Classic bump right here!
After browsing through the first page I just came across many memories. Runescape, christ, I remember playing that during class. Miniclip use to have some crackers too.
Congrats to the guys behind this project as always.
Since November a lot has happened from these new releases to winning the mod of the year award. Keep rolling!
Forum posts count for absolutely nothing. If he only had 1 post then captain obvious would appear.
Sure, I know you. I doubt you will attract much interest on here mate with this topic. Good luck with it though.
I remember those days, it feels like a real achievement doesn't it?
I'm looking around for a new PC too. I've had this one for quite a while and its the last time I'm going to waste any money on an ATI card. Does anyone know any well recognised international computer companies? I've looked on and they seem very reasonable with their prices.
I believe people who have played MTA with the new windows have came up with problems something to do with audio files if I remember. However, we recommend that you dont play on Windows 8 as we do not provide official support as of yet.
Then again, Towncivilian can fix most things, eh.
There isn't any issues with your firewall perhaps? You might be blocking yourself without even knowing. When I use to have Norton (old times, believe me!) I use to have many problems trying to connect to servers.
Just a thought..
The wiki is a good source of information, as like others have said, I am another who didnt know much about scripting until I did a few practicals and played with some of the resources. Feel free to drop into the official #mta.scripting irc channel if you ever need any assistance.
Alternatively this game can be brought for like less then 50p on eBay..
Unfortunately we can’t provide much help if you have downloaded the game, whilst the hoodlum has been recommended, play at your own risk.
If you roll back the time, say 5 years, then on there were people everywhere 24/7. However being in 2012 - I doubt you will come across even 3 players at once.
Towncivilian, surely this would be a walk in the park for you? I'll bet my mortgage on it. ;~)
The question was bound to appear on this forum eventually. Whilst android does understand many languages, the original source that was wrote for the 0.x versions is outdated.
Paradox.. Jheez!
Me and you were unbeatable back in 2005 and hasn't time changed! - hit me up on steam btw, I've seen your tag but always forget to add ya!