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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. Don't create excess topics for your clan in this section.
  2. it should work, hopefully 50p will help you here
  3. "Script" author="Me" version="1.0" />
  4. sorry for what i said before. Show us your meta.xml and .lua file
  5. Pretty sure he is going to fail because of that response. Yet another noob hoster.
  6. qaisjp

    Fire Spots

    createFire or https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=1292
  7. there no server file you steal it? Post your client script here.
  8. lol... MTA:Blue is open source, "free to download" "free2play" - There are no rules except messing up the server browser by modifying server code and using incorrect tags. All servers with Roleplay in its name suck. Simple.
  9. Haha, well, just wanted to give my idea. Btw, such little time? What is the "end date"?
  10. actually he wont. i think, big scripts-pay what hapopened to being generous?
  11. A GUI designer, similar to Kayls' QT system. Also, an "Easy Script Designer", in a "flowchart format" So like there are two rows in the page, client and server seperated by a thin line (red and blue backgrounds) Then you can Drag and drop "Command handler" from the list to either side. You double click the item to change the command (the edit is selected by default), right click it and press Change variable name (to change it) You can attach various actions to the object (handler) and do some stuff with it. If you create a GUI using the GUI designer, you can drag it to the page (client only ofc) and do some basic actions. It's a very long shot, but whatever, It's not bad that I give ideas, right?
  12. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5128
  13. Also the table shouldn't be declared on every hit, declare it at the start of the code. Use locals.
  14. well maybe on the engine functions something like "image file" = "player"
  15. It doesn't matter where he installs it.
  16. You mean players.img I don't know whether this is possible as of now, because afaik and iirc the engine functions only work for gta3.img modifications.
  17. setWorldSoundEnabled(40, false) and then: when the player holds W in a vehicle (bindKey) detect which vehicle he is in and detect the car speed. Then playSound it.
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