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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. I guess you are using the freeroam resource, if so, then you'll have to edit the script itself to restrict skins to just staff.
  2. You got variables like this? num1 = guiCreateLabel ( ) if so, then that'll never work, use tables.
  3. You are using executeSQLQuery? if so, then it returns a table, the index is the position.
  4. That won't limit to sort only 10, it'll limit the amount of rows it'll return.
  5. I don't believe anyone should trust on this "company", as this user just keeps creating new "companies" and even answer to his/her own comments/posts. privateservers also known as:
  6. Castillo

    Player rank

    getPlayerRank is server side. Try this: local Rank = getElementData ( player, "race rank" ) or 0
  7. Castillo


    If you want to use addCommandHandler, then you must put the arguments given by addCommandHandler. function doTask ( thePlayer, _, taskId, playername, arg3, arg4) if taskId then local player = getPlayerFromName(playername or "") if player then if taskId == 1 then --mute using ar3 for duration elseif taskId == 2 then --kick using arg3 for reason elseif taskId == 3 then --ban using arg3 for reason and arg4 for duration else -- wrong taskId end else --player not found end else --no taskId given end end addCommandHandler ( "task", doTask )
  8. Castillo

    Player rank

    Is drawText a custom function you have? if not, then is dxDrawText.
  9. setWeaponProperty is global, so you can't just disable/enable it.
  10. I think that he wants to move the camera from the current postion to the new spawn position, not just "teleport".
  11. Si estas hablando de mi sistema, entonces usa la funcion "removeGang". exports [ "gang_system" ]:removeGang ( "Los Payasos" )
  12. I guess you can replace the radar with a blank image.
  13. That depends on your script completely.
  14. No, is not, execute that and it'll return false.
  15. You can also use shaders to replace the texture on a single element.
  16. Algun error en el debugscript? escribi: /debugscript 3 en el chat.
  17. You can bind another key to "say" and "teamsay" commands, but you can't remove these binds as far as I know.
  18. local number = math.random ( #LoginPos ) local x, y, z = unpack ( LoginPos [ number ] ) That should do.
  19. Castillo

    dx calculations

    local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local example = { { "test1" }, { "test2" } } function draw ( ) local width, height = 100, 50 local x, y = ( sx / 2 - width / 2 ), ( sy / 2 - height / 2 ) for _, value in ipairs ( example ) do dxDrawRectangle ( x, y, width, height ) y = ( y + 10 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, draw )
  20. Castillo

    dx calculations

    You mean the "y" separated by 10px?
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