This is a globalized thread so it will show in EVERY forum.
Please reply to this thread with a link to the resource(s) you wish to report.
Some reasons to report a community resource:
Skin, weapon, or vehicle modifications (note that mods added to resources as assets rather than it's main purpose are allowed). Also model packs (like mass weapon or wheels/rims replacements) are allowed.
Resources that were stolen or leaked/copied or which partially consists of such violating code
Resources with none or poor descriptions
Resources with "please delete" and such in their description
These are just a few reasons in general, also if you see any resource in violation of the broader community guidelines (located at you can report it, referring to the regulation that resource violates.
It's okay if none of these reasons apply to the resource you wish to report; post it anyway with a reason why you think it should be removed and we'll make a decision.
To hopefully curb improper resources existing on the community, this topic has been made a global announcement across the forum. We'll do our best to keep on top of your reports.
We will edit your post to indicate the issue has been dealt with.
Also, note that we are not seeking any additional community moderators at this time.