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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. 1º 'thePlayer' no esta definido, usa 'source'. 2º getElementPosition esta fuera de la funcion "Restart".
  2. Muy lindos diseños, espero les vaya bien. P.D: Esto no esta mal? Como puede una persona crear todo y la otra lo mismo?
  3. Creating teams is a easy thing: createTeam ( "My Team", 255, 0, 0 ) That creates a team with the name "My Team" and red color.
  4. Maybe "currentweapon_1" data is wrong? try checking what it outputs, like this: outputChatBox ( getElementData ( localPlayer, "currentweapon_1" ) )
  5. You could make a script to create the teams, instead of using the admin panel.
  6. I would recommend getting "VMware" which runs smoothly.
  7. You want that only players with access to "function.banPlayer" are able to use the command? or you want so that anybody can use the command, but they can't use it against admins? If it's the second, then use this: function dimensionSystem ( thePlayer, commandName, theTarget ) local theTarget = getPlayerFromName ( theTarget ) if ( theTarget ) then if hasObjectPermissionTo ( theTarget, "function.banPlayer", true ) then kickPlayer ( thePlayer, "Don't abuse the Admin system!" ) else showPlayerHudComponent ( theTarget, "ammo", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( theTarget, "area_name", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( theTarget, "armour", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( theTarget, "breath", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( theTarget, "clock", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( theTarget, "health", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( theTarget, "money", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( theTarget, "vehicle_name", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( theTarget, "weapon", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( theTarget, "radar", false ) showChat ( theTarget, false ) end else outputChatBox ( "The player was not found!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addCommandHandler ( "pban", dimensionSystem )
  8. Try loading the models/textures when the resource starts, then inside the function executed by "onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch", import them.
  9. Well, maybe because the topic was created in 2011 and the MTA compiler was implemented not so long ago?
  10. Usa esos eventos que estabas usando en ese script.
  11. No tiene sentido eso. 1º "teamAdmmin" tendria que ser una tabla, y no la veo en ninguna parte, ademas la estas usando luego como un string. 2º "thePlayer" no esta definido en ninguna parte. 3º Tenes varias variables definidas incorrectamente. Yo que vos revisaria todo el script o simplemente lo crearia de nuevo desde 0, ya que es un desastre.
  12. if teamAdmmin[thePlayer] then Que es esa linea?
  13. Seems like I had installed the wrong one, now it's working.
  14. No need to do that, fetchRemote is a easy and efficient function. The whole script can be done client side if the files are stored in the same server.
  15. Do you get any error? "The program can't start because MSVCP120.dll is missing from your computer" I installed the x86 VC++ Redist 2013 as it says on the wiki.
  16. That's how I thought it worked, which is amazing. I somehow couldn't get the test build to work.
  17. I have a question, does this support audio? for example: youtube videos, do they include audio? Apart from that, this is just awesome!
  18. Castillo


    Read the description next time:
  19. We don't give support with leaked scripts. Topic locked.
  20. No, you can't pass arguments with event handlers, but you can store the data somewhere, like in a variable.
  21. I really don't get what you are saying. About the Lua tags, use code=lua instead of code=text.
  22. Simply execute "showMissionWindow" and pass two arguments: showMissionWindow ( "Argument 1", "Argument 2" )
  23. Que sistema de clanes estas usando?
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