTimer(__TimeLock) end end end untested setTimeLocked(true) locks time with current time setTimeLocked(true, 12, 0) locks time at 12 oclock setTimeLocked(false) unlocks time
  4. untested code, fix it yourself server: addCommandHandler('godmode', function(p) local status = getElementData(p,'god') and true or false setElementData(p, 'god', not status, true) end) addEventHandler('onVehicleEnter', function(p) local status = getElementData(p,'god') and true or false setVehicleDamageProof(source, status) end) addEventHandler('onVehicleLeave', function(p) local status = getElementData(p,'god') and true or false if status then setVehicleDamageProof(source, not status) end end) client: addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", root, function() if getElementData(source,'god') then cancelEvent() end end)
  5. omg, is this guy serious? jeremaniak dont waste your time making another admin system, it will NEVER be better than our forever ill toady.
  6. only europeans say mate, don't say mate CapY. It sounds weird coming from you.. ontopic: you should next time use a unique prefix (blabla.gang) next time
  7. That is cheating, and that is... equal to a ban.
  8. We can use google code svn revisions to compare dates of when features where added, and compare blue code to samp code (based on the version of samp)
  9. Yes, but the code itself must be. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
  10. License states any content must be obtainable.
  11. Edit 20th November 2018: I have removed this comment. I apologise for the words here that could have upset people. The post was written several years ago (before I started contributing to MTA itself) and is not representative of my views today.
  12. It is his choice to upload it, solidsnake you might as well say Multi Theft Auto shouldn't be open sauce cause people will copy the code and there will be no originality. Things are release for a reason, to make servers. I really get annoyed when people say don't release, won't be unique and shit. If the server wants to succeed then it will add more features itself, else it will be shit. Simple as that.
  13. All has been removed except Deagle's porn and TAPL's resource
  14. how much did u fine them sry, please write tuts.
  15. Most servers or VPS'es will have mysql and phpmyadmin already installed for you. All you need to go to is your VPS ip, /phpmyadmin/ For example https://mtasa.com/phpmyadmin/ Then login with username: root password is one of those obvious passwords Place your phpBB files in your web directory and set up a domain with it too. For the VPS I use it is located in /home/npg/web/ Then refer to phpBB documentation. GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND. SCARED OF GOOGLE? http://ddg.gg
  16. Here is example: SERVER: addEventHandler('onPlayerLogin', root, function(a) local gay = tonumber( getAccountData( a,'gayplayer' ) ) setElementData( source, 'gayplayer',gay or 0, true) end) addCommandHandler('gay', function() local gay = getElementData(source,'gay') setElementData(source, 'gayplayer', gay==0 and 1 or 0, true) end) addEventHandler('onPlayerQuit', root, function() local a = getPlayerAccount(source) local gay = getElementData(source,'gay') and '1' or '0' if not isGuestAccount(a) then setAccountData(a,'gayplayer',gay) end end) and client: addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, function() if getElementData(localPlayer, 'gayplayer') == 1 then outputChatBox('GAY!!!!') end end) k understood?
  17. Also set alpha of the image as the ped alpha
  18. Hm, yes indeed, John_Michael is right. It's a rather simple job, yet the expected is not there and planned for 'the future' (atleast someone gives some constructive criticism)
  19. qaisjp

    CnR Gamemode.

    Did you really reserve the name 'NEPHIIX' lol
  20. I didn't read all the posts, but I recommend you to just save and load the account date when a person leaves / joins, and use element data during the server. That way, on the client ON RENDER you can use getElementData which won't be much of a problem. (So onPlayerLogin, you getAccountData and set the element data of the player. Then to get or set the profile attribute, just use setElementData and getElementData, and when the player leaves, use setAccountData) I'm sure Solidsnake14 can provide such code.
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