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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Lo que yo uso es lo siguiente: local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) -- Obtenemos la resolucion del jugador local x, y = 50, 156 -- Posicion para el texto local rx, ry = 1366, 768 -- Posicion en la cual se diseña el texto ( en mi caso, mi resolucion 1366*768 ) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, function ( ) dxDrawText ( ( x / rx ) * sx, ( y / ry ) * sy, argumentos restantes... ) end )
  2. Or you can minimize the game and play Super Mario Bros.
  3. If I'm correct, it uses MTA SQLite functions, which means the data is stored in "registry.db".
  4. Castillo

    Zombie proof

    I'm not sure if you read the code correctly: he's trying to SET element data to a TABLE, not store a TABLE into element data.
  5. Castillo

    Zombie proof

    That's the same thing...
  6. Castillo

    Zombie proof

    You are trying to set a element data value to a table, that won't work, setElementData is used on events.
  7. Castillo


    Since DayZ is compiled, and I don't know if there is a list of functions available to use, I'm afraid I can't help you, someone who has the source code of DayZ must know.
  8. This makes absolutely no sense. None of the variables are defined, event handlers are wrong.
  9. Any error in debugscript?
  10. Aqui no te ayudaremos a copiar/robar scripts de otros servidores. Tema cerrado.
  11. Castillo


    Are you talking about DayZ game mode?
  12. Do you have the server side part?
  13. That's highly inefficient, it's going to lag the server.
  14. Do you mean only load a TXD and not the DFF of the model you are replacing? if so, then yes, I don't see why not.
  15. It's not meant for slow PCs, obviously. And I guess the server which uses it, the owner should put a way to enable/disable it, for these with slow PCs. @Sam@ke: Good job, I'll check it out later.
  16. No, since mutes have no expiration by default, you have to use timers to achieve this. Then you can get the time left by using getTimerDetails.
  17. VirtualBox is really slow. I'm currently using VMware Workstation and it works flawesly.
  18. That's because getPlayerWantedLevel when used client side, it only returns the wanted level of the local player.
  19. What is the error? and in which line of the code?
  20. Castillo

    time jail

    You are creating timers every render, that's really inefficient, and useless. What are you trying to do?
  21. You mean that it adds a single player multiple times?
  22. Entonces directamente borra los numeros, ya que en realidad, no son necesarios.
  23. local bodyParts = { 3="Torso", 4="Culo", 5="Brazo izquierdo", 6="Brazo derecho", 7="Pierna izquierda", 8="Pierna derecha", 9="Cabeza", } Te faltan los brackets delante y atras de los numeros.
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