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Everything posted by diegofkda

  1. Heh, Ubuntu isn't the best OS to play executable games, over all MTA, isn't there any Windows compatibility mode in Ubuntu?
  2. diegofkda

    Cheat codes....

    It is possible to make something like that by scripting (without a /hesoyam command), but GTA:SA cheats don't work in MTA. A function that you would like too is setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled().
  3. This guy doesn't seem to be the owner of the server he is playing on. Actually, if you want to shoot in MTA being in a car, the resource must be turned on. Actually, you can't do anything if you aren't the owner of the server, you can check if the driveby resource is running pressing the right mouse button.
  4. setGameSpeed() would do something similar if you aren't in vehicle.
  5. I just edited MTA pngs and jpgs located at MTA directory/MTA/cgui/images.
  6. A mi me gustó mas la pagina que pusieron por ahí... Más rápido y mas eficaz .
  7. Me dio risa . A mi, en lo personal, no me gustan que los administradores sean privilegiados con cosas como inmortalidad o autos voladores... En mi caso, o todo es para todos, o nada es para nadie .
  8. GT games are totally different to GTA ones and they have nothing to do here... .
  9. Old ones. New ones are like just running with an Infernus with porn textures and some music, which makes fps drop and uses more space in your hard disk.
  10. diegofkda

    EURO 2012

    Russia isn't a very 'powerful' team as Spain or Italy or Germany are so I don't think so, but in this sport, nothing is impossible.
  11. diegofkda

    car mods

    The server car mod must work very well without problems because MTA unloads any DFF and TXD related to the car when you want to replace a car model.
  12. diegofkda

    MTA V?

    I don't think it is fake, but it's my opinion anyways. It would be really nice if GTA V is like what was explained there.
  13. Mejor dicho, si lo haces arriba (1000 metros de altitud) de San Andreas funcionaría... Resulta mejor ya que no se tendrá que ocupar memoria demás si estas en la zona en que el hotel está.
  14. diegofkda

    Play sound 3d...

    The event isn't needed. local sound = playSound3D("sounds/grito.mp3", -1987.69921875, -711.2998046875, 33.799999237061, true) Make sure the file is at the meta.xml file too, and the sound exists. It would be better if you use your own English instead Google Translator.
  15. You are never sure if I really made that page . You're welcome.
  16. diegofkda

    EURO 2012

    Where is Zerbian from? . Brazil won't win anything as it is right now in my opinion. My candidates for the world coup are: Spain Italy Chile? Why not, they had a match where they were winning 2 - 0 to Spain, but by a DT reason, the match ended in a 3 - 2 in Spain favor because Chile's defense needed to be tested so official defense players were replaced.
  17. Okay, man! Don't be so rude! http://gtag.gtagaming.com/images/San-An ... nk_map.jpg
  18. Sección incorrecta (movido a Scripting). Otra cosa es que aca no hacemos scripts para los demás, tu debes empezar a hacer tu script y nosotros te ayudaremos, si es que no quieres hacerlo por ti mismo, debes pagar para que te lo creen.
  19. We were talking about server list names, good way to bump a topic.
  20. Same as deleting GTA SA car sounds, though it cannot be done.
  21. diegofkda

    EURO 2012

    Who knows. I bet Spain will win, who would be able to stop Xavi and Iniesta.
  22. Wrong section, anyways click here.
  23. As Jaysds said, you can create a sound over the weapons, also that should be better as you are able to make it exactly as you want. I personally put an invisible 3D explosion with the sound so it would make a nice camera effect.
  24. Those aren't the same as the functions explained here. setShadowIntensity( int intensity ) shouldn't change the kind of the shadow, it would change the intensity of it which would mean changing its alpha which is already possible, using shaders. All functions mentioned here should be added because, as mentioned here, they're part of 'timecyc' functions.
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