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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. The lod is a model ID, find the lod id for that building and removeWorldModel for that id. engineSetModelLODDistance(4023,-1)
  2. Post your mtaserver.conf and your port. I'll do it for you.
  3. direction is defined already in his code. I just improved his code. it already works for him.
  4. looks nice. will post a(rubbish,bad and slow) tut momentarily
  5. You wouldn't find lots of *pro* scripters scripting an entire server for administrator, you'd find people who'd do it for experience and admin rights. Nobody will help you for moderator rights. Put a bounty on it, or extra shi*t
  6. ..Why did you edit the code? Don't be so afraid of people stealing your simple code.
  7. Or: local theString = "Data1 Data2" local data1, data2 = unpack(split(theString," ")) Hope that helps you liam
  8. In your mtaserver.conf add "pool" and "mysql" to the startup resources. Restart the server. Enjoy.
  9. You can set it from Port 0 to Port 65535 afaik, but it depends on whether the other ports are used up, for example mtasa://server.mtasa.pl:1337 (exists) would work. Try not to use 81, 82, 80 or port 443. Those are used for HTTP and HTTPS afaik. It depends on what your host has as their ports.
  10. well you could loop _G, and check if the function is natively from lua or not. If not, then add it to the list. smth like this: local defaults = { ["_G"] = true, ["_VERSION"] = true, ["table"] = true, ["string"] = true, ["coroutine"] = true, ["pairs"] = true, ["ipairs"] = true } local fn = {} for i,v in pairs(_G) do if not defaults[i] then table.insert(fn, i) end end
  11. setControlState(direction, true) setTimer(setPedAnimation,500,1,localPlayer, "CARRY", "crry_prtial", -1, true, true, false, false) Your welcome.
  12. l&a? your welcome smacky
  13. You fail somewhere in testing.
  14. VB is for Basic stuff. Something as official as the unofficial MTA Script Editor cannot be made in VB.
  15. you can create a shell script to do this: save text file as: mta-setup.sh echo 0|sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
  16. move the player manually using binds
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