resourceName = "Test-Server"
functionName = "outputChatBoxTest"
IP = "***.***.***.***:****"
addCommandHandler ( "send",
function ( p )
callRemote ( IP, resourceName, functionName, callbackFunction, getPlayerName ( p ), getPlayerSerial ( p ), "Test", getServerName ( ) )
function callbackFunction ( v, msg )
if ( v ~= "ERROR" ) then
outputChatBox ( v )
outputChatBox ( "ERROR: ".. tostring ( msg ) )
Use that and see what error it outputs.
El primer problema no lo entiendo.
El segundo problema es porque DX no es interactivo, asi que supongo que habras comparado la posicion del cursor al hacer click, lo cual lo ejecutara aunque haya otro panel en esa posicion.
addCommandHandler ( "handbrake",
function ( p )
if ( isPedInVehicle ( p ) and getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat ( p ) == 0 ) then
local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( p )
triggerClientEvent ( p, "onHandbrakeStart", p, x, y, z )
local show = false
function drawStuff ( )
dxDrawText("Message", 924, 375, 977, 390, tocolor(255, 0, 0, 255), 1.00, "default-bold", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false)
function showMsg ( )
show = ( not show )
if ( show ) then
addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, drawStat )
removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, drawStat )
showCursor ( show )
bindKey ( "M", "down", showMsg )
Yes, I once started four Virtual Machines running MTA at the same time, it all worked just fine, that's why I don't understand why it stopped working.
Edit: Nevermind, I installed another VM software which is a lot better and smoother and it has no problems, thanks for trying to help
In my opinion, the images used for the "Spanish" start menu buttons are quite low quality, plus, they're different from the english version. Aswell as the "Map Editor" button being bigger than the rest of them, which looks quite out of place.
Other than that, it looks perfect.
Hello there.
So, I'm always using Virtual Machines to test things with myself, but since few days, all of my Virtual Machines started freezing on the login screen ( some times just on connect ) on my local server, I've tried removing them and installing new ones, but no luck, it always happens the same.
I'm running it with 2 Cores, 2048GB of RAM and 128 MB of video memory, and running Windows XP.
I'm using Oracle VM program to run the Virtual Machines.
My PC is running Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bits.
Maybe someone has an idea of why is this happening? any help is appreciated.
Edit: I have tried to run GTA:SA alone and it crashes after loading, could be a problem with latests Oracle VM.
Edit2: I installed an earlier version of Oracle VM which used to work and still nothing, GTA:SA crashes after loading.
function drawNitro ( )
local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer )
if ( vehicle ) then
local fNitroLevel = getVehicleNitroLevel ( vehicle )
dxDrawRectangle(1330, 950, fNitroLevel, 45, tocolor(0, 255, 0, 255), false)
function displayNitroLevel ( pPlayer )
if ( pPlayer == localPlayer ) then
if getVehicleUpgradeOnSlot ( source, 8 ) then -- Check if the vehicle has nitro installed
addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, drawNitro )
--outputChatBox("The nitro level of this " .. getVehicleName(source) .. " is " .. fNitroLevel .. ".", 255, 180, 20, false)
addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleEnter", root, displayNitroLevel )