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Everything posted by Woovie

  1. Like this ? а б в г д е ё ж з и й к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я CyrIlic is difficult X( You could use Windows-1251 font for it if y'all do add it.
  2. If you have Photoshop CS3, you could do this whole thing in less than 30 minutes. After creating the image, you just make a macro to rotate it 1 degree and duplicate the layer. Then it would create everything automatically. Then export all the layers to separate files. Really simple. =)
  3. Wow Norby. That is TOO complicated for such a simple task. Although your syntax highlighting is pretty.
  4. I play on my own server only. We have a good amount of people usually. Not too many. If we had a better internet connection we would be more popular. Sadly I have to wait till I get a job to host my server somewhere else or pay my parents for a better connection. Being a kid is lame in the butt. My server is Free Roam Chaos if anyone would ever like to play. We have a lot of cool small scripts like a radar teleport, speedometer, etc. A lot of cool stuff for free roamin.
  5. Yeah.. I have seen a few NOOB and some number floating around.. I hope you didn't cause this . Actually we should ALL install it and cause tons of noobs running around.
  6. Uh... There is a missing image if you were smart enough to look in the images and his xml files. He took out one of the images from his code... I am not sure why...
  7. Yeah, I definitely tried calculating the world location of the car, the player, finding the difference and placing you there, but man, it REALLY messes up.
  8. Woovie


    Same error =S I PMed you all my code. My deposit nor withdrawal are working.
  9. Still would be fairly easy. I am working on the code ATM.
  10. That is handy. Thanks Twig. I will post if it works.
  11. Woovie


    MABAKO I LOVE YOU. Getting one issue. xmlNodeSetValue ( bank, 0 ) Bad argument ? I tried other values too and still no good...
  12. Woovie


    My code function createBankAccount ( player, commandName, playname ) cash = getPlayerMoney ( player ) xmlCreateFile ( playname.xml, info ) xmlCreateSubNode ( info, bank ) xmlSaveFile ( info ) outputChatBox ("BANK SOON ?") xmlNodeSetValue ( bank, 0 ) end addCommandHandler ("cba", createBankAccount ) I did "/cba woovie" as a command and received this. It does say "BANK SOON ?" though. Once it hits the XML stuff none of it works... [17:40:08] WARNING: bank.lua: Bad argument @ 'xmlCreateFile' - Line: 3 [17:40:08] WARNING: bank.lua: Bad argument @ 'xmlCreateSubNode' - Line: 4 [17:40:08] WARNING: bank.lua: Bad argument @ 'xmlSaveFile' - Line: 5 [17:40:08] WARNING: bank.lua: Bad argument @ 'xmlNodeSetValue' - Line: 7
  13. So... I got it working =) It is really simple. !!!!I WOULD RECOMMEND WAITING FOR MY FINAL SCRIPT RELEASE!!!! I need to make it all ONE command, with A LOT more options. This sticks your player to a vehicle, with XYZ relative to the vehicle they are in. function cmd_stick ( player, commandName, player2nick, x, y, z ) local player2 = getPlayerFromNick ( player2nick ) local vehicle = getPlayerOccupiedVehicle ( player2 ) attachElementToElement ( player, vehicle, x, y, z ) end addCommandHandler ( "stick", cmd_stick ) function cmd_unstick ( player, commandName ) local vehicle = getElementAttachedTo ( player ) detachElementFromElement ( vehicle ) end addCommandHandler ( "unstick", cmd_unstick )
  14. So attachElementToElement works. But I am curious, how do I get coordinates relative to the object you a chillin by ? Like if I stand on a boat, I want to do /getpos relative to the boat. Understand ?
  15. Woovie

    Long Tow

    We made a command on my server to put you in a car when it spawns so I can drive those.
  16. I definitely have the code for that EXACT menu. Thanks to exploring mabako's files on his website =3 I haven't done anything with it nor will I if he did not mean for that to be downloadable.
  17. Weird... Have you tried making it a command first ? If you make it a command, then try the command multiple times. Sometimes you have to load it more than once for the textures to load correctly.
  18. LUA isn't HTML or like learning a program. It is different per situation it is used. It is best learned by experience IMO. I learned LUA just simply by looking at others code.
  19. I agree. I was really annoyed by that. I want like a 500x300 size window positioned relative to the screen. I would love to see this implemented.
  20. White texture ? You obviously are not loading it correctly...
  21. Woovie

    Long Tow

    http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2341/222 ... 6edb_o.png It definitely spazzed out right after trying to move. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2387/222 ... 917d_o.png
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