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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. Erm... that doesn't help... that just lags your server.
  2. inb4thelock should be deleted learn2script we're not your servents. dont start a server with no skills kbaithxx
  3. Don't ask Jaysds1, sorry to tell you this Jay, but you are a really bad scripter. Nobody should pay you for this.
  4. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5122
  5. community.multitheftauto.com "particle" searched: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=1292
  6. qaisjp


  7. function outputChatBoxRemote ( playerName, message, type, serverport ) if serverport ~= getServerPort() then outputChatBox ( "DM" .. playerName .. " MAP " .. serverport .. ": " .. message ) end end function playerChatCallback() end function playerChat (message, type) if string.sub(message, 1,2) ~= "++" then return end callRemote ( "", getResourceName(getThisResource()), "outputChatBoxRemote", playerChatCallback, getPlayerName(source), message, type, getServerPort() ) callRemote ( "", getResourceName(getThisResource()), "outputChatBoxRemote", playerChatCallback, getPlayerName(source), message, type, getServerPort() ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), playerChat ) stop removing my posts castillo
  8. qaisjp

    Red Smoke?

    Doesn't mean we can't provide alternatives.
  9. qaisjp

    Red Smoke?

    You may be able to texture the smoke generator to make it red.
  10. CTRL + S? File > Save? Permissions failure? You fail? Program fail?
  11. Anywhere, on your desktop, in downlloads folder. anywhere. -- Once MTA:SE becomes official, there should be a subforum for it too
  12. qaisjp

    script editor

    THEN ASK ON THAT FORUM TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  13. good scripters want money and/or fame. gl. inb4thelock kthxbai
  14. I'm pretty sure it'll be unfair only to him. You reap what you sow. Someone who attacks like this doesn't deserve to have any kind of contact with MTA.
  15. let me guess, support for specific vehicle texture ( ) with a GUI for users to select what texture they want.an option to download all mods or use gui gui has a gridlist to select which mods you want, previewing or choosing a mod will download the mod files
  16. qaisjp

    script editor

    give it admin access
  17. Just a lag to the server. Server side timer doing a check is bound to fuck up the server. You should do this check whenever the race state changes from x to x
  18. Well this is not the place to report this, thanks, hopefully when the developers make a global banlist, this IP should be added.
  19. What did you edit, just out of curiousity
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