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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Vortex? hovercraft. And I don't understand your second question.
  2. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Veh ... s#Aircraft
  3. The floor? that object seems like a replaced object.
  4. The briefcase? if so, then it's object model: 1210.
  5. setTimer ( function ( ) for _, vehicle in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) ) do if isElementInWater ( vehicle ) then blowVehicle ( vehicle, true ) end end end , 10000, 0 )
  6. Yes, but your script is currently setting a timer for every vehicle that is in water to blow it up, only when the resource start.
  7. You want to check every 10 seconds for vehicles in wanter and blow them up?
  8. No, el script lo hace solo, nada mas le pones el numero de imagen que queres que cargue primero.
  9. playerLocalPlayer Is not a valid function name. function visionn ( ) local vTeam = getPlayerTeam ( localPlayer ) if ( vTeam and getTeamName ( vTeam ) == "FA" ) then local newVision = ( getCameraGoggleEffect ( ) == "nightvision" and "normal" or "nightvision" ) setCameraGoggleEffect ( newVision ) outputChatBox ( "*nocturna ".. ( newVision == "nighvision" and "activadas" or "desactivadas" ) .."*", 255, 0, 0, true ) end end addCommandHandler ( "gafasvn", visionn ) bindKey ( "b", "down", "gafasvn" ) function visiont() local vtTeam = getPlayerTeam ( localPlayer ) if ( vtTeam and getTeamName ( vtTeam ) == "PSG" ) then local newVision = ( getCameraGoggleEffect ( ) == "thermalvision" and "normal" or "thermalvision" ) setCameraGoggleEffect ( newVision ) outputChatBox ( "*térmica ".. ( newVision == "thermalvision" and "activadas" or "desactivadas" ) .."*", 255, 0, 0, true ) end end addCommandHandler ( "gafasvt", visiont ) bindKey ( "b", "down", "gafasvt" )
  10. Era porque 'source' no era el argumento correto, era 'hitElement'. Copia el codigo de nuevo.
  11. We don't accept requests here. Pay someone to do them for you or learn to script.
  12. The problem has been solved.
  13. No se puede usar un 'else' sin un 'if', y tu 'if' ya lo habias cerrado. warehouse_door2b = createObject ( 3037, 834.19921875, -2067.8994140625, 14.10000038147, 0, 0, 90 ) warehouse_door2b2 = createObject ( 3037, 839, -2067.8994140625, 14.10000038147, 0, 0, 90 ) MarkerOpen = createMarker ( 836.90002441406, -2064.6999511719, 12.89999961853, "corona",10, 127, 127, 127, 0 ) MarkerClose = createMarker ( 835.70001220703, -2070.6000976563, 12.89999961853,"corona",10, 127, 127, 127, 0 ) function abrir ( hitElement ) if ( getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( hitElement ) ) == "Elite" ) then moveObject ( warehouse_door2b, 3037, 834.20001220703, -2067.8999023438, 9.6000003814697 ) moveObject ( warehouse_door2b2, 3037, 839, -2067.8999023438, 9.6000003814697 ) outputChatBox ( "Bienvenido " .. getPlayerName ( hitElement ).." a la base Elite", hitElement ) else outputChatBox ( "Acceso Denegado. Usted no es una fuerza Elite. Contacta a GhostRiden", hitElement ) end end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", MarkerOpen, abrir ) function cerrar ( hitElement ) if ( getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( hitElement ) ) == "Elite" ) then moveObject ( warehouse_door2b, 3037, 834.19921875, -2067.8994140625, 14.10000038147 ) moveObject ( warehouse_door2b2, 3037, 839, -2067.8994140625, 14.10000038147 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", MarkerClose, cerrar )
  14. dbConnect dbExec dbQuery dbPoll dbFree These are the MySQL functions, click on each one and read the syntax. They all have examples.
  15. That is because you put: guiEditSetMaxLenght Instead of: guiEditSetMaxLength
  16. function carColor ( thePlayer ) local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( thePlayer ) if ( playerTeam ) then setVehicleColor ( source, getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", root, carColor )
  17. So, you expect us to guess what your problem is? tell us what is wrong with it.
  18. Has to be something on your side, because I just copied your client script and worked.
  19. addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', button, function ( ) setElementPosition ( localPlayer, 1679.3029785156, 1446.3712158203, 11.043098449707 ) outputChatBox ( "Button clicked" ) end ) See what it outputs to chat.
  20. Ok, I uploaded it with the function: getLevelData, you can find what it does here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:Exp_system
  21. Well, I'm using the new version and works perfectly.
  22. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ils&id=298 Podes usar ese que no esta restringido a los Admines nada mas.
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