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Everything posted by Woovie

  1. I like that new getPlayerFromNickOrID. Hope to see it tomorrow!
  2. Oh wow! I am clueless.. I totally forgot those where the same... Wow I feel dumb. Thanks for the help. I will edit this with the results! Edit: It works now! I actually need to put the elseif( sType == "cars" ) then before the ammunation. It was conflicting with the last addbutton thing. Thank you so much for your help though! Now to somehow get some car renders from the in game cars and such.
  3. Wow. Thanks! And actually I am going to have it spawn at some coords in front of him. But thank you so much! I will show some screenshots and such if I get it working good. =) And if you don't mind, release it as an addon for your mod ? Is there a way to make one resource point to another ? Edit: Well I got most everything working. I added this line to the client shops.lua under function addShopArticle. I added it before line 174. I still ahve the issue in the picture shown. I do not know how to properly scale the images I guess. They are 200x75 PNGs. elseif( sType == "cars" ) then sImages[articleID] = guiCreateStaticImage( x/2 - width/2 + 110*lastColumn + 28, y - height - 2 + 120*lastRow, 64, 64, "images/" .. sType .. "/" .. img .. ".png", false, nil )
  4. I have actually learned very little on the wiki. I learned from reading the FR, CDM, and Broph scripts. I am learning some from this, although your LUA is rather difficult to read. Here is something I have made based off of your ammu-nation. I plan to try to do this all on my own. Here is how it will work. There will be an empty car lot, with, probably, 3-5 red circles. When you walk into them, it will give you a car purchase menu where you will be able to buy vehicles. Here is what I have so far. I would like some help if you wouldn't mind... shops.map <!-- Vehicle Menu --> <!-- id = the name of the image in images/cars/<id>.png name = the name to be shown vehicleid = the ID of the vehicle, see [url=http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=Vehicle_IDs]http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ehicle_IDs[/url] --> <shop id="VEHI" type="vehi" name="Vehicle Purchase Station" posX="XXX" posY="YYY" posZ="ZZZ" rotation="RRR" interior="0" rows="3" columns="6"> <!-- Row 1 --> <article id="BANSHEE" name="Banshee" price="20000" vehicleid="429"/> <article id="BULLET" name="Bullet" price="20000" vehicleid="541"/> <article id="CHEETAH" name="Cheetah" price="20000" vehicleid="415"/> <article id="INFERNUS" name="Infernus" price="20000" vehicleid="411"/> <article id="SUPER_GT" name="Super GT" price="20000" vehicleid="506"/> <article id="TURISMO" name="Turismo" price="20000" vehicleid="451"/> </shop> shops.lua (serverside) -- Vehicle Specific, others will have false shops[num].Articles[ sNum ].VehicleID = tonumber( getElementData( sv, "vehicleid" ) ) Now this is where I need help. I need it so when you buy the vehicle, it is placed at specified coordinates.
  5. You are an amazing coder. I am learning a bit from what you have made. Thank you for the scripts as always!
  6. Here is my server with it =) Linked to full size. They have full PNG support of transparencies as you can see here.
  7. Haha that is great. It has to do with the way the player collides with an object to "capture" the orb and how a player also collides with objects entering pay n spray and when they do into an interior. Awesome conflict though =).
  8. PM by ID and all of that I think you should code yourself. I would love to see your code so I can have script ready to integrate with yours for some commands I am writing.
  9. Woovie


    Very possible. Alot of code to write though =P
  10. I was going to code this on my own, but I thought you might be working on it. When you go in Pay n Spray, to gen random car colors.
  11. Woovie

    Little help

    No ways that I know of =( I am pretty sure they have not written that yet. Nor can I seem to get removeobject to work.
  12. Yes, this is very possible with the GUI commands available on http://development.mtasa.com/
  13. Please continue work! I would be more than glad to help you if you want it. I really want an ID system for my Free Roam.
  14. You forgot the addCommandHandler ("admingivecash", admingivecash ) Script doesn't really do much without it.
  15. Off told me it was the dummies not loading correctly. Is someone working on this or do we need to further investigate ?
  16. Thank you so much! you are making my free roam server much more in depth with your mods.
  17. Kemeros. You have a terrible point. Maybe I have a /gotocar dumblongname. And I want an ID system. Please remove the thought of kick being the only option. Now I would love to see this on a server.
  18. Thanks much! I altered it slightly to work with 0$ on my free roam server. Awesome script! Keep them coming. Great LUA.
  19. I have now found, I will be driving. Collision and seat loaded right, and eventually, it messes up. I don't get it... Only happens with custom models. I have tried multiple models and happens to all of them.
  20. Haha how so ? It is just commands. All I have is basic stuff. Custom car models, commands, nothing special. Go to Alien's server for some real cool stuff.
  21. If you would like, here is a better map. 2 different ones, labeled and unlabeled. Blank - http://ian-albert.com/misc/gamemaps/gta ... nk-1.0.jpg Labeled - http://ian-albert.com/misc/gamemaps/gta ... ll-1.0.jpg It will look a lot nicer =)
  22. care to share Share the script or how I did it ?
  23. Sounds... Weird. On my server, I had that issue. But at this point, I created my own game mode that combines CDM, FR, and Broph scripts into one game mode that is free roam. It is pretty clean.
  24. I am not sure if this has been covered. Here is my custom car model script. I had to replace all the i's for the car name with a * for the fact of the improper language. function loadSadlSh*t () txd = engineLoadTXD ( "sadlsh*t.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 605 ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "sadlsh*t.dff", 605 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 605 ) end addCommandHandler ( "loadcars", loadSadlSh*t ) And in the meta I put this. <file src="sadlsh*t.dff" /> <file src="sadlsh*t.txd" /> And here is the result. Notice the "BritneySpears" is standing INSIDE the car. The collision is not loading correctly from the DFF. The collision is from the SadlSh*t. I hope you do notice, the tires are NOT the original model tires. I added those for testing. They scaled for the Sadler. Also, notice the driver sitting in the middle. And the exhaust comes from the middle too. At one point yesterday, they sat properly and the exhaust came out appropriately. Not sure why or how. It may have been OffRoader23 had fixed something. I have not talked to him about it but I will post on here if he did and how. Click to full size
  25. Woovie


    Okay I understand now. Thank you!
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