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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Castillo

    Need Help

    Inside the resource, there is a file called "moditems.xml", simply put all the prices on 0.
  2. What for? you can cancel onClientPlayerDamage event.
  3. Well, of course not, because 'thePlayer' will be destroyed once the player leaves the server, so setElementData will stop working.
  4. You should consider using dxDrawImage instead of GUI, since it should be more efficient.
  5. I don't mean to be a dick but, it'd be nice if you could edit the descriptions to prove they're yours. I just want to remove my resource, that's all. My resource is not useful, please remove it. Yes, but we need to know if you are the owner of the resources, so, what we ask is to edit the resource description to "DELETE".
  6. We don't give support with leaked scripts. Topic locked.
  7. You mean that the column doesn't appear?
  8. Obviamente, eso es todo client side, solo lo vera el jugador que use el comando.
  9. Castillo


    I don't get it, why are you triggering the event to show the staff using the onPlayerChat event?
  10. Why do you even use that resource? MTA has two functions which can do this: downloadFile fetchRemote I used fetchRemote, then I replaced it with downloadFile which is a lot easier to use.
  11. You can store the vehicles in a table.
  12. I found this piece of code in "players/main.lua": function createCharacter( player, name, skin ) if player and p[ player ].userID then if exports.sql:query_assoc_single( "SELECT characterID FROM characters WHERE characterName = '%s'", name ) then triggerClientEvent( player, "players:characterCreationResult", player, 1 ) elseif exports.sql:query_free( "INSERT INTO characters (characterName, userID, x, y, z, interior, dimension, skin, rotation) VALUES ('%s', " .. p[ player ].userID .. ", -1984.5, 138, 27.7, 0, 0, " .. tonumber( skin ) .. ", 270)", name ) then updateCharacters( player ) triggerClientEvent( player, "players:characterCreationResult", player, 0 ) exports.server:message( "%C04[" .. getID( player ) .. "]%C %B" .. p[ player ].username .. "%B created character %B" .. name .. "%B." ) return true end end return false end -1984.5, 138, 27.7 That should be the position, try changing it.
  13. The error is here: if ( not isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. getPlayerAccount(Pl), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) ) then You aren't obtaining his account name, just the account userdata, you have to use getAccountName: if ( not isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( Pl ) ), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) ) then
  14. I think you could use the timestamp.
  15. Castillo

    ACL access

    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ac ... istObjects
  16. "inClientGUIClick" such event does not exist. And you have a function to create GUI code without a event handler. Why do you even have two set of GUI code anyway?
  17. It was a leaked game mode, that's why the link was removed and the topic locked.
  18. Use the following functions to get the players in a team: getTeamFromName getPlayersInTeam And then use the table returned by getPlayersInTeam instead of getElementsByType ( "player" ).
  19. Castillo


    Esto lo haces con las siguientes funciones: dxDrawRectangle dxDrawText
  20. Isn't that what the debugscript pretty much does?
  21. Fijate en el meta.xml del recurso, seguro lo especificaste como un script client side, y no server side.
  22. It's the same way, just put the skin model instead of the vehicle model. Example: If you want to replace Claude Speed skin, change '502' to '299'.
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