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Everything posted by Woovie

  1. Close. Fixed! Although it should be stated that you have to add to the admin gorup.
  2. I cannot seem to do any ACL stuff on the Resource Browser using an admin access level account. It says could not add new acl.
  3. Shut your dumb mouth... It is a Free Roam now. =)
  4. We have moderate toleration on the Free Roam Chaos server for modified handling. If it annoys or becomes something causing problems, we will tell them to stop, kick if necessary and eventually ban if necessary. In DP3 I thought it would be server side, or at least that is the idea I got from reading something.
  5. I will take it. I tried adding you on MSN and emailing, neither working. The server I want hosted is Free Roam Chaos [NR] Gaming. We would only need your hosting temporarily. We have hosting currently but they are down or something....
  6. It happens anytime, with any script. Do you test locally online though ? That is where our issues lie.
  7. Wow. This could come in handy!
  8. Here is a way to make players bound to an area. X and Y should start at the south west corner. I am not sure how to do nots but that SHOULD work. Not sure. local AdminCamp = createColRectangle ( x, y, width, depth ) function shapeAHit ( player ) local detection = isElementWithinColShape ( player, AdminCamp ) if ( not detection ) then local playern = getClientName ( player ) if ( playern ) then outputChatBox ( "#FF0000Stay in the area "..playern.."!", player, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", AdminCamp, shapeAHit )
  9. Oh and now, here is his IP. He did as I said, I think he reinstalled GTA and regenerated his serial and got a new user name. It is becoming ridiculous.
  10. Woovie

    Community TDM

    At the Virtual Scripting forums we have started a community made game mode. Everything will be written by us, we will work together. You will need to register at the VS forums. Here is a link to the thread. http://virtualscripting.net/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=83 And what is done so far can be downloaded here.
  11. I have a feeling something MIGHT exist... We have a user, the_big_bomb. We have banned his serial 3 times. He is on our server right now with the serial FKA9-QTF5-6JUR-MCM8. I just banned him again.
  12. i am 19" screen supports up to 1440x900 and my grafics card up to 1024x768 so nvidia geforce fx 5200 sucks ass!!!!!! I think we ALL know that a fx5200 sucks
  13. We are going with deLUX. Thanks though!
  14. Exactly. THANK you. It is not a script...
  15. Woovie

    Brake lights

    You could attach a red light when the brake is pushed and delete it when brake is released
  16. Could you point me in the right direction ? =) I thought I was ? AFAIK, part of what you wanted was to convert numerics to strings (for the coloured text). If so, string.format() is an easy way of doing this. Oh haha. I thought more or less you meant that is how to do it and you had ahold of a script to already do it.
  17. I did it in game. I got someone to register, login, then I gave admin rights through the admin menu.
  18. Could you point me in the right direction ? =)
  19. The issue I see for the actual text coloring it it would need to be hexadecimal... Unless you do like "..r..""..g..""..b.." and had the user input 00-FF values, although I am not sure if shorthand hex will work, such as #F00 for red. I for one am NOT wanting to write a LUA script to convert 0-255 to 00-FF... Toooooo much code. DX
  20. Look at your cancelEvent... You messed up a bit. You made it so it cancels the Chat, even if you put stuff in -.- Here is how to set the player's name. root = getRootElement () function setPlayerWriteColor ( player, commandName, r, g, b ) setElementData (player, "colorr", r ) setElementData (player, "colorg", g ) setElementData (player, "colorb", b ) end addCommandHandler ("typecol", setPlayerWriteColor ) function chatOutput ( message, text ) if text == 0 then cancelEvent() message = string.gsub(message, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") local r = getElementData ( player, "colorr" ) local g = getElementData ( player, "colorg" ) local b = getElementData ( player, "colorb" ) local playername = getClientName ( player ) outputChatBox ( playername..":#FFFFFF "..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, chatOutput )
  21. I am trying to make a temporary nick system, similiar to Halo 3's tags. I want it to be forced to be 1 letter, a-z, and 2 numbers, 0-9. How can I limit this ? Here is my code so far. function joinRed ( player, commandName, shortName ) local nickCurrent = getClientName ( player ) local nickNew = shortName local nickSet = getElementData( thePlayer, "origNick" ) if ( nickSet == false ) then setElementData ( player, "origNick", nickCurrent ) end setClientName ( player, nickNew ) end
  22. I agree, maybe a full release will eventually justify for what y'all are complaining about. Once my clans current server gets off of my machine, I will start developing for more than just free roam. I want to code a RPG and a DM from scratch.
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