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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. No, digo cual es el problema con el codigo que posteaste.
  2. function checkveh ( ) for _, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) ) do if ( getElementModel ( v ) == 415 ) then if ( getVehicleUpgradeOnSlot ( v, 2 ) ~= 1003 ) then addVehicleUpgrade ( v, 1003 ) outputChatBox ( "ADDING UPGRADE" ) else outputChatBox ( "UPGRADE ALREADY ON SLOT" ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, checkveh ) Use that and see what it outputs to the chat box.
  3. Castillo

    help script

    Copy the code again, there was a problem on the "warpMe" function.
  4. I made this long ago, you can edit your script and include mine: http://www.mediafire.com/download/lqq6g ... nsaver.zip
  5. To look just one vehicle, then you have to check if the vehicle the player is trying to enter is the one you want.
  6. Where did you get that script from? I doubt that it's yours.
  7. getAccountData is a server side only function. local emblems = getElementData ( localPlayer, "Emblems" ) if emblems and fileExists ( ":experience/".. emblems ) then size = dxGetFontHeight((0.7/1366)*sWidth, "bankgothic") dxDrawImage((557/1024)*sWidth, (745/768)*sHeight, size, size, ":experience/".. emblems ) end
  8. Use: showPlayerHudComponent the component name is: "area_name".
  9. function avatarLogin ( player, login, pass ) local query = dbQuery ( db,"SELECT * FROM `avatar` WHERE `name` = ?", login ) local result, num_affected_rows, errmsg = dbPoll ( query, -1 ) for i, id in ipairs ( result ) do for column, val in pairs ( id ) do -- Here, you had to use "pairs" because the table is not indexed. server.log ( val [ column ] ) end end end
  10. Where are you getting these ID's from?
  11. If you put it client side, then all peds shouldn't be able to be killed.
  12. "g_Players" is not defined anywhere, if you're trying to use it outside race, then that's the problem, "g_Players" must be defined somewhere else on the race script, replace it with: getElementsByType ( "player" ).
  13. This script isn't yours at all, you've copied it from another topic.
  14. Ese codigo no es todo su script, osea que si las tiene definidas. @Chaz: Cual es el problema?
  15. Pone /debugscript 3 en el chat y fijate si sale algun error.
  16. Castillo

    help script

    I don't know what you changed, but something is wrong, so I modified a clean copy of fr_server.lua. g_Root = getRootElement() g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) g_PlayerData = {} g_VehicleData = {} local chatTime = {} local lastChatMessage = {} g_ArmedVehicles = { [425] = true, [447] = true, [520] = true, [430] = true, [464] = true, [432] = true } g_Trailers = { [606] = true, [607] = true, [610] = true, [590] = true, [569] = true, [611] = true, [584] = true, [608] = true, [435] = true, [450] = true, [591] = true } g_RPCFunctions = { addPedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, addVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, fadeVehiclePassengersCamera = true, fixVehicle = { option = 'repair', descr = 'Repairing vehicles' }, giveMeVehicles = { option = 'createvehicle', descr = 'Creating vehicles' }, giveMeWeapon = { option = 'weapons.enabled', descr = 'Getting weapons' }, givePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Getting a jetpack' }, killPed = { option = 'kill', descr = 'Killing yourself' }, removePedClothes = { option = 'clothes', descr = 'Modifying clothes' }, removePedFromVehicle = true, removePedJetPack = { option = 'jetpack', descr = 'Removing a jetpack' }, removeVehicleUpgrade = { option = 'upgrades', descr = 'Adding/removing upgrades' }, setElementAlpha = { option = 'alpha', descr = 'Changing your alpha' }, setElementPosition = true, setElementInterior = true, setMyGameSpeed = { option = 'gamespeed.enabled', descr = 'Setting game speed' }, setMySkin = { option = 'setskin', descr = 'Setting skin' }, setPedAnimation = { option = 'anim', descr = 'Setting an animation' }, setPedFightingStyle = { option = 'setstyle', descr = 'Setting fighting style' }, setPedGravity = { option = 'gravity.enabled', descr = 'Setting gravity' }, setPedStat = { option = 'stats', descr = 'Changing stats' }, setTime = { option = 'time.set', descr = 'Changing time' }, setTimeFrozen = { option = 'time.freeze', descr = 'Freezing time' }, setVehicleColor = true, setVehicleHeadLightColor = true, setVehicleOverrideLights = { option = 'lights', descr = 'Forcing lights' }, setVehiclePaintjob = { option = 'paintjob', descr = 'Applying paintjobs' }, setVehicleRotation = true, setWeather = { option = 'weather', descr = 'Setting weather' }, spawnMe = true, warpMe = { option = 'warp', descr = 'Warping' } } g_OptionDefaults = { alpha = true, anim = true, clothes = true, createvehicle = true, gamespeed = { enabled = true, min = 0.0, max = 3 }, gravity = { enabled = true, min = 0, max = 0.1 }, jetpack = true, kill = true, lights = true, paintjob = true, repair = true, setskin = true, setstyle = true, spawnmaponstart = true, spawnmapondeath = true, stats = true, time = { set = true, freeze = true }, upgrades = true, warp = true, weapons = { enabled = true, vehiclesenabled = true, disallowed = {} }, weather = true, welcometextonstart = true, vehicles = { maxidletime = 60000, idleexplode = true, maxperplayer = 2, disallowed = {} } } function getOption(optionName) local option = get(optionName:gsub('%.', '/')) if option then if option == 'true' then option = true elseif option == 'false' then option = false end return option end option = g_OptionDefaults for i,part in ipairs(optionName:split('.')) do option = option[part] end return option end addEventHandler('onResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() table.each(getElementsByType('player'), joinHandler) end ) function joinHandler(player) if not player then player = source end local r, g, b = math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) g_PlayerData[player] = { vehicles = {} } g_PlayerData[player].blip = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b) if g_FrozenTime then clientCall(player, 'setTimeFrozen', true, g_FrozenTime[1], g_FrozenTime[2], g_FrozenWeather) end if getOption('welcometextonstart') then outputChatBox('Welcome to Freeroam', player, 0, 255, 0) outputChatBox('Press F1 to show/hide controls', player, 0, 255, 0) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', g_Root, joinHandler) addEvent('onLoadedAtClient', true) addEventHandler('onLoadedAtClient', g_ResRoot, function(player) if getOption('spawnmaponstart') and isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showWelcomeMap') end end, false ) addEventHandler('onPlayerWasted', g_Root, function() if not getOption('spawnmapondeath') then return end local player = source setTimer( function() if isPedDead(player) then clientCall(player, 'showMap') end end, 2000, 1 ) end ) addEvent('onClothesInit', true) addEventHandler('onClothesInit', g_Root, function() local result = {} local texture, model -- get all clothes result.allClothes = {} local typeGroup, index for type=0,17 do typeGroup = {'group', type = type, name = getClothesTypeName(type), children = {}} table.insert(result.allClothes, typeGroup) index = 0 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) while texture do table.insert(typeGroup.children, {id = index, texture = texture, model = model}) index = index + 1 texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex(type, index) end end -- get current player clothes { type = {texture=texture, model=model} } result.playerClothes = {} for type=0,17 do texture, model = getPedClothes(source, type) if texture then result.playerClothes[type] = {texture = texture, model = model} end end triggerClientEvent(source, 'onClientClothesInit', source, result) end ) addEvent('onPlayerGravInit', true) addEventHandler('onPlayerGravInit', g_Root, function() triggerClientEvent('onClientPlayerGravInit', source, getPedGravity(source)) end ) function setMySkin(skinid) if isPedDead(source) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) if isPedTerminated(source) then x = 0 y = 0 z = 3 end local r = getPedRotation(source) local interior = getElementInterior(source) spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, r, skinid) setElementInterior(source, interior) setCameraInterior(source, interior) else setElementModel(source, skinid) setElementHealth(source, 100) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end function spawnMe(x, y, z) if not x then x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) end if isPedTerminated(source) then repeat until spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, math.random(9, 288)) else spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, 0, getPedSkin(source)) end setCameraTarget(source, source) setCameraInterior(source, getElementInterior(source)) end function warpStatus (
  17. You can do this: -- global: local names = { [ "Infernus" ] = "Lamborghini", [ "Bullet" ] = "Ford GT", } name = getVehicleName (getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)) local name = ( names [ name ] and names [ name ] or name )
  18. Castillo

    help script

    You must have removed something wrong.
  19. Cancela el evento de onClientPlayerDamage y lo seras.
  20. Proba con este: http://pastebin.com/W8EtvSvh
  21. Castillo

    help script

    Rather remove it, what's the point of having useless code.
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