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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    Connect COL?

    You can set one to be the parent of the other. setElementParent
  2. Con eso me refería al resource de ccw, btw Debes crear el shader, luego reemplazarlo por la textura del nuevo scope. dxCreateShader dxCreateTexture dxSetShaderValue engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture Como es que no lo entendes? con la tecla num_8 mostras la lista de las texturas visibles, con la 'k' copias la textura seleccionada, con num_7 y num_9 vas a la siguiente y anterior textura.
  3. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Sh ... ture_names
  4. Es porque hiciste la misma pregunta que yo.
  5. http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6571 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=7728 As you can see, it has been suggested.
  6. Well, that was just an example, I'm sure you can make it scroll down, the same way it scrolls up.
  7. Nobody here is going to give you leaked scripts.
  8. Parece lindo, la animacion es muy interesante. Igual hay algo que deberias cambiar, vi que necesitas ir de nuevo al login para que te diga el error por el cual no te dejo registrarte ( las contraseñas no coinciden, y esos errores ), esto todo deberia estar en la pantalla de registro, porque es bastante cansador tener que volver a la pantalla de login para ver el error.
  9. You got a extra dot at line 14. And I believe you made a typo when you put guiSetPosition instead of guiSetSize?
  10. Yeah, like the wanted star icon, the skull, etc.
  11. I don't think anybody has to right to forbid you from selling your work, since you spent your time scripting it.
  12. You could replace some of the icon objects.
  13. Post what you have tried, so we can help you find your problem.
  14. Castillo

    Vehicle aim

    It was either: "misc_a", "misc_d" or "misc_b".
  15. Castillo

    Money help

    function createGroupForPlayer (playersource,command,...) local teamName = table.concat({...}, " ") local money = getPlayerMoney(playersource) if not isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(playersource)) and getElementData(playersource,"gang") == "None" then if teamName then if ( money < 5000 ) then outputChatBox ("#FFFFFFYou don't have enough money to create a group! [Kill more zombies]",playersource,27, 89, 224,true) return end if not isGangExisting (teamName) then addGang (teamName,getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(playersource))) setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(playersource),"gangslots",12) takePlayerMoney(playersource, 5000) outputChatBox ("#FFFFFFYou successfully created your group with the name of: "..teamName..".",playersource,27, 89, 224,true) else outputChatBox ("#FFFFFFThere is a group with this name already!",playersource,27, 89, 224,true) end else outputChatBox ("#FFFFFFSyntax is /creategroup !",playersource,27, 89, 224,true) end else outputChatBox ("#FFFFFFYou are in a group already!",playersource,27, 89, 224,true) end end addCommandHandler("creategroup",createGroupForPlayer)
  16. Castillo

    Money help

    And how did it "break"? btw, you have to put takePlayerMoney after you make the gang, else there might be a group with that name, and the player loses the money anyway.
  17. Castillo

    Money help

    Post what you have tried.
  18. Castillo

    Money help

    getPlayerMoney takePlayerMoney
  19. outputChatBox ( "Money ".. getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) ..": ".. tostring ( money ) )
  20. I don't know if there is one in the MTA community, you might aswell search. You can also make it yourself, using the following things: Functions: downloadFile engineLoadTXD engineImportTXD engineLoadDFF engineReplaceModel Event: onClientFileDownloadComplete
  21. Castillo


    I don't know if it's "worth", but there's no point if you are just going to use it once.
  22. Well, if you don't tell us which game mode is it, how can we even try to help you? every game mode is built differently.
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