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Everything posted by zerb

  1. This has been something which has been mentioned many times by members of the community, something perhaps i would like to see happen one day for a laugh. Remember with the ability of using the SDK, something might just come along one day. ;D
  2. This has been something which has been mentioned many times by members of the community, something perhaps i would like to see happen one day for a laugh. Remember with the ability of using the SDK, something might just come along one day. ;D
  3. Remember that spawning as the same character(s) wouldnt nesscery mean you would have to team with that certain spawn, most players would want to continue the spawnwars ;D Hiding the ping numbers wouldnt do much since players will still receive lag from ingame activity. Easier killing would only be a advantage if VC was released for the BLUE platform. On the blue information website there is a possibility of the game running more smoother for players, which would be an advantage to everyone perhaps.
  4. Remember that spawning as the same character(s) wouldnt nesscery mean you would have to team with that certain spawn, most players would want to continue the spawnwars ;D Hiding the ping numbers wouldnt do much since players will still receive lag from ingame activity. Easier killing would only be a advantage if VC was released for the BLUE platform. On the blue information website there is a possibility of the game running more smoother for players, which would be an advantage to everyone perhaps.
  5. Checkpoints which are quite near to each other can cause lag also, obviously make sure there is some good space between the different points.
  6. Checkpoints which are quite near to each other can cause lag also, obviously make sure there is some good space between the different points.
  7. Ha, nice model. Biohazard sign looks neat also =)
  8. Ha, nice model. Biohazard sign looks neat also =)
  9. Perhaps try using the ASE program to locate servers, if problems are still ocurring or bothering you about the client ingame server(s) list.
  10. Perhaps try using the ASE program to locate servers, if problems are still ocurring or bothering you about the client ingame server(s) list.
  11. A. Teh sure does Q. /me puts a XL large bottle of Vodka on the table?
  12. A. Teh sure does Q. /me puts a XL large bottle of Vodka on the table?
  13. zerb


    I`ve just gave it a go also before i posted here. It is basically a stright forward race which obviously isnt a problem. I say upgrade the map a little more, maybe expand the race perhaps a little bit more to the south, perhaps using some activity across the dam. Though i still enjoyed going across the bumping surfaces of the desert.
  14. zerb


    I`ve just gave it a go also before i posted here. It is basically a stright forward race which obviously isnt a problem. I say upgrade the map a little more, maybe expand the race perhaps a little bit more to the south, perhaps using some activity across the dam. Though i still enjoyed going across the bumping surfaces of the desert.
  15. Short for Software Development Kit, SDK is a collection of software utilities and tools that help a programmer develop applications for a specific platform.
  16. Short for Software Development Kit, SDK is a collection of software utilities and tools that help a programmer develop applications for a specific platform.
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