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Everything posted by DiSaMe

  1. Aš prieš kokius 7-8 metus pradėjau ant Game Maker eksperimentuot. Ten galima ir be programavimo kurti, bet, norint padaryti ką nors geresnio, reikia ir paprogramuoti, ir tam skirta GML (Game Marker language) programavimo kalba. Iš pradžių bandydavau paprastesniu būdu, o po to ir GML naudoti pradėjau. Tai buvo mano programavimo pradžia. Po to, prieš 5-6 metus ir ant C programuoti išmokau. Vėliau pradėjau su Pawn ant SA-MP kurti gamemodą, bet nelabai ten ką ir padariau, tada išleido MTA SA DM DP1 ir pradėjau scriptint ant Lua. Tai, atrodo, daugiausiai mano naudota programavimo kalba. Neseniai dar ir Python truputį mokinausi, kad galėčiau ant Blender susikurti DFF import/export scriptą, bet taip jo ir nebaigiau. Dabar stengiuosi vėl ant C susitelkt. SDL library atsisiunčiau, galvoju, reikia kokį žaidimą sukurti. Tik va, toks vaizdas, kad kintamieji konfliktuoja Dar su pointeriais kai kuriais atvejais būna sunkoka susigaudyt, bet paskaitau internete ir aiškiau pasidaro. Kadangi ketinu savo žaidimui pats sukurti 3D software grafikos variklį, tai bandžiau dar asembleriu mokintis, kad galėčiau juo labiausiai greičio reikalaujančias funkcijas sukurti, bet paskaičiau vakar ar užvakar apie C kodo optimizacijas, tai pamačiau, kad ir be asemblerio galima labai pagreitinti O mokykloje su Pascal pradėjom prieš 3 metus mokintis, ir labai jau lengva buvo, turint programavimo patirties
  2. Looping is unnecessary here langlist = { ar = "Arabic", en = "English" } ----------- lang = langlist[lang]
  3. I once had made a custom tram system by remaking the path myself and using setElementPosition/Velocity to move the tram along the path. It used both San Fierro tram lines and one tram could be attached to another. Unfortunately, I lost the gamemode I had made the tram for and I have no screenshots or videos. Still, it was a simple system, and if I make something like that again, I will make the whole train system with better functionality, but I don't script on MTA much nowadays.
  4. Actually it's only about 18000 models. I just tested it. Size of IDs are 2 bytes, so if, for example, you try to create an object with model 67536, the object with model 2000 is created. Damn, I wish it was really possible to add new models... Before testing this, I was thinking: "OMG! Why didn't anyone tell me about this before? Now I'm going to put Liberty City and Vice City into the game without any problems!"
  5. You could try converting quaternion to rotation matrix and then rotation matrix to Euler angles.
  6. DiSaMe

    :roll: Video

    What I requested can be imitated by drawing separate pixels with dxDrawRectangle, but that will slow the game down.
  7. DiSaMe

    :roll: Video

    OK, I have one more suggestion about feature which would make scriptable videos really efficient: an ability to use 2D tables as image data. DX image functions could allow passing table to filename parameter, and values in the table would be colors of every pixel. Table size would be used to get the dimensions of the image. Something like this: table_image = { {tocolor(255,0,0,255),tocolor(0,255,0,255),tocolor(0,0,255,255)}, {tocolor(255,0,0,128),tocolor(0,255,0,128),tocolor(0,0,255,128)}, } dxDrawImage(50,50,100,100,table_image) table_image is a 3x2 image. The upper row has opaque red, green and blue pixels, while the lower has the same colors, but transparent. In dxDrawImage, a table instead of a string is passed as 5th parameter. I tried creating 1024x1024 table and it used only 16 MBs of memory. The same amount of memory can be used to store 64 128x128 images. That's efficient enough. What's more, it would allow to make very dynamic images
  8. DiSaMe

    :roll: Video

    Videos can be made in image formats and then played with dxDrawImage or dxDrawImageSection. Videos in 3D world could be made if MTA supported animated UV in custom models OR if it was possible to draw textured 3D triangles. The latter could also be used to achieve many other great things, because very dynamic models would be possible.
  9. MTA SA 1.1 has client-side file functions, so scripting client-side image conversion is possible.
  10. setVehicleDoorOpenRatio
  11. DiSaMe

    Circular Radar

    It's not hard. No matter how many DX image sections need to be drawn, MTA does this for you as long as you script that properly. It doesn't even take many rectangles to draw a circle.
  12. If you want to change the direction of particles, rotate the whole object, but I don't know if that works on all directional particles. I made models with a hex editor and RW analyzer, because no modelling was needed.
  13. I don't even know if there's a script on 3dsmax for importing/exporting DFFs with particles.
  14. What to explain? I have already explained enough. You cannot 'activate' ped traffic. You can only script it. MTA has functions for creating and controlling peds, so you can make almost anything with them. There are a few videos with NPC traffic on youtube: This one was made by me: As you can see, it didn't have cars. I lost it, but it was a bit crappy anyway, and if I make something like that again, I will make it in a better way
  15. Yes, I created in-game DFF editor, but creating every single vertex, joining them into faces, etc. seems to take too much time. I tried to make a DFF importer/exporter for Blender, but didn't finish it It's true that such triangles may be slower, but they would be more dynamic than DFFs. Models could be deformed in any way, UV coordinates could be changed. GTA limits wouldn't affect them. It would be easy to make a drawtag script with unlimited number of tags
  16. You can try setting data of root element, but I don't know if this works. Alternatively, you can create an abstract element with createElement and set its data.
  17. By scripting, of course! More accurately, by adding nodes on the train tracks and interpolating vehicle positions between them.
  18. OK, maybe I make too many requests, and what's more, I had already requested this feature in the forum, but now I know how to attract more attention Function which I request is described here: http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6064 If we were able to draw such triangles, we would have an alternative to DFFs. Now the closest thing to imitate 3D triangles is group of DX rectangles, but they're not textured and are drawn over other objects. Here's a video I just made: . It's a fake 3D model which has no textures and is drawn through walls. Nice, huh?Players want custom ped models, animated UVs, stream memory fix, while dxDrawTriangle3D could be at least a workaround. What do you think about this?
  19. Do you mean carriages? If yes, then it's not possible to directly attach train vehicles to each other yet, but it's possible to script a custom train system.
  20. No. As I said, server scripters simply don't script NPC traffic. That doesn't prevent you from doing so if you want.
  21. Cities are empty because server scripters don't script NPC traffic, that's a simple answer.
  22. DiSaMe

    Voxel models

    A preview of voxel models in MTA SA: Not playable because of lag, but I think they still look nice enough to be worth showing to everyone
  23. Store nodes into the table with xmlNodeGetChildren, cycle through them, get ID attribute of each node with xmlNodeGetAttribute and check if it's equal to U-114.
  24. Why not to simply use a table of keys from https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Key_names , cycle through it binding them to a function and trigger a custom event from that function?
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