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Everything posted by ruby159

  1. its doesnt work for me to i try it for my own server
  2. Thanks, but i've got strange thing When i go there, and login , then i can only see black screen/page... didn't you see any login messages if you go to the page? did you use firefox? (i use it maybe in IE is it not working)
  3. i have 2 and 4 and dont know how to fix it
  4. http://:22005 that is the site and if you dont know how to login please read this :https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=20926
  5. yes i have the same strange bug i want to fix it but dont know how
  6. ye i have read that but i dont understand it
  7. could you explain me how to do it, i dont see any username or password
  8. Hey, I'am running a server but i want to login at resourcebrowser http://:/resourcebrowser but where can i find the logins? Pleash can anyone help me? Ruby
  9. ruby159

    Vk's DD Drop Slide

    hahahaha jesse to here:P
  10. jah wait i search it for you yeah i found it alias prs.votekick { if ($3 == !votemap) votemap $1- elseif ($prs.votekicking($1) != yes) mta.pm $1 $2 Votekicking Is Currently Disabled. elseif ($prs.players($1) < 4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Not Enough Players - 4 needed. else { var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)), %b = $chr(40) $+ $2 $+ $chr(41) if ($3 == !votekick) { if ($prs.votenick($1) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Votekick Already Running on $mta.nick($1,$prs.votenick($1)) elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !votekick else { !hadd prstemp votenick %a !hadd prstemp voters %b mta.text $1 Type !vote If You Want $mta.nick($1,%a) Kicking. mta.text $1 Total Votes Needed: $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2)) .timervotekick 1 90 prs.endvotekick $1- } } elseif ($3 == !vote) { if (%b isin $hget(prstemp,voters)) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: You Have Already Voted! else { !hadd prstemp voters $hget(prstemp,voters) $+ %b mta.text $1 Total Votes: $numtok($hget(prstemp,voters),41) $+ / $+ $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2)) prs.checkvotes $1- } } } } alias prs.checkvotes { if ($numtok($hget(prstemp,voters),41) == $ceil($calc($prs.players($1) / 2))) { mta.text $1 Kicking $mta.nick($1,$prs.votenick($1)) mta.kick $1 $prs.votenick($1) } } alias prs.endvotekick { if ($prs.votenick($1) != $null) mta.text $1 Votekick Ended On $mta.nick($1,$hget(prstemp,votenick)) !hdel prstemp voters !hdel prstemp votenick } so here is it i hope that you can make a script that you can 2 time vkick
  11. yes but he is a friend it dont go about the question
  12. dat weet k dat je dat ben maar bb vroeg dat aan mij en k mog het forum gebruiken dus k w8 op antwoord
  13. hi, we have a !vkick at our server but everone did it (abuse) I'am looking for a script that you can 2 times vkick and if you did 3 time vkick that you kicked from the server sorry for my bad english gr ruby
  14. thanks that is what i need
  15. try this (i don't have windows vista but it think it will work) klick with right mousebutton on the icon of mtasa->properties->compatibiliteit(3e tab from left)->Microsoft windows xp(sp2)
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