I know why, it's because the admin panel triggers it's own "onPlayerMute" event.
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerMute", root,
function ( state )
if ( state == true or state == false ) then
setElementData ( source, getResourceName ( getThisResource ( ) ) ..":muted", state )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerUnmute", root,
function ( )
setElementData ( source, resName ..":muted", false )
outputChatBox ( "UNMUTED!" )
Use that see if it outputs "UNMUTED!" when you unmute the player.
Won't that cause a stack overflow? what's the point of making that whole function when you can simply use the events onPlayerMute and onPlayerUnmute to set the element data?
addCommandHandler ( "aclObjectList",
function ( player )
local ADMIN_GROUP = "Admin"
local objects = aclGroupListObjects ( aclGetGroup ( ADMIN_GROUP ) )
local count = 0
for object, name in pairs ( objects ) do
outputChatBox ( "ACL LIST: ".. ADMIN_GROUP .." #".. tostring ( count ) .." Object: ".. name ..".", player )
count = ( count + 1 )
Is that what you wanted?