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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. (Even SA-MP did a better one) -- nice finds kenix
  2. It's not that hard, pretty easy with a custom streamer and camera. but...
  3. Or unzip the mod to /modloader/ and delete the zip
  4. SERVER SIDE: function toggleDamageproof() setVehicleDamageProof(source, eventName == "onVehicleStartEnter") end addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, toggleDamageproof) addEventHandler("onVehicleStartExit", root, toggleDamageproof) TRY IT SERVER SIDED!
  5. Okay, now forget about X-Shadow, (flaming, raging, offtopic)
  6. Anderl and CapY, he isn't an idiot, yes he is a bad scripter - but some people will script for rights.
  7. He already solved his problem. AFTER we told him.
  8. I'm being sarcastic, we can't help him because we have no code to help him in.
  9. Put 'Karthik' within quotations isn't required though as he wasn't referencing a common noun.
  10. Does holding down lmb increase the power and distance? Would it be possible to kill yourself by propelling it in the air and it falling down on yourself?
  11. /start mysql /start pool /start faction-system inthatorder
  12. next time put it in [ code] [/code] tags! Go to /logs/server.log and delete it. Restart the server, then if it still goes wrong, Give us the the server.log
  13. upload your server here. We can't help you if you don't show us your code!
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